University of Virginia Library

i - Publicity

An elaborate publicity department was organized, at the
University, under the direction of Mr. Chas. S. Trimmer, who
always had the loyal co-operation of Mr. Grenshaw and Mr.
Matthews. From October 1st, 1920 to June 8th 1921, over 5000
clippings about the University of Virginia, representing more
than 1,500 columns of newspaper space, appeared in National
publications. While this work was done in the immediate needs
of the Centennial Endowment Fund, it is believed that untold
good was accomplished for the future of the University of
Virginia. For the first time in its history, an experienced
publicity man gave his whole time to this work. The publicity
office rendered yeomen's service, too, in preparing the various
pamphlets, which were sent out to alumni.