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The President reported that an agreement had been reached with the Hedgerow Corporation for an exchange of land bordering on the University's Birdwood property. Under the terms of this agreement, the Hedgerow Corporation will convey 11.684 acres to the University in exchange for the University's payment of $13,891.50 and three parcels in Birdwood aggregating 14.879 acres. The University will also grant the Hedgerow Corporation and its principals, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Heyward, the right to make one six-inch connection to the water main that the University will cause to be laid in Birdwood. The City of Charlottesville will be paid for the water used by Hedgerow Corporation and the Heywards, and the University will be reimbursed for any pumping costs. Also, in connection with this transaction, Mr. and Mrs. Heyward anticipate giving the University a parcel of land at the corner of Deerpath and Canterbury Roads at the juncture of the Bellair Subdivision and the Birdwood tract.

The following resolution was adopted:

  • RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the President or Comptroller be and either of them is, with the consent of the Governor first obtained, hereby authorized to pay $13,891.50 and to convey to the Hedgerow Corporation three parcels of land in the University's Birdwood tract aggregating 14.879 acres in exchange for conveyance by the Hedgerow Corporation to the University of an 11.684 acre tract of land near the University's Birdwood tract;
  • RESOLVED FURTHER that such officers are authorized to enter into an agreement with the Hedgerow Corporation and Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Heyward for a connection to the University's water main to be laid in the Birdwood tract, any such agreement to be subject to the approval of the University's Special Counsel.