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Page 294

APPENDIX Synopsis of the Publishing History of Critical Observations

Date   Vol. 1   Vol. 2   Vol. 3   Vol. 4   Notes  
Number I  1776  1-97 
Number II  1777  99-198[2] 
Number III  1778  201-272  1-22  "Vol. II" in direction line of 1-22. 199-272 ends in mid-article. 
Number IV  1779  273-336  23-104(?) (or 23-52)  "Vol. II" in direction line of 23104. 273-336 commences in midarticle. Possible installment 23-52 would end mid-sentence. 
Number V  1780  337-356  105(?)-126 (or 53-126)  "Vol. I" in direction line of 337356, "Vol. II" of 105-126. Possible installment 53-126 would start mid-sentence. 
Number VI  1781  127-219  "Vol. II" in direction line. 
Number VII  1782  221-318  "Vol. II" in direction line. 
Number VIII  1783  319-449[1]  "Vol. II" in direction line. A general title-page for vol. 2 issued with this number. 
Discourse on the Abuse of the Talent of Disputation . . .  1784  1-36  "Vol. III" in direction line. Published by Berry of Norwich. Retrospectively treated as the first part of "Number IX" but apparently issued in 1784 with no sort of covering page referring to CO.  


Page 295
Number IX  [1785]  i-xv, 1-88  Not dated. "Vol. IV" in direction line. Intended to incorporate the previous Discourse. Title page outlines contents of vols 3 and 4. The "Preface,"' i-xv, a late addition, responding to Priestley's Importance and Extent.  
Appendix to the fourth volume  [1787]  1-128   Not dated. "APPENDIX TO VOL. FOUR" used as a running title. No title page. A response to Priestley's Letters . . . Part III.  
Appendix to vol. III  1788  1-93[1 "APPENDIX TO VOL. THREE" used as a running title. An astronomical tool designed to assist readers with the main part of this volume. 
Illustrations of the appendix to volume three  1791  95-269[1 "APPENDIX TO VOL. THREE" used as a running title. 
Number X  1795  89-198  "Vol. IV" in direction line. 
Number XI  1800  37-162  "Vol. III" in direction line. 
Number XII  1805  163-296  "Vol. III" in direction line. 
Illustrations of . . . the . . . four volumes  1805(?)  129-152   "Vol. IV" in direction line. Relates only to nos. X and XI. Referred to in XIII. Probably issued with XII. 
Number XIII  1807  297-430  "Vol. III" in direction line. Announces further "Illustrations," apparently never published.