University of Virginia Library


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Some rich scenes occur in taking the Census under
the late law of the State of New York for that purpose.
The following, from an eye witness, is one:

"Is the head of the family at home?" asks the inquiring

"Here's the devil with his book again for the d'rectry,"
shouts a junior of the family to the maternal head
above stairs, who presently appears. "Is it the heads
of the family ye want sure; but last week ye wanted
our name for ye d'rectry an' now ye want our heads?
A free country this, sure, when one's head is not safe.
Be off, and bad luck to ye and all like ye." After
some explanations, the questions in order are asked.

"Who is the head of the family?"

"Ann Phelim, yer honor, the same in ould Ireland
for ever."

"How many Males in this family?"

"Three males a day with prateys for dinner an"—

"But how many Men and Boys?"

"Och, why there's the ould man an' the boy and
three children who died five years ago, heaven rest
their dear souls, the swatest jewils that iver"—

"But how many are now living?"

"Meself, and me daughter Judy, ye see them, and
a jewil of a girl she is indeed."

"But have you no males in your family?"

`Sorra the one; the ould man works hard by the day,


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and Patrick is not at home at all, but to his males and
his bed."

"How many are subject to Military duty?"

"Niver a one; Patrick and the ould man belong to
the Immits, and sure finer looking soldiers were niver
born: did ye not see him when the old Gineral was
buried? 'twould have made your heart beat to see two
such fine lookin' gintale well-behaved boys."

"How many are entitled to vote?"

"Why the ould man and meself and Judy, and warn't
it we that bate the Natives an' the Whigs an' all, an'
elicted ould General Jackson over 'im all. Sorra the
day when he died and disappointed us all, for a fine
man he was."

"How many coloured persons in your family?"

"Nagers, did you name Nagers? Out man, an'
don't be insultin' me. Out wid ye, and niver ask for
me senses agin—don't ask about me senses—whither I
have nagers in the family? Yer out of yer senses, yerself,
begone and don't bother me."