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CDI. George Jemison. Petition to Governor Wyatt October 11, 1623

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CDI. George Jemison. Petition to Governor Wyatt
October 11, 1623

Manuscript Records Virginia Company, III, pt. ii, p. 60
Document in Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.
List of Records No. 572
To the right Worll͠ Sr Francis Wyatt knight Gouernor and Captaine generall of Virginia.

The humble petĩon of George Jemison

17 Most humbly sheweth vnto yor good Worp: that whereas yor petioner
& Mr vnder god of ye good shipp called the Enerell, hath been Complained
of by his compa to yor worp. for ye wrongfull detaining of ther wages so it
is yt yor petition9 wthout order fro' the Honer is not to pay them any wages
here in virginia but yt they are to receaue ye same in Midleborough fro'
whence the barke was sett out further sheweing that my Compa Contrarie
to marine discipline haue mutyned & opposed themselues against me, &
neglecting to doe ther true seruice for ye good of ye owner. For in ye
Ryu9 of Jsekip vpon ye Coast of Guyanay being aboard one Martin Tiffe a
Flushinger, they had all plotted to leaue me & forsake the Barke, as vnder
ther handes in wrighting shall appeare, further I demanded of them, yt if
I Could victuall the Barke, whether they would returne wth me to Carie
the Barke home for Midleborough, they told mee they would not aduen-
ture to goe in her, nether would they goe wth me to seeke out or Admirall,
but that they would returne in ye first English shipp, that came for that
Coast wthout my leaue or Consent, and also after wee came into this Bay
diuers of my Company have forsaken the Barke & hired out themselues,


therin refuseing to doe the owner seruice, & one of ye compa named Alluin
Daniell hath conueyed his chest out of the Barke wthout my priuity or
Consent, & John ye Dutchman did tell me in the p̢sence of mr Daniell, yt
I were best to sell ye Barke for yt shee was old & would be eaten vp wth
wormes and one of ye compā told me before mr pewentis yt they would
serue me no longer, but had rather loose ther wages, but if I should pay
them ther wages here, & be Charged therwth by the owner at my returne,
would be to my vtter vndoeing notwthstanding let them giue me good
securitie to defend me from ye owner & they shall haue it paid them here,
for so long time they haue done ye owner seruice. The Consideration of
the p̢misses I leaue to yor Worps: Juditious censure & shall pray etc.

See ye Court Holden the Eleuenth of October 1623