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Padraic Colum

The following are addenda to Alan Denson's checklist "Padraic Colum: An Appreciation with a Check-List of His Publications" that appeared in the (new) Dublin Magazine 6.1 (1967), 50-67. I have listed other unrecorded pieces by Colum in the 1996 SB article cited above and in "Contributions to the Canon and Text of Padraic Colum's Writings," PBSA 94.1 (Mar. 2000), 49-79.

"The President of the Irish Republic," Freeman 1 (16 June 1920), 326-327. Letter on Eamonn de Valera.

"The Hornet's Nest," Freeman 1 (4 Aug. 1920), 496. Poem; reprinted with revisions as "Hornets" in his Creatures (1927; see my "Contributions," pp. 51-52).

"The Perjurer," Freeman 2 (6 Oct. 1920), 86-87. Letter on David Lloyd George.

"A Latter-Day Mediævalist," Freeman 2 (5 Jan. 1921), 404-405. Review of Domnei, by James Branch Cabell.

"The Wild Ass," Measure 1 (Mar. 1921), 3. Poem; the opening item of the periodical; no subsequent revisions found.

"The Poetry of Mr. Conrad Aiken," Freeman 3 (13 Apr. 1921), 117-118. Review of Aiken's The House of Dust and Punch: The Immortal Liar.

"Three Young Poets," Measure 2 (Apr. 1921), 21-22. Review of Poems, by Haniel Long, Young Girl, by Hildegarde Flanner, and In American, by J. V. A. Weaver.

"Waste and Illusion," Freeman 3 (11 May 1921), 212-213. Review of Satan the Master: A Philosophic War Trilogy, by Vernon Lee.

"The Old Toy-Booth," Measure 3 (May 1921), 6-7. Poem; reprinted with revisions in Colum's Dramatic Legends and Other Poems (1922) as "Reminiscence IV" (pp. 35-37).

"Poetry and Publicity," Measure 3 (May 1921), 23-24.

[Review of The Cairn of Stars, by Francis Carlin (i.e. James Francis Carlin MacDonnell)], Measure 5 (July 1921), 21-22.

"For an Extension of the Poetry Movement," Measure 6 (Aug. 1921), 15-17.

"A World in High Visibility," Freeman 4 (14 Sept. 1921), 18-19. Review of Legends, by Amy Lowell.


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"Miss Millay's Poems," Freeman 4 (2 Nov. 1921), 189-190. Review of Second April and A Few Figs from Thistles: Poems and Four Sonnets, by Edna St. Vincent Millay.

"Irish Poets," Measure 9 (Nov. 1921), 17-18. Review of Irish Poets Today: An Anthology, compiled by L. D. V. Walters.

"Looking Towards Parnassus," Freeman 4 (7 Dec. 1921), 307-308. Review of Two Mothers, by John G. Neihardt, and A Canopic Jar, by Leonora Speyer.

"The Art of the Pantomimist," Freeman 4 (1 Mar. 1922), 595. Review of Blood of Things and Plays for Merry Andrews, by Alfred Kreymborg.

"Japanese Artistry," Freeman 5 (22 Mar. 1922), 43-44. Review of Selected Poems and Hiroshigue, by Yone Noguchi.

"In the Carolina Woods (To Dr. E. C. L. Adams)," Measure 13 (Mar. 1922), 5. Poem; reprinted with revisions in Dramatic Legends and Other Poems (1922), which also omits the dedication to Dr. E[dward]. C. L. Adams, later the author of Congaree Sketches: Scenes from Negro Life (1927).

"Moby Dick as an Epic: A Note," Measure 13 (Mar. 1922), 16-18. Includes Melville's second footnote to chapter 42 presented as a free-verse poem entitled "The Albatross."

"The Poetry of Edward Thomas," Measure 15 (May 1922), 15-17. Review of Collected Poems of Edward Thomas.

"Out of Lost Cities," Freeman 5 (28 June 1922), 367-368. Essay on translations of The Thousand and One Nights.

"The Poor Girl's Meditation," Measure 18 (Aug. 1922), 11. Poem; reprinted in Dramatic Legends and Other Poems (1922); reprinted with revisions in Colum's Poems (1932).

"The Mabinogion," Freeman 6 (3 Jan. 1923), 393-394. Essay.

"The Situation in Ireland," Freeman 6 (3 Jan. 1923), 402-403. Letter about A. J. Reilly's view of the British in Ireland; response by Reilly on 31 Jan. (p. 498).

"Heroic Poetry—The Wrath of Achilleus," Measure 25 (Mar. 1923), 17-19. Review of The Wrath of Achilleus Translated from The Iliad, by George Ernie.

"Kerry Nursing Song," Measure 30 (Aug. 1923), 9. Poem; no reprintings found of this 24-line poem ("Len the Smith—he lives below . . . Look, my dear, the cranes are flying!").

"Naturalism and Fantasy," Measure 30 (Aug. 1923), 15-17. Review of For Eager Lovers, by Genevieve Jaggard.

"A Visit to Madame Pele," Freeman 8 (19 Sept. 1923), 36. Story; not the same as "The Fire-Goddess" in Colum's Legends of Hawaii (1937), which is likewise about the volcano "Pe-le."

"The Log of a 'Forty-Niner," Freeman 8 (19 Dec. 1923), 357-358. Review of The Log of a 'Forty-Niner, by Richard L. Hale.

"Plovers," Measure 35 (Jan. 1924), 5. Poem; subsequently revised from nine lines to three four-line stanzas.


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"Robert Frost's New Book," Measure 35 (Jan. 1924), 13-15. Review of New Hampshire, a Poem with Notes and Grace Notes, by Robert Frost.

"A Chinese Story Teller," Freeman 8 (27 Feb. 1924), 597-598. Review of The Wallet of Kai Lung, by Ernest Bramah.

"The Burial of Saint Brendan," Measure 50 (Apr. 1925), 10-14. Poem; fourteen-stanza version revised to nine stanzas for Colum's Poems (1932), Collected Poems (1953), and The Poet's Circuits (1960).

"Louise Townsend Nicholl: An Appreciation," Measure 53 (July 1925), 17-18.