University of Virginia Library




Believe me man, there is no greater blisse
Than is the quiet joy of loving wife;
Which whoso wants, half of himselfe doth misse,
Friend without change, play-fellow without strife,
Food without fulnesse, counsaile without strife,
Is this sweet doubling of our single life.

Sir P. Sidney.

It is a great pity that plays and novels should
always end at the wedding, and should not give
us another act, and another volume, to let us
know how the hero and heroine conducted themselves
when married. Their main object seems
to be to instruct young ladies how to get husbands;
but not how to keep them; now, this last,
it appears to me, is a desideratum in modern
married life. It is appalling to those who have
not yet ventured into the state to see how soon
the flame of romantic love burns out, or is quench


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ed in matrimony; and the passionate poetic lover,
declines into the phlegmatic prosaic husband.
I am inclined to attribute this very much
to the defect I have just mentioned in the plays
and novels which form the principal study of our
young ladies; and which teach them how to be
heroines, but leave them totally at a loss when
they come to be wives. I have lately, however,
met with an exception to this practice, in an old
writer, who has bravely attempted to support
dramatic interest in favour of a woman even after
she was married! I was looking over an
album of the fair Julia's, when I found a series
of poetical extracts in the Squire's handwriting,
which might have been intended as matrimonial
advice to his ward. I was so much struck with
the beauty of several of them, that I took the
liberty of making a copy. They are from the
old play of “The City Nightcap,”[1] in which is
drawn out and exemplified, in the part of Abstemia,
a character of a patient and faithful wife;


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which I think might vie with that of the renowned
Griselda; though I fear it would stand almost
as little chance of being adopted as a model.

The following is a commendation of her to
her husband Lorenzo:

She's modest, but not sullen, and loves silence,
Not that she wants apt words, (for when she speaks,
She inflames love with wonder,) but because
She calls wise silence the soul's harmony.
She's truly chaste; yet such a foe to coyness,
The poorest call her courteous; and which is excellent,
(Though fair and young,) she shuns to expose herself
To the opinion of strange eyes. She either seldom
Or never walks abroad but in your company;
And then with such sweet bashfulness, as if
She were venturing on crack'd ice, and takes delight
To step into the print your foot hath made,
And will follow you whole fields: so she will drive
Tediousness out of time with her sweet character.

Notwithstanding all this excellence, Abstemia
has the misfortune to incur the unmerited jealousy
of her husband. Instead, however, of resenting
his harsh treatment with clamorous upbraidings,
and the stormy violence of high windy
virtue, by which the sparks of anger are so often
blown into a flame; she endures it with the
meekness of conscious but patient virtue, and


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makes a beautiful appeal to a friend who has
witnessed her long suffering:

—Hast thou not seen me
Bear all his injuries, as the ocean suffers
The angry bark to plough thorough her bosom,
And yet is presently so smooth, the eye
Cannot perceive where the wide wound was made.

Lorenzo, being wrought on by false representations,
at length repudiates her. To the last,
however, she maintains her patient sweetness;
and her love for him in spite of his cruelty. She
deplores his error even more than his unkindness,
and laments the delusion which has turned his
very affection into a source of bitterness. There
is a moving pathos in her parting address to Lorenzo
after their divorce:

— Farewell Lorenzo
Whom my soul doth love; if you e'er marry
May you meet a good wife, so good, that you
May not suspect her, nor may she be worthy
Of your suspicion: and if you hear hereafter
That I am dead, inquire but my last words,
And you shall know that to the last I lov'd you.
And when you walk forth with your second choice,
Into the pleasant fields, and by chance talk of me,
Imagine that you see me lean and pale,


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Strewing your path with flowers.—
But may she never live to pay my debts: (weeps)
If but in thought she wrong you, may she die
In the conception of the injury.
Pray make me wealthy with one kiss; farewell, sir:
Let it not grieve you when you shall remember
That I was innocent: nor this forget,
Though innocence here suffer, sigh, and groan,
She walks but thorow thorns to find a throne.

In a short time Lorenzo discovers his error;
and the innocence of his injured wife. In the
transports of his repentance he calls to mind all
her feminine excellence, her gentle, uncomplaining,
womanly fortitude under wrongs and sorrows:

—Oh Abstemia!
How lovely thou lookest now! now thou appearest
Chaster than is the morning's modesty,
That rises with a blush, over whose bosom
The western wind creeps softly; now I remember,
How, when she sat at table, her obedient eye
Would dwell on mine, as if it were not well,
Unless it looked when I looked: oh how proud
She was, when she could cross herself to please me!
But where now is this fair soul? Like a silver cloud
She hath wept herself, I fear, into the dead sea,
And will be found no more.

It is but doing right by the reader, if interested
in the fate of Abstemia, by the preceding


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extracts, to say that she was restored to the
arms and affections of her husband, rendered
fonder than ever, by that disposition in every
good heart to atone for past injustice, by an
overflowing measure of returning kindness:

The wealth worth more than kingdoms; I am now
Confirmed past all suspicion, thou art far
Sweeter in thy sincere truth, than a sacrifice
Decked up for death with garlands. The Indian winds
That blow from off the coast, and cheer the sailor
With the sweet savour of their spices, want
The delight flows in thee.

I have been more affected and interested by
this little dramatic picture, than by many a
popular love tale; though, as I said before, I do
not think it likely either Abstemia or patient
Grizzle stand much chance of being taken for
a model. Still I like to see poetry now and then
extending its views beyond the wedding day, and
teaching a lady how to make herself attractive
even after marriage.

There is no great need of enforcing on an unmarried
lady the necessity of being agreeable;


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nor is there any great art requisite in a youthful
beauty to enable her to please. Nature has multiplied
attractions round her—youth is in itself
attractive. The freshness of budding beauty
needs no foreign aid to set it off; it pleases merely
because it is fresh, and budding, and beautiful.
But it is for the married state that a woman
needs the most instruction, and in which she
should be most on her guard to maintain her
powers of pleasing. No woman can expect
to be to her husband all that he fancied her,
when he was a lover. Men are always doomed
to be duped, not so much by the arts of the sex,
as by their own imaginations. They are always
wooing goddesses, and marrying mere mortals.
A woman should therefore ascertain what was
the charm that rendered her so fascinating when
a girl, and endeavour to keep it up when she has
become a wife. One great thing undoubtedly
was the chairness of herself and her conduct,
which an unmarried female always observes.
She should maintain the same niceness and reserve


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in her person and habits, and endeavour
still to preserve a freshness and virgin delicacy
in the eye of her husband. She should remember
that the province of woman is to be wooed,
not to woo—to be caressed, not to caress. Man
is an ungrateful being in love; bounty loses instead
of winning him. The secret of a woman's
power does not consist so much in giving, as in
withholding. A woman may give up too much
even to her husband. It is to a thousand little
delicacies of conduct that she must trust to keep
alive passion, and to protect herself from that
dangerous familiarity, that thorough acquaintance
with every weakness and imperfection incident
to matrimony. By these means she may still
maintain her power, though she has surrendered
her person; and may continue the romance of
love, even beyond the honey moon.

“She that hath a wise husband,” says Jeremy
Taylor, “must entice him to an eternal dearnesse
by the veil of modesty, and the grave robes
of chastity, the ornament of meeknesse, and the


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jewels of faith and charity. She must have no
painting but blushings; her brightness must be
purity, and she must shine round about with
sweetnesses and friendship, and she shall be
pleasant while she lives, and desired when she

I have wandered into a rambling series of remarks
on a trite subject, and a dangerous one for
a bachelor to meddle with. That I may not,
however, appear to confine my observations entirely
to the wife, I will conclude with another
quotation from Jeremy Taylor, in which the
duties of both parties are mentioned, while I
would recommend his sermon on the marriage
ring to all those who, wiser than myself, are
about entering the happy state of wedlock.

“There is scarce any matter of duty but it
concerns them both alike, and is only distinguished
by names, and hath its variety by circumstances
and little accidents; and what in one is
called love, in the other is called reverence; and
what in the wife is obedience, the same in the


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man is duty. He provides, and she dispenses;
he gives commandments, and she rules by them;
he rules her by authority, and she rules him by
love; she ought by all means to please him, and
he must by no means displease her.”


By Thomas Davenport, 1661.