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Page 67




Page 68
Abbreviations  23 
Advanced Grade Certificate  19 
Agriculture  23, 23, 25 
Art  26 
Astronomy  25 
Biology  26, 27 
Board and Room  13 
Camp Fire Girls  37 
Certificate Courses  17, 18, 19, 20 
Certificate Regulations for Virginia Teachers (Note)  15 
Certificate Regulations for non-Virginians  15 
Chemistry  27, 28 
Commercial Courses  29, 30 
Daily Assembly  11 
Demonstration Classes  37 
Drawing  30, 31 
Education  31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 
Engineering  37 
English  37, 38, 39, 40, 41 
Entertainments and Lectures  11 
Examinations (final)  14, 15 
Excursions  11 
Explanation of Numbers and Credit  23 
Fees for Virginia Teachers  13 
Fees for non-Virginia Students  14 
Field Botany  27 
Fourth of July Pageant  12 
French  41, 42 
Geography  42 
German  43 
Grammar Grade Certificate  18 
High School Grade Certificate  19, 20 
History  43, 44 
Household Arts  45, 46, 47 
International Law and Politics  47, 48 
Latin  48, 49 
Library  10 
Library Economy  49, 50 
Location  10 
Manual Arts  50, 51, 52 
Mathematics  52, 53, 54 
Medical Fee and Attendance  14 
Military Training  54 
Music  54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 
Organ Recitals  11 
Philosophy  59 
Physical Education  59, 60 
Physics  61 
Political Science  47, 61 
Primary Grade Certificate  18 
Principals' Meeting  37 
Psychology  32, 62 
Railway Rates  11 
Reception of Students  12 
Red Cross Courses  62 
Registration  14, 15 
Regulations Concerning Credit  15, 16, 17 
Rest and Study Rooms  10 
Round Table Conferences  37 
Rural Life Week  12 
Schedule Midway School  22 
Schedule of Courses  65, 66 
Sociology  62, 63 
Spanish  63 
State Examinations  20, 21 
Story Telling  64 
Students' Mail  15 
Summer School News  12 
Sunday Vesper Services  11 
Teachers' Positions  14 
Time and Place of Recitation  14 
Tutoring School  64 
Vacation School  37 
Writing  64 
Y. W. C. A. Club  12