University of Virginia Library


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The following minute copies of the first page of The Sun, New York
and New York Tribune, are specimens of the finest typography ever
executed. They are exact miniature re-productions of the matter contained on
the first pages of these papers on the dates given, and are printed from stereotype
plates on a cylinder press. Although the letters are so small as scarce
to be deciphered by the naked eye, yet a strong magnifying glass will
reveal the perfect readable type. Of the Sun, we have selected the issue
of September 4th, 1872, to present in this form, for the reason that it contains
the first developments of the “Credit Mobilier Frauds,” which the
Sun was the first to throw “a ray of light upon.” Of the New York Observer,
an exact fac-simile in type and matter of the first number, issued
May 17, 1823, is placed in juxtaposition to the paper of 1873, showing the
change in the form and size of the paper since its foundation 50 years ago.

The editor of the Petalumna (Cal.) Crescent makes his annual report as

“The various banks, insurance companies, etc., have made their annual
reports, the editor begs leave to present to the public the following as his
operations during the last six months:


Been asked to drink  11,303 
Drank  1,396 
Requested to retract  416 
Didn't retract  416 
Invited to parties, receptions, etc., by parties fishing for puffs  3,333 
Took the hint  33 
Didn't take the hint  3,300 
Threatened to be whippped  174 
Been whipped 
Whipped the other fellow 
Been promised bottles of champagne, whisky, gin, bitters, boxes
of cigars, etc., if we would go after them 
Been after them 
Going again 
Been asked “What's the news?”  200,000 
Lied about it  199,999 
Been to Church 
Changed politics  33 
Expect to change still  33 
Cash on hand  $00 
Gave for charity  $00 
Gave for a terrier dog  $23 
Swore off bad habits  722 
Shall swear off this year  703 
Number of bad habits 


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