University of Virginia Library


a - Original Organization

The original organization of the Centennial Endowment
Fund was effected at the home of John Stewart Bryan, "Laburnum",
at a meeting, on June 19, 1920, by representatives
of the Board of Visitors, Faculty and Alumni of the University
of Virginia. At this meeting, Messrs. John Stewart Bryan and
Frederic W. Scott were elected Joint and Alternate Chairmen,
and Armistead M. Dobie, Executive Director.

b - Preliminary Summer Work

From July 12th to July 15th, I spent at the University,
studying the standard plans used by other Universities in
raising Endowment Funds, in securing the necessary preliminary
information, and in having prepared card catalogues of the
University of Virginia Alumni. Before the opening of the
Richmond Headquarters, the services of Mr. Chas. A. McKeand
were secured as Executive Secretary, and Mr. Chas. S. Trimmer
as Publicity Director. The Publicity office was located at the
University. The cordial co-operation was secured at the University
of Mr. Lewis D. Crenshaw, Alumni Secretary, and Mr. Wm.
Matthews, Assistant Alumni Secretary, and Prof. J. L. Newcomb,
Chairman of the Centennial Celebration Committee.

c - Richmond Headquarters

Early in October, the general headquarters were established
in Richmond, at 920 1/2 East Main Street, in an office graciously
donated, without charge, by Bryan Brothers. The office
contained furniture, so that a very small outlay was necessary
to begin work. The personnel of the office at first consisted
of Armistead M. Dobie, and Mrs. Rosalie M. Noland, who, throughout
the entire Campaign, acted as Secretary to the Executive

d- National & Executive Committees

An Executive Committee of eleven men was designated,
of which the Executive officers of the Fund, with the exception


of Mr. Trimmer, were all members. A. National Committee
of sixty was selected, consisting of distinguished men in all
walks of life, from various sections of the Country. It was
impossible ever to call the Exectuve Commiteee together, however,
and the National Committee had no executive functions,
as a Committee.

e - Regional and Local Chairmen

The United States was divided into forth-three Regions, and
a Regional Chairman was secured for each Region. A chairman
for the Army, and one for the Navy, brought the number of
Regional Chairmen up to forty-five. Under the Regional
Chairmen, Local Chairmen were appointed, the Local Chairmen
numbering One Hundred Sixty.

f.- Depositary and Treasurer

The Virginia Trust Company of Richmond, Virginia was designated
as Depositary of the Fund, during the period of its
collection, under the special direction of Mr. Chas. Watkins,
Bond Officer of this Company. Senator Carter Glass graciously
consented to act as Centenial Treasurer of the Fund, with the
understanding that he would not be expected to give much
active service.