University of Virginia Library


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I will now begin to sigh, read poets, look pale, go neatly, and be
most apparently in love.


I SHOULD not be surprised if we should have
another brace of turtles at the Hall, for Master
Simon has informed me, in great confidence, that
he suspects the general of some design upon the
susceptible heart of Lady Lillycraft. I have,
indeed, noticed a growing attention and courtesy
in the veteran toward her ladyship: he
softens very much in her company; sits by her
at table, and entertains her with long stories
about Seringapatam, and pleasant anecdotes of
the Mulligatawney Club. I have even seen him
present her with a full blown rose from the hot-house,
in a style of the most captivating gallantry;


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and it was accepted with great suavity and
graciousness; for her ladyship delights in receiving
the homage and attention of the sex.

Indeed, the general was one of the earliest admirers
that dangled in her train during her short
reign of beauty; and they flirted together for half
a season in London, some thirty or forty years
since. She reminded him lately, in the course
of conversation about former days, of the time
when he used to ride a white horse in Hyde
Park, and to canter so gallantly by the side of
her carriage; whereupon I have remarked that
the veteran has regularly escorted her since,
when she rides out on horseback, and I suspect
he almost persuades himself that he makes
as captivating an appearance as in his youthful

It would be an amusing event in the history
of faithful love, if this spark of the tender
passion, after lying dormant such a length of
time, should again be fanned into a flame from
among the ashes of two burnt out hearts. It
may, however, be nothing but a little venerable


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flirtation, the general being a veteran dangler,
and the good lady habituated to these kind of
attentions. Master Simon, however, thinks the
general, now that he is growing old, is desirous
of getting into warm winter quarters, and I
doubt whether the former, with all his admiration
of the veteran, would be pleased at his
winning the lady; as he looks upon Lady Lillycraft's
house as one of his strong holds.

Among other symptoms that look suspicious,
I have observed that the general has lately been
very assiduous in his attentions to her ladyship's
dogs; and has several times exposed his fingers
to imminent jeopardy in attempting to pat Beauty
on the head. It is to be hoped his advances
to the mistress will be more favourably received,
as all his overtures toward a caress are greeted
by the pestilent little cur with a wary kindling
of the eye and a most venomous growl.

He has moreover been very complaisant toward
my lady's gentlewoman, the immaculate
Mrs. Hannah, whom he used to speak of in a
way that I do not choose to mention. Whether


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she has the same suspicions with Master Simon
or not I cannot say, but she receives his
civilities with no better grace than the implacable
Beauty; unscrewing her mouth into the
most acid smile, and looking as though she
could bite a piece out of him. In short, the
poor general seems to have as formidable foes
to contend with as a hero of ancient fairy tale;
who had to fight his way to his enchanted princess
through ferocious monsters of every kind;
and to encounter the brimstone terrors of some
fiery dragon.

There is still another circumstance which inclines
me to give very considerable credit to
Master Simon's suspicions. Lady Lillycraft is
very fond of quoting poetry, and the conversation
often turns upon it; on which occasions
the general is thrown completely out. It happened
the other day that Spenser's Fairy Queen
was the theme, for the great part of the morning;
and the poor general sat perfectly silent.
I found him not long after in the library, with
spectacles on nose, a book in his hand, and


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fast asleep. On my approach he awoke, slipped
the spectacles into his pocket, and began to
read very attentively. After a little while he
put a piece of paper in the place and laid the
volume aside, which I perceived was the Fairy
Queen. I had the curiosity to watch how he
got on in his poetical studies; but, though I have
repeatedly seen him with the book in his hand,
yet I find the paper has not advanced above
three or four pages; the general being extremely
apt to fall asleep when he reads.