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For some people books themselves are invisible, and the power of literature resides in the ideas and images which transcend the material that contains them. For Fleeman the bibliographer, however, books embody physically the effort to get things right, to see ideas through to the point at which they communicate, and from the chain lines and the press marks, to the imprint or the cancels, they tell a human story. Fleeman's uneasiness with "pure" literary criticism is partly a distaste for things that float free (like the yearnings of Lamartine), and a conviction that, as Pope said, "when we are confined to truth, we soon find the shortness of our tether." This Johnsonian belief that what is right and true is not mysterious, ideal, or distant, but is embedded in the present and tangible, means that its recovery is both a practical and ethical challenge.


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Difficulty is the moral warrant of truth, and it is difficult because self-deception, human frailty and circumstance will always offer an easier path into conjecture. Bibliography, with its actualizing of literary endeavour, engages with fact, not opinion. For Fleeman one is either a Platonist or an Aristotelian, an idealist or an analyst. He distrusts the secret and the subjective. Certainly the truth can be lured from its hiding place, but once recovered it must be demonstrable and submit itself to general acceptance. Private truth is a contradiction in terms; a truth that only one person can see is madness. So at the heart of the matter is a very Johnsonian combination—a preparedness to play and "argue for victory" alongside a passionate conviction about the actuality of truth. Fleeman's strength of feeling on this matter comes through in an early essay on "Johnson and the Truth" (1962), where he approvingly opens with a quotation from the life of Cowley: "the basis of all excellence is truth." His footnote significantly adds: "My italics."

Before gaining his Oxford fellowship Fleeman had already published four papers on Johnson, and the earliest of these exemplifies his concern for the processes of Johnson's thought. "Some Proofs of Johnson's Prefaces to the Poets" (The Library, 1962) demonstrates the great man's solicitude and attention to minutiae at the proof stage, and also his consideration for his printer. Fleeman reveals how "the restrictions of time and space . . . stimulated his critical faculties to acute and incisive activity" as Johnson reworked ideas sometimes through the smallest stylistic emendations. In an appendix, along with a checklist of the surviving proofs of the Prefaces, Fleeman offers a full tabular analysis of the many kinds of proof-changes under various headings, a fascinating record of Johnson's sustained commitment to stylistic accuracy, to getting things right. This detailed work on Johnson's proofs convinced him that beneath the public image of the confident critical dictator was the scrupulous craftsman and conscientious refiner of language, and the article set him off on a lifelong exploration of the dynamics of the Johnsonian text, its creation, revisal, printing, and distribution.

The most enjoyable of the early papers on Johnson is "The Making of Johnson's Life of Savage, 1744" (The Library, 1967), a highly satisfying blend of detection and reasoned conjecture which exemplifies bibliography's forensic role in tackling a literary mystery. After demonstrating bibliographically that the Life was printed in two parts, he relates the final part (of forty-eight pages) to those "forty-eight printed pages" that Johnson told Boswell had been written "at a sitting." An examination of Johnson's marginalia in the Glasgow University Library copy suggests that the hurried rewriting may have been the result of new material from a Popean source, but "whether he obliged Johnson to


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remove explicit references to himself, or whether he supplied new information cannot yet be known." The article ends with the intriguing possibility that there may somewhere survive a copy containing the first version of those forty-eight pages, Johnson's earliest account of Savage's latter days.

In his R.E.S. note (1968) on Johnson's Prayers and Meditations he gives the results of a close re-examination of the Pembroke College manuscripts. From beneath George Strahan's heavy obliterations he is able to recover a considerable number of new readings, and although the censored details are unremarkable, the very anti-climax of the conclusion has a vindicatory ring to it: "References to doubts, scruples, uncertainties, and perplexities of mind and to melancholy (μχ) are the targets of Strahan's Indian Ink; those who seek sensational disclosures need not look for them in Johnson's papers." Reminiscent of Johnson striding into the cave to dispel Boswell's delicious mystery, Fleeman relishes making conjecture face up to the empirical evidence, wittily substituting for the abstract word "disapproval" the all-too-tangible "Indian Ink."

In fact, a subtext of much of Fleeman's scholarship is his distinction between the practical bibliographer and the over-sensitive "litterateur." This term appeared in his 1969 review of Papers Read at a Clark Library Seminar, in which he responded to Edmund Wilson's slight on Fredson Bowers as a "monomaniac bibliographer." In making that comment, says Fleeman, Wilson reveals himself as someone "for whom 'literature' is a self-evident phenomenon, whose sensibilities are sufficient to define it." Bibliographers are needed, he continues, to remind such people that "the translation from inspiration to publication is a far from simple matter. . . . A text is not a stable entity but rather needs interpretation through an understanding of the ways in which it came into existence and that those ways are less than finely metaphysical and too often grossly physical." A critic who disowns bibliography is placing literature on a Platonic plane, cutting it free of its incarnation as a series of human processes. For Fleeman "literature" is inseparable from the act of giving physical form to an idea: "It is too easy" he concludes, "for the litterateur to dismiss the bibliographer because he occasionally wants to spell 'literature' as 'books.'"

It was an exciting moment for Fleeman the booklover when, in the Spring of 1963, he discovered William Bowyer's ledgers in the Grolier Club of New York. While searching with Gabriel Austin for general information on eighteenth-century printing practices, he came across the seven volumes which had lain forgotten since their purchase in 1929 and immediately saw their significance. Having reported his findings


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in the Times Literary Supplement, he demonstrated in a 1964 article on Somervile's The Chace how the progress of a particular edition could be traced through Bowyer's printing accounts.

Fleeman's tireless efforts to track down every surviving item of Johnsoniana have led to a number of very useful reference volumes that should be on any self-respecting Johnsonian's shelf. The earliest of these was partly the result of his travels around American libraries and especially of his work on the Hyde Collection; modestly entitled A Preliminary Handlist of Documents & Manuscripts of Samuel Johnson (1967), it consists of 265 items and includes documents bearing Johnson's autograph annotations or endorsements. A companion volume listing 285 copies of "books associated with Dr. Samuel Johnson" appeared in 1984. His substantial C.B.E.L. entry for "Samuel Johnson" (1971) is a significant contribution to Johnsonian bibliography and offers some further helpful lists, including works dedicated to Johnson, his contributions to others' books, his periodical writings, and his many "proposals." In 1975 Fleeman published a facsimile edition of the sale catalogue of Johnson's library (reproduced from the annotated Harvard copy), adding an introduction, and providing an index of authors, titles and purchasers, along with a census of all known copies, some not identified in the catalogue. In the same year his article "The Revenue of a Writer" brought together all the available information on Johnson's literary earnings during his career, and made good use of William Strahan's bank account to present a striking picture of the financial realities behind the man of letters. In 1985 he published a detailed list of thirty-one prospectuses and proposals in which Johnson was concerned, and in the 1993 volume of Studies in Bibliography he and Donald Eddy offered a further "preliminary handlist" of the many books to which Johnson subscribed. Taken together, these bibliographic publications provide a wealth of Johnsonian knowledge that eighteenth-century scholars can be grateful for.

For Fleeman all bibliographies are in a sense "preliminary," all knowledge finally tentative. In his 1984 "Valediction" he offered the sobering remark that, thanks to the increasing refinement of analytical techniques, "every modern critical edition is obsolescent on the day of publication:"

The more we examine the business, the more we find that this emphasis upon the singularity of the origin of a text, with its consequential concern to eliminate all other contaminations, not least those of the printer, lies open to question.


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Johnson himself had second, third, and even further thoughts, and he frequently acquiesced in the intrusions of others (as with John Nichols's interventions in the Lives of the Poets): "By what means are such intrusions to be identified? Are they to be eliminated? or should we not leave them as our author did?" These are the questions of a committed pragmatist.

One of Fleeman's strengths as an editor is his keen awareness that a literary text is a flux upon which any printed edition is bound to impose an artificial fixity. In a review of Cornford's edition of Young's Night Thoughts (Notes & Queries, 1991), he echoes the 1969 review quoted earlier, but develops his point in terms of the compromised role of the editor: "Language is undoubtedly a slippery and elusive agency," he writes, "and despite the apparent certainty of the written or printed form, it cannot be wholly settled in an unequivocal state. Editors nevertheless undertake to do exactly that." This healthy awareness of textual pragmatics causes him to be suspicious of tidy impositions of consistency upon a text that may reflect its author's uncertainties or oversights. Although editors have to make choices, these should not be decided through a desire to impose a comforting predictability that will not trouble a reader. It is as though Fleeman even wants that reader to notice inconsistencies or quirks in a text, as reflecting more truly its conception in the fallible human brain. A regularized text is therefore anathema to him. In his reviews he criticizes editions that invoke a publisher's "house style" as an excuse for regularizing, or, under the cloak of a comment that "such matters as punctuation and capitalization were left to the compositors," tidy up a text so that the idiosyncrasies are wiped out.

As an editor Fleeman is prepared to be equivocal, even inconsistent, when he deems it appropriate, and he will weigh the balance of probabilities at those points where certainty is impossible. He feels that an editor must show his hand and reveal exactly why a particular reading is being emended or retained. In fact a stubborn retention of readings is a marked feature of his work, which is only conservative in the most literal sense. His "conservatism" can be bold and daring when a safer course might have been to emend something awkward, inconsistent or strange. He insists, however, that editions should preserve a degree of unfamiliarity, so that the reader is reminded that the text is not a modern one, just as the mind that produced it was not a modern mind. In welcoming Fleeman's 1985 edition of the Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland ("a model of its kind"), Mervyn Jannetta commented: "it is heartening to encounter such straightforward statements of editorial policy, which are the more reassuring for the openness with which they


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acknowledge the pressures of practical necessity on editorial ambition. Time and again in the textual notes we are made acutely aware of how expediency is anything but a soft option" (The Library, 6th ser., 8 [1986], 284-285).

A characteristic of Fleeman the editor is his capacity to keep an open mind and think each specific problem through. Rather than apply a textual theory and work to produce a neat, consistent answer, he is an intelligent realist who works with the grain of the material, however knotty, and develops a method appropriate to each instance; furthermore, his knowledge of Johnson is profound enough to appreciate the writer's own inconsistencies.

There is a note of comprehending sympathy in this, and it is no surprise that the introduction to his edition of A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland tells a story worthy of his author. Setting out on an idealistic mission to reconstruct the lost manuscript from which the text had been set, he had hoped to identify individual compositors and work back to the holograph they had in front of them (this early optimism is evident in his 1981 lecture to the Johnson Society of London, summarized in The New Rambler). But in the end the fact had to be faced that typesetting conventions and variations in spelling and punctuation did not form a consistent pattern, and so his task changed to a humbler but far more Johnsonian one:

That has led to caution and conservatism, when I had at first hoped for an opportunity to indulge greater freedom with the text . . . no great changes could have been expected anyway, but I have to confess some disappointment in the collapse of some cherished theories. They were the dreams of a textual critic doomed to wake at last an editor.
This Johnsonian awakening from a "dream of hope" highlights Fleeman's editorial decorum.

In his introduction to the Journey he remarks that "a text, and certainly not this one, is not a single entity but is rather a process. Its witnesses are merely markers on the continuum of that process," and it is this awareness of process which justifies some of his decisions. Inconsistency is embraced as an authentic mark of human fallibility which it is not the editor's job to override, and the reader of this edition is brought intriguingly close to Johnson's thought processes and seems to be leaning over Johnson's shoulders as he writes. Some of Fleeman's more daring decisions are to resist emendation. Perhaps the most outrageous is his retention of the printed "Frith of Forth" in the third paragraph, even though later in the text the word appears as "Firth" (as in "Firth of


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Tay" on p. 7) to which it is normally emended. In this case he even accepts that "Frith" must have been a compositor's misreading of MS "Firth," but he proceeds to argue that in reviewing it in proof Johnson may have allowed the word to remain, assuming as he did so a possible derivation from Latin 'fretum': "Such a train of thought would be highly characteristic of Johnson who retained a misreading 'fecundine' for 'secundine' (placenta) in his Preface to 'Cowley', 1779 (116, line 7; Lives, ed. Hill, i. 42, para. 136; cf. The Library, 5th ser. xvii (1962), 216), and so no emendation is here proposed." The editor puts us in touch with Johnson's mental processes so that we see how he might retain a misreading of his manuscript at one moment but allow a different spelling to stand a few pages later. Mere consistency carries no weight in the argument.

Perhaps Fleeman's most triumphant emendation (all the more convincing because of the many carefully argued refusals to emend) concerns Johnson's description of the Armadale otter. The published texts read: "I expected the otter to have a foot particularly formed for the art of swimming; but upon examination, I did not find it differing much from that of a spaniel." Fleeman's brilliant emendation of "art" to "act" is the result not merely of close acquaintance with Johnson's handwriting, but of a sure sense of Johnson's mind: "Though swimming may be an 'art' for men," he comments, "it is not so for otters. Johnson defined art as 'the power of doing something not taught by nature and instinct'." Johnson's sureness and clarity of mind have been absorbed by his editor. The majority of its readers will value the edition for the almost two hundred pages of commentary and appendices, which reveal a range of erudition and eye for detail worthy of his mentor Powell (in his Notes & Queries review, A. F. T. Lurcock commented that "it could be reviewed properly only by a committee"); but it will not surprise some to know that he himself is proudest of the thirteen pages of textual notes. Indeed, as the above examples show, it is there that we come closest to Johnson's mind and art.

The text of Johnson's poems may have offered less scope for annotation and emendation, but here too Fleeman took a firm stand. His Penguin edition of 1971 (subsequently revised) remains for many the standard edition (in a 1975 review O M Brack concluded that it contained the best texts of the poems). The policy of the Penguin series required a modernized text, but after a sustained struggle Fleeman persuaded the publishers that in Johnson's case the updating of his spelling and reduction of his capitalizations would prevent the full meaning from coming through. His two-page discussion of this point in the introduction makes


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a watertight case and should be read by any editor of eighteenth-century poetry who may be tempted to impose modern conventions. He convincingly argues for a link between spelling and stress, in Johnson's tendency for example to give added weight to the final syllable, so that we even begin to hear Johnson as we read (dreadfull, controul, compleat and many more). Though they are not idiosyncratic spellings, the point holds, and if we turn to the poems themselves the verse in places begins to sound with more gravity. Ever conscious of Johnson's own views on editorial matters, Fleeman quotes the poet's disapproval of Lord Hailes's modernized edition of John Hales of Eton: "An author's language, Sir, is a characteristical part of his composition, and it is also characteristical of the age in which he writes. Besides, Sir, when the language is changed we are not sure that the sense is the same. No, Sir, I am sorry Lord Hailes has done this." Once again, the weight of Johnson himself is placed behind the argument. Rather than accommodate Johnson to the language of the present, Fleeman is adamant that Johnson is emphatically "not a modern author . . . his is not a modern mind."

Consistent with his interest in the workings of Johnson's mind, he chose in this edition to supply a critical text: "one advantage of the construction of a critical text is that the recorded variants will illustrate the progress of a composition by which a rough draft develops into a finished work." This dynamic principle extends to the contents of Fleeman's edition: two texts of the same translation of Horace Odes I.22 are placed side by side. As he says in the introduction, "the changes are slight, but the two together illustrate the kind of polishing to which Johnson often subjected his compositions." In his selections from Irene he gives extracts from Johnson's draft notes so as to "give some idea of the development of his thoughts and expression." It is clear throughout Fleeman's scholarly work that it is the movement of Johnson's mind that fascinates him: his Johnson is never the self-confident dictator occupying a firm position on every subject, but a writer who is always thinking things through, reworking ideas and developing his responses in a context of human uncertainty and fallibility. The crucial poem for Fleeman is, not surprisingly, The Vanity of Human Wishes, and he ends the Penguin volume with the text of the original manuscript in the Hyde Collection "so that the curious reader may see for himself the progress of Johnson's mind and art." This point was developed in his 1985 R.E.S. review of The Unknown Samuel Johnson: "It is clear from the manuscript of the Vanity of Human Wishes that the act of composition was a dynamic process in which Johnson was both maker and audience interacting to generate words and ideas sometimes in conflict, sometimes


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harmonious." Fleeman's contributions to Johnsonian bibliography never ignore this sense of dynamic process, and they are everywhere strengthed by it.

Fleeman's well known dissatisfaction with the editorial principles of the Yale Edition of Johnson's works is best seen in terms of this concern for the dynamics of the Johnsonian text. His objections are clearly presented in his 1971 R.E.S. review of the three-volume Rambler. In reprinting a modernized version of a "best" text, the "straitjacket of editorial policy" allows no consideration of Johnson's "processes of thought;" the reduction of initial capitals and elimination of italics sacrifices subtleties of meaning; and the editor's defensive appeal to the house style of the original publisher gets short shrift: "'House style'," says Fleeman, "is assumed to exist in the eighteenth century even though there are no surviving manuals of it, no analyses of it, and no definitions of it: it has become a kind of magic handkerchief into which editorial problems may be persuaded to disappear." Furthermore, in rejecting the layout of the original folio Ramblers, the edition ignores Johnson's care for the appearance of his texts (witness the displayed compliments in his letters), and so the "spaciousness, dignity, and public statement" of the Folio is replaced by the crowded page "of a mere commercial venture." Another Yale principle of which Fleeman disapproves is the separation of the textual editing from the writing of the critical introduction. The assumption behind this division of labour contradicts his belief that the textual editor has the true critical warrant: "One of the best ways to approximate to an understanding of an author's work is to try to edit him. However carefully Mr. Bate may have read the Rambler there will remain tracts of Johnson's mind which only Mr. Strauss has traversed, and it is regrettable that we have not been given the results of that journey." (In that single word "tracts" we gain a sense of Fleeman's conviction that bibliography is the reverse of a narrow pursuit.)

Fleeman was given the chance to enter the arena of criticism when he was invited to deliver the British Academy's prestigious Warton Lecture on 3 November 1983. Rather than map out "Johnson's ideas" or "Johnson's style" (those static concepts beloved of so many undergraduate essays) Fleeman took the dynamic principle as his key, finding the clue to Johnson's art in his revisions, and the Vanity of Human Wishes manuscript played its role in this. For Fleeman, Johnson's mind and art were always in progress together—his words were not idea-led. To demonstrate this he follows the poem's third line, "Remark each anxious Toil, each eager Strife," through its earlier stages (from "Explore each restless . . ."):


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Yet it is not evident that the revision or development of the line is the effect of an anterior idea. It is rather (subject to the constraints of 'metrical composition') a simple verbal adjustment, in that the language is not so much subordinate to the idea, as that the language itself provides the dynamic of the composition of the line and engenders whatever ideas the line can express.
This is a simple but remarkable statement, with significant implications for our view of Johnson as a writer. The word is anterior—no reach exceeding grasp here. The passage also shows how Johnson for him is forever in close up, recutting his pen, weighing words and working from them to the ideas, not glimpsing an idea and attempting to capture it in words. For Fleeman, the word is the "thing" from which Johnson the poet starts (all those years of dictionary making), and although Fleeman does not, and probably would not, say this, line three in its successive reworkings exemplifies in miniature Johnson's own properly laboured art, eventually discarding the merely "restless" and pushing through to a thoughtful pairing of the "eager" with the "anxious." A writer on Johnson needs to understand the nuance that such a disentangling allows.

What drives Fleeman's lecture, as well as his scrupulous editing, is a conviction of the immanence of meaning, contained and expressed in the words themselves. There is no fashionable interplay of multiple meanings, it is not imported by the reader's own independent experience or transformed by a modern perspective. All is contained in the "now" of Johnson's words to which our minds should be addressed. But that "now" is itself in process and leads outwards. Fleeman concludes: "It is this feature of Johnson's poetry which projects its interest beyond the words which make it. It is projected into a dimension which is not backward from or anterior to those words, but which looks forward to something which is yet to arise from the words. The interest of his words is not so much in where they start but in where they lead."

The "life sentence" that L. F. Powell promised him in 1960 is still being served. For over thirty years Fleeman has been working towards a complete account of every published piece by Johnson, and of every known fragment of manuscript material which can be traced. Not resting content with describing the editions published in Johnson's lifetime, he has set himself the task of listing all later printings including translations, abridgments, chap-books and school text books, a detailed examination of which can give valuable information on the dissemination of Johnson's writings during the nineteenth century when it has often been supposed that his reputation was in eclipse. The fact that


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Rasselas alone has run through more than five hundred editions in English, in addition to over 130 editions of translations (one of which, into Italian, Fleeman welcomed in a 1984 review), indicates the scale of the enterprise. Looking back, Fleeman attributes his comprehensive scheme to the idealistic ambitions of "Rash Youth" (Johnsonian capitals), which "Crabbed Age" has come to view in a more sober light. But the commitment is being heroically carried through.

Some shifts in approach have been necessary as the work entered areas of study not envisaged at the outset, and the bibliographer has even had to become reconciled to the sociologist. For example, nineteenth-century school editions of Rasselas or the Dictionary (see his 1993 essay, "Johnson in the Schoolroom") needed to be placed in the context of the educational curriculum on both sides of the Atlantic. In his 1994 Oxford Bibliographical Society paper Fleeman recognised that the project has widened his view of the nature and possibilities of bibliography:

This somewhat sociological element in the development of my notions of a bibliography was new to me, and indeed at first, repugnant. The initial determination of Rash Youth to eschew, even to counter psychological biography by emphasizing intellectual evolution, was not easily persuaded that the record of the reception of an author's work need spill over into any sort of endorsement of "la sociologie de texte." Yet imperceptibly something of that view has crept into the compilation almost as an inevitable consequence of the range of material surveyed.
For Fleeman, certainty is at every moment vulnerable to new facts. The predominant tone of his writing is therefore elegiac, and sometimes rueful. The incremental advance of knowledge is won in the face of doubt rather than on a surge of confidence, and it is more a matter of recognising misconceptions than of constructing theories. Above all, scholarship is a moral activity conducted at the meeting point of honesty of purpose and clarity of method. Any scholar of Johnson's Dictionary or the Shakespeare will be familiar with the way in which (to quote Fleeman again) "a clear plan of action turns fuzzy and unclear once we leave the early stage of projecting, and begin to wrestle with uncomplaisant data."

Throughout his scholarly life Fleeman has struggled to come as close as possible to Johnson's mind and art. The energy of his researches, the integrity of his principles, and the generosity of his commanding knowledge deserve our gratitude. But for all his unrivalled expertise he has never forgotten that the work of the scholar must never supersede or blur the direct message of the great man himself. As he reminds himself and us in a 1985 R.E.S. review: "[Johnson] did not write to set arcane puzzles for professors in academies, but in order to say something, despite


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his recognition of the devious nature of language, to his readers, and happily, some of those 'common readers' still exist." Certainly, something of Johnson's own powers as a writer and man can be glimpsed in everything Fleeman has written. In all senses of the verb, he represents Johnson to us.


It would be appropriate to conclude this memoir with the full text of "A FRAGMENT of the late Dr. JOHNSON, ON THE CHARACTER AND DUTY OF AN ACADEMICK," printed as an appendix (pp. 42-43) to Hospitality. A Discourse Occasioned by Reading His Majesty's Letter in Behalf of the Emigrant French Clergy, in St. Dionis Back Church, May 26, 1793 . . . By John Moir, A. M. It is introduced by Moir as follows: "The affinity of the subject has induced me to present the reader with the following STRICTURES, by one of the most illustrious moralists in modern times, presented to me, in the Author's own handwriting, by a friend whose confidence is one of my best comforts, and whose communications are all valuable, and merit the highest gratitude. The utility of the order is implicated in the functions thus forcibly described and inculcated."

David Fleeman agreed that the word originally printed as "national" in the second paragraph was probably a misreading of Johnson's handwritten "rational" ("his initial ragged 'r' is very like an 'n' to those unfamiliar with his hand"), and he also cited in favour of the emendation Johnson's sense of the internationalism of learning and knowledge.

In the month before his death David Fleeman had managed to do some preliminary research into Moir's background. He apparently was born in Scotland of English parents, and brought up a "Seceder," i.e. a schismatic of the Kirk (1733), but he was bright enough to do well in various Scottish schools, and studied divinity at Edinburgh (though did not graduate), before coming to England and joining the Church of England. He published a number of books and sermons, and a collection called Gleanings (2 vols., 1785), which includes a whiggish essay on Johnson, and an even more whiggish one on "Majesty," but which is published by the Author, from his house "8 Bolt Court, Fleet Street," viz. the house in which Johnson died in December of the year before. Nowhere in Gleanings does Moir indicate that he had this "Fragment," nor does he at that time show much respect for his predecessor in the house, so it may be assumed he acquired the paper some time later. In 1788 he was living in Southwark, and held a curacy and a lectureship in London. His most successful work was called Female Tuition, which ran into several editions.