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CDXLIV. Jane Dickenson. Petition to the Governor and Council March 30, 1624

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CDXLIV. Jane Dickenson. Petition to the Governor and Council
March 30, 1624

Manuscript Records Virginia Company, III, pt. ii, p. 61a
Document in Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.
List of Records No. 655
To the honoble right Worll etc. the Gouernor and Counsell of Estate in

The humble Petition of Jane Dickenson Widdowe

[28] Most humblie sheweth that whereas her late husband Ralph Dicken-
son Came our into this Cuntry fower Yeares since, obliged to Nicholas
Hide deceased for ye tearme of seauen yeares, hee only to haue for him-
selfe & yor petitioner ye one halfe of his labors, her said husband being
slaine in the bloudy Masacre, & her selfe Caried away wth the Cruell
saluages, amongst them Enduring much misery for teen monthes At the
Exspiration it pleased God so to dispose the hartes of the Indians, yt for a
small ransome yor petitioner wth diuers others should be released, In Con-
sideration that Doctor Potts laid out two pound of beades for her release-
ment, hee alleageth yor petioner is linked to his seruitude wth a towefold
Chaine the one for her late husbandℯ obligation & thother for her ransome,
of both wch shee hopeth that in Conscience shee ought to be discharged,
of ye first by her widdowhood, of the second by the law of nations, Con-
sidering shee hath already serued teen months, tow much for two pound
of beadℯ

The p̢mises notwthstanding Dr Pott refuseth to sett yor peticioner at liberty,
threatning to make him serue her the vttermost day, vnlℯ shee p̳cure him
150li waight of Tobacco, shee therfore most humbly desiereth, that you
wilbe pleased to take wt Course shalbe thought iust for her releasement
fro' his seruitude, Considering that it much differeth not from her slauery
wth the Indians, & yor peticioner shalbe bound to pray etc

See the Court holden March the 30th 1624