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Student Union Building Estimated Net Revenue Available for Debt Service for $585,000 General Obligation Bonds


Student Union Building
Estimated Net Revenue Available for Debt Service
for $585,000 General Obligation Bonds

1983-84 thru 1996-97  1997-98 thru 1999-2000  2000-2001 thru 2002-2003 
Estimated Revenues: 
Game Room  12,000  12,000  12,000 
*Student Building Fee  120,300  121,500  122,700 
Total Estimated Revenue  132,300  133,500  134,700 
Estimated Operating Expenses: 
Salaries and Wages  9,000  9,000  9,000 
Heat, Light, Power, Water, Sewer  36,800  36,800  36,800 
Insurance and Retirement  4,000  4,000  4,000 
Routine Maintenance Charged Direct  4,000  4,000  4,000 
Allocation Portion of Physical Plant Cost  1,200  1,200  1,200 
Total Estimated Operating Expenses  55,000  55,000  55,000 
ESTIMATED NET REVENUE  77,300  78,500  79,700 
* Student Building Fee (Regular students X 120 + summer session headcount X $15)  (950 X 120 + 420 X 15)  (960 X 120 + 420 X 15)  (970 X 120 + 420 X 15)