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Required for Admission to the Department.—A candidate for admission
to the Department of Graduate Studies must have a baccalaureate degree
from a recognized institution of collegiate rank; or, in case the institution
he attended does not confer such a degree, he must present a certificate of
graduation in a course of study accepted by the Academic Faculty as fully
equivalent to that ordinarily required for the degree in question.

Required for Admission as Applicant for a Degree.—In order to be
recognized as an applicant for a Master's or Doctor's degree, any candidate
who has not received a baccalaureate degree from this university must
secure from the Registrar of the University a blank form, which, when properly
filled out, he must file with the Dean of this department, together with
a catalogue of the institution from which he graduated. If that institution
has (1) a faculty of at least six professors giving their full time to college
or university work; (2) entrance requirements equal to those of this university,
and (3) a course of four full years in the liberal arts and sciences,
the candidate will not be required to take any undergraduate courses except
such as the Committee on Rules and Courses or the professors in charge of
the graduate courses he elects may consider necessary for their successful
prosecution. If, however, the institution in question does not meet the
three conditions mentioned above, the candidate's preparation will be carefully
considered by the Committee on Rules and Courses, which will prescribe
such undergraduate courses as are deemed necessary to supply his