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Messrs. John Stewart Bryan & Frederic W. Scott,

Joint and Alternate Chairmen,

University of Virginia Centennial Endowment Fund.


a - Original Organization

The original organization of the Centennial Endowment
Fund was effected at the home of John Stewart Bryan, "Laburnum",
at a meeting, on June 19, 1920, by representatives
of the Board of Visitors, Faculty and Alumni of the University
of Virginia. At this meeting, Messrs. John Stewart Bryan and
Frederic W. Scott were elected Joint and Alternate Chairmen,
and Armistead M. Dobie, Executive Director.

b - Preliminary Summer Work

From July 12th to July 15th, I spent at the University,
studying the standard plans used by other Universities in
raising Endowment Funds, in securing the necessary preliminary
information, and in having prepared card catalogues of the
University of Virginia Alumni. Before the opening of the
Richmond Headquarters, the services of Mr. Chas. A. McKeand
were secured as Executive Secretary, and Mr. Chas. S. Trimmer
as Publicity Director. The Publicity office was located at the
University. The cordial co-operation was secured at the University
of Mr. Lewis D. Crenshaw, Alumni Secretary, and Mr. Wm.
Matthews, Assistant Alumni Secretary, and Prof. J. L. Newcomb,
Chairman of the Centennial Celebration Committee.

c - Richmond Headquarters

Early in October, the general headquarters were established
in Richmond, at 920 1/2 East Main Street, in an office graciously
donated, without charge, by Bryan Brothers. The office
contained furniture, so that a very small outlay was necessary
to begin work. The personnel of the office at first consisted
of Armistead M. Dobie, and Mrs. Rosalie M. Noland, who, throughout
the entire Campaign, acted as Secretary to the Executive

d- National & Executive Committees

An Executive Committee of eleven men was designated,
of which the Executive officers of the Fund, with the exception


of Mr. Trimmer, were all members. A. National Committee
of sixty was selected, consisting of distinguished men in all
walks of life, from various sections of the Country. It was
impossible ever to call the Exectuve Commiteee together, however,
and the National Committee had no executive functions,
as a Committee.

e - Regional and Local Chairmen

The United States was divided into forth-three Regions, and
a Regional Chairman was secured for each Region. A chairman
for the Army, and one for the Navy, brought the number of
Regional Chairmen up to forty-five. Under the Regional
Chairmen, Local Chairmen were appointed, the Local Chairmen
numbering One Hundred Sixty.

f.- Depositary and Treasurer

The Virginia Trust Company of Richmond, Virginia was designated
as Depositary of the Fund, during the period of its
collection, under the special direction of Mr. Chas. Watkins,
Bond Officer of this Company. Senator Carter Glass graciously
consented to act as Centenial Treasurer of the Fund, with the
understanding that he would not be expected to give much
active service.


a - Thanksgiving Meeting at the University

On Thanksgiving Day, the Executive officers, the Regional
Chairmen, and a few representative Local Chairmen gathered at
the University on the occasion of the Virginia-Carolina Foot Ball
Game. A pilgrimage was made around the University, and the
President of the University, and the Deans of the various departments
made brief statements on the ground of the imminent
needs of the University.

b - Date of Beginning Solicitation of Subscriptions.

The original plan contemplated the beginning of solicitation
of subscriptions on January 3rd. The economic condition
of the United States, however, in the judgment of the Executive
officers, necessitated the postponement until March 7th, at
which time the active solicitation of subscriptions began.


c - Christmas Alumni Meetings

December 28th was designated, by Dr. Hugh Young,
President of the Alumni Association, as University of Virginia
Night, and meetings on this date, were held all over the United
States. Wherever it was practical, these meetings were addressed
by representatives of the Fund, and by members of the
Faculty of the University of Virginia. Wide spread local
publicity was, of course, given to each meeting, and student
representatives brought to each meeting, greetings from the
President of the University.

d - Slow Start

In spite of the postponement, which gave Local and
Regional Chairmen two additional months for preparation,
the movement was slow in getting under way, and great difficulty
was experienced in getting Local and Regional Chairmen to do
much active solicitation, during the early periods of the
movement. The start was, accordingly, far from hopeful.

e - Traveling

While trips were made to various places by President
Alderman, the Faculty, of the University of Virginia, and
by John Stewart Bryan, a systematic effort was made by
Messrs. Dobie and McKeand to visit personally every Regional
Chairman east of the Rockies, and every important city from
Texas to Massachusetts. Messrs. Dobie and McKeand actually
visited forty-seven cities, from Boston to San Antonio, and
from Chicago to Jacksonville, Florida. In may of these places,
addresses were made before Alumni gatherings, and every effort
was made to stimulate Alumni energy and enthusiasm.

f - Student Subscriptions

It was decided to make a whirlwind campaign of the Student
Body, for the purpose of raising funds for the erection of a
new Gymnasium. This Student Campaign was staged in mid-winter,
to avoid any conflict with the examination period. The movement
proved a splended success, over $140,000. being raised, and
it is believed that this was the finest bit of idealism in the
entire movement. Too much credit cannot be given to the Student
Body for their splended service and sacrifice.

g - Executive Director in New York City.

On the eve of the commencement of solicitation, conditions
were such in New York City, that it was decided to send the


Executive Director there for an extended period, and from
the end of February, until the early part of April the
Executive Director remained in New York City, organizing the
movement there, and actively engaging in the solicitation
of subscriptions. For nearly a month, President Alderman also
stayed in New York City, giving himself unreservedly to the
work of the Endowment Fund. It is believed that this was a
wise movement, and the results seemed to justify the rather
unusual procedure of having the Executive Director absent from
headquarters for so long a time.

h - Literature

The Alumni News, for eight months, was especially
edited in the cause of the Endowment Fund, and was sent,
at the expense of the Fund, to every living alumnus. A
major pamphlet was prepared with attractive illustrations
      and charts, and these too were sent to every alumnus. Copies
were sent to prospective donors, and a supply furnished each
Local and Regional Chairman. Departmental Pamphlets, dealing
with the needs of each department of the University of Virginia,
were sent to each alumnus, and each Chairman, and a
carefully prepared pamphlet, showing the distinguished service
of the University alumni to the State and Nation was also
sent to each alumnus, and prospective donors.

In addition, a standard plan of organization was prepared,
and a Canvasser's Hand Book. These were sent to all workers,
and to Chairmen, in quantities. Periodic bulletins, five in
number, were also sent to all Chairmen.

i - Publicity

An elaborate publicity department was organized, at the
University, under the direction of Mr. Chas. S. Trimmer, who
always had the loyal co-operation of Mr. Grenshaw and Mr.
Matthews. From October 1st, 1920 to June 8th 1921, over 5000
clippings about the University of Virginia, representing more
than 1,500 columns of newspaper space, appeared in National
publications. While this work was done in the immediate needs
of the Centennial Endowment Fund, it is believed that untold
good was accomplished for the future of the University of
Virginia. For the first time in its history, an experienced
publicity man gave his whole time to this work. The publicity
office rendered yeomen's service, too, in preparing the various
pamphlets, which were sent out to alumni.

j - Moving Picture and Posters

Mr. Lewis D. Crenshaw directed the making of a four-reel
moving picture entitled "The Shadow of the Founder", dealing
with the life history of the University of Virginia, and its
present day activities. The technical work on this picture


and the photography were splendidly done by Mr. Otto Gilmore
of New York City. This film was shown in all the large towns
in Virginia, in New York City, and other strategic points in
the East. The cordial reception given to it everywhere proved
its genuine worth. It is to be regretted that this picture
was not completed until May.

Mr. Duncan Smith, a loyal alumnus of New York, painted
two attractive posters, one for the Endowment Fund, and one
for the Celebration. These were given wide circulation over
the country, and were posted in railroad stations of the principal
railroads, operating through Virginia.

k - Money Raised

President Alderman, at the Centennial Celebration, announced
that the round sum of $1,300,000. had been raised as a result
of the Campaign. He also announced the $200,000 gift of Mr.
Paul G. McIntire, to endow a school of Commerce and Finance.
Through this was not technically a gift to the Fund, it practically
made an even Million and a Half Dollars.

The progress of the Fund is indicated by the following
figures at various stages of the work:

April 12th  $ 694,804.54 
May 9th  808,208,90 
May 30th  1,074,990.82 

A quota was assigned to each Regional District, but no
quota was assigned to the Army or Navy, or to the Student Body.
The only districts that raised their quotas were the Charlottesville
District, under the able direction of Mr. Allen Perkins,
and the District, comprising the States of New Mexico, Nevade,
Utah and Arizona, under Mr. Herndon Norris of Prescott,
Arizona. The largest actual sum, of course, was raised in
New York. The Richmond District and the Norfolk District were
practically tiedfor the second place, at the time of the

The most discouraging results were naturally reached
in the far Southern States, due to the acute economic crisis
prevailing in that section.

On July 9, 1921, actual subscriptions amounted to  $1,272.725.25 
Subscriptions reported but not sent in  31,605.00 
Total  1,304.330.25 

This total of actual subscriptions amount to 1,272,725.25
was contributed as follows:


Carnegie Foundation  $ 100,000 
General Education Board  100,000 
2203 Alumni Subscriptions  525,730.84 
798 Non-alumni Subscriptions  402,614.14 
1489 Student Subscriptions  144,380.27 
$ 1,272,725.25 
Average Alumnus subscription  $238.64 
Average Non-Alumnus subscription  504.53 
Average Student subscription  96.96 

l - Cash and Securities in Banks

At the time of this report, July 9th., 1921, cash and
securities, as follows, were held by the designated banks.


1.  National State and City Bank (Cash Balance)  $ 16,630.50 
2.  Virginia Trust Co. 
Cash balance  $80,349.09 
Securities  41,450.00 
$ 121,799.09  $121,799.09 
1.  Peoples National Bank 
Charlottesville Subscriptions 
Cash  $ 11,602.28 
Liberty Bonds  3,485.00 
Student Subscriptions 
Cash  3,597.00 
Liberty Bonds  800.00 
19,484.28  19,484.28 
2.  National Bank of Charlottesville  2,501.00 
3.  Farmers and Merchants Bank  715.00 
4.  Commerce National Bank  1,590.00 
TOTAL  $ 162,719.87 

The Cash balances in the Richmond Banks draw 3% interest

The balances in the Charlottesville Banks draw no interest.

These balances in the Charbttesville banks include only
the amounts deposited by W. A. Perkins, Regional Chairman. These
balances do not include any amounts collected by these banks
on the subscription blanks turned over to the banks by A. M.
Dobie, Executive Director.



a - Executive Direction of Fund

The Richmond Headquarters were closed July 9th, at which
date the executive direction of the Fund passed to the Alumni
Secretary's Office. A sum, not exceeding $10,000, was appropriated
from the Fund for the purpose of financing the Alumni
Office, in order that it might properly carry on this work.
I have strongly recommended that Mrs. Noland be employed in
the Alumni Office, for the purpose of carrying on the work of
the Fund, with which she is, or course, absolutely familiar.

b - Collection of Subscriptions

The Student subscriptions and the Charlottesville subscriptions
were distributed among the four Charlottesville Banks
for collection. These banks agreed to perform this service without
cost to the Fund. All other subscriptions were turned
over to the Virginia Trust Company, Depositary of the Fund,
which also agreed to collect these subscriptions without cost
to the University.


a - Salaries

The largest salary, $200. a week, was paid to Mr. Chas.
A. McKeand, from October 15th to May 31st. The Executive Director
received from the Endowment Fund the salary of $208.66 a
month. The remainder of his University salary was paid by
the University. From July 12th to September 15th, while the preliminary
work was being done at the University, the Executive
Director received no salary whatever from the Endowment Fund,
paying even his own living expenses. Mr. Trimmer received
a salary of $145.00 a week. Mrs. Noland received $125. a month.
Mr. Trimmer found it necessary to employ one regular stenographer
at $100. a month, subsequently reduced to $90., and both at the
University and in Richmond, it was necessary, at times, to
employ extra stenographic assistance.

b- Classification of Richmond Expenses

Expenses of running the Richmond Office, exclusive of
the salaries of Messrs. Dobie and McKeand, and Mrs. Noland,
amounted to $15,373.25. These expenses can be classified as



1. Extra Salaries (chiefly for Stenographers)  $ 314.66 
2. Printing, Stationery and Sundries  4,806.38 
3. Publicity (including Moving Picture)  5,673.31 
4. Telegraph, Telephone, Postage, Express, Freight  701.52 
5. Traveling Expenses (chiefly Dobie & McKeand)  2,667.82 
6. Expenses incurred by local and regional chairmen  1,168.56 
7. Rent of typewriters and typewriter supplies  41.00 
$ 15,373.25 

In connection with these expenses, and the same is true
of those paid by Mr. Carruthers, it was frequently impossible
to draw a line between the Endowment Fund and the Centennial
Celebration, and some of the expenses paid under the Endowment
Fund Account, (for example, the Centennial Celebration Posters),
might well have been charged to the Centennial Celebration.
As both these expenses were paid out of the Fund, this becomes
merely a question of bookkeeping.

c - Expenses Paid by the Bursar

According to a statement furnished by E.I. Carruthers,
Bursar, he paid out from his office, on account of the Centennial
Endowment Fund account, the sum of $28,508.38.

The expenses can be classified as follows:

1. Salaries  $17,000.00 
2. Expenses incurred by Trimmer as Publicity
3. Traveling Expenses of Faculty Speakers  175.00 
4. Expenses of Student Campaign  175.00 
5. Expenses of Thanksgiving meeting  150.00 
$ 28,508.38 

d - General Observations

At first blush, the publicity expenses may seem rather
large and out of proportion. Every effort was made to keep
these down, however, and attention is called to the fact of the
great good effected for the University, apart from the
raising of the Endowment Fund. Owing to the generosity of
Bryan Brothers of Richmond, office expenses and office equipment
was reduced to a minimum.

It is believed further that no college movement of this
magnitude has ever been conducted with so small an office force.