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  • Mr. Philip D. Blackwood as Instructor in Mathematics, for one semester, effective January 16, 1983.
  • Dr. Jose M. Bonnin as Instructor in Pathology and Ophthalmology, for one year, effective July 1, 1983.
  • Mr. Curtis J. Haymore as Lecturer in Planning, School of Architecture, for one semester, effective January 16, 1983.
  • Ms. Clare T. Hemenway as Instructor in Mathematics, for one semester, effective January 16, 1983.
  • Mr. J. Rodney Johnson as Visiting Professor of Law, for one semester, effective January 16, 1983.
  • Mr. George Loper as Instructor in Sociology, for one semester, effective January 16, 1983.
  • Mr. LaDelle Olion as Lecturer in Education, for one semester, effective January 16, 1983.
  • Mr. E. Burke Rochford, Jr. as Assistant Professor of Sociology, for one semester, effective January 16, 1983.
  • Mr. Carl F. Steinitz as Lecturer in Landscape Architecture, for one month, effective November 1, 1982.
  • Mr. Ibrahim J. Wani as Instructor in Afro-American and African Studies, for one semester, effective January 16, 1983.

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  • Mr. John F. Yancey as Instructor in Computer Science, School of Engineering and Applied Science, for one semester, effective January 16, 1983.