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Sherwood Anderson: Additions to the Bibliography by Charles E. Modlin Hilbert H. Campbell Kenichi Takada
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Sherwood Anderson: Additions to the Bibliography
Charles E. Modlin
Hilbert H. Campbell
Kenichi Takada

Walter B. Rideout noted in 1969 that "a complete and accurate descriptive bibliography remains among the desiderata of [Sherwood] Anderson scholarship."[1] And such remains the case today, for the uncovering of material for a definitive Anderson bibliography has proceeded but slowly and in a somewhat fragmented way. Particularly elusive has been the establishment of the complete canon of Anderson's published writings. The first comprehensive bibliographies of Anderson's publications were Raymond D. Gozzi's Columbia thesis, "A Descriptive Bibliography of Sherwood Anderson's Contributions to Periodicals" (1947)[2] and Eugene P. Sheehy and Kenneth Lohf's Sherwood Anderson: A Bibliography (1960). These lists have been supplemented by additional references in later studies: Ray Lewis White's The Merrill Checklist of Sherwood Anderson (1969); Richard Colles Johnson's account of a 1969 Anderson exhibition at the Newberry Library;[3] the bibliography in William A. Sutton's The Road to Winesburg (1972);[4] and White's article, "Sherwood Anderson: Fugitive Pamphlets and Broadsides, 1918-1940" (1978).[5] As another step toward completion of the bibliography of Anderson's publications, we have compiled a list of 36 additional items published between 1916 and 1941:

  • 1916?
  • 1. Dreiser. Harvest Press [no place, no date]. Fifty copies of a pamphlet of four pages (9 ⅜ x 6 3/16”), reprinting an article in Little Review, Apr. 1916. A revised version appeared in Horses and Men, pp. xi-xii.
  • 1918
  • 2. "The Man of Ideas." Little Review 6 (June): 22-28. William L. Phillips refers to this publication in "How Sherwood Anderson Wrote Winesburg, Ohio," American Literature 23 (March 1951): 25, 27.

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  • 1921
  • 3. "Three Poems." Voices 5 (Autumn): 107-109. Texts of "The Teller of Tales," "The Tired Man," and "Motherhood," published in London.
  • 4. "New Words." The Editor 55 (17 Dec.): 170.
  • 1922
  • 5. "A Testament," "A Testament: The Lame One," and "A Testament: A Young Man." Manuscripts 1 (Feb.): 3-5.
  • 6. "The Work of Gertrude Stein." Little Review 8 (Spring): 29-32.
  • 1926
  • 7. "Dreiser." Saturday Review of Literature 2 (9 Jan.): 475. A review of An American Tragedy.
  • 8. The South. [No place, no date], introduction by Frank Crowninshield. A pamphlet (6 x 4 11/16”) of 12 pages on stiff brown paper, reprinting an article from Vanity Fair, Sept. 1926. Johnson calls attention to the existence of this pamphlet in a footnote, p. 268.
  • 1928
  • 9. "The Young Writer." The Periwig 1 (Feb.): 4-5. Published by the Hybiscus Club at Washington and Lee University. Reprinted in Winesburg Eagle 9 (April 1984): 1-2.
  • 10. "Small Town Notes." Vanity Fair 31 (Sept.): 60, 86.
  • 11. "Small Town Notes." Vanity Fair 31 (Nov.): 69, 136.
  • 12. "That Sophistication." Vanity Fair 31 (Dec.): 68, 116.
  • 13. Remarkable Marion Business: Old Industry Re-Awakening Here. [Marion, Va.]. A pamphlet of eight pages (5 ½ x 3 ⅜”) reprinting an article from the Smyth County News, 19 Jan. 1928, about the crafts industry founded by Laura Lu Copenhaver, later Anderson's mother-in-law.
  • 1929
  • 14. "Soliloquy." Vanity Fair 31 (Feb.): 58, 102.
  • 15. "A Léon Bazalgette." Europe: Revue mensuelle No. 78 (15 June): 182-85. An English version of this article appeared in the Smyth County News, 7 Feb. 1929.
  • 16. Untitled autobiographical statement in On Parade: Caricatures by Eva Herrman. Ed. Erich Posselt. New York: Coward-McCann, p. 10.
  • 17. Epidemics. [No place, no date]. Broadside (13 x 5 ½”) reprinting an article from the Smyth County News, 27 Dec. 1928.
  • 1931
  • 18. Foreword. Exhibition of Oil and Water Color Paintings by Charles Bockler at the Charcoal Club 1230 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md. April 12th to April 26th. [No place, no date]. A one-page appreciation of Bockler's paintings.
  • 19. "How I Got My Literary Start: Personal Messages to Young Writers by Outstanding American Authors, III, by Sherwood Anderson." Scholastic 19 (17 Oct.): 6. One of a series of eleven articles by various authors.
  • 20. "A Tenderness for Others." A Tribute to John Jacob Scherer, Jr.. Ed. A. Douglas Smith, Jr. Richmond, Va.: Dietz Printing Co., p. 20. A short statement about Eleanor Copenhaver Anderson's uncle, pastor of the First English Evangelical Lutheran Church in Richmond.
  • 1932
  • 21. "The Challenge of American Life," Student Review 2 (Oct.): 9-10.
  • 22. Untitled statement in The World Congress Against War. New York: American Committee for Struggle Against War [no date], p. 29. A one-paragraph contribution to a report on the World Congress Against War in Amsterdam, 27-29 August 1932.

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  • 1936
  • 23. "Belief in Man." New Masses 21 (15 Dec.): 30.
  • 1937
  • 24. "The Younger Generation." Sunday Magazine of the Richmond Times-Dispatch 3 Oct.: 3, 6, 12.
  • 25. "Friend." PM No. 34: 2-4. An article on Burton Emmett, who had died in 1935.
  • 26. A contribution to "News Items from Institute Members." National Institute News Bulletin 3: 2. A report to the National Institute of Arts and Letters on plans for a history of the Civil War.
  • 1938
  • 27. A contribution to "Inquiry into the Spirit and Language of Night." Transition No. 27 (April-May): 233. Answers to questions posed by Eugene Jolas on the night thoughts of writers.
  • 28. "My Kingdom for a Horse." The Village Fair Almanac. New York: Women's Division of the Medical Bureau and North American Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy, [pp. 14-16]. Published on the occasion of the Village Fair in Washington Mews, New York, 28-30 June 1938.
  • 29. A contribution to Writers Take Sides: Letters about the War in Spain from 418 American Authors. New York: League of American Writers, p. 1. A one-sentence statement: "Sure I am against all of the damn fascists or any kind of dictator."
  • 30. Comment on "Death in the Woods" in The Oxford Anthology of American Literature. Ed. William Rose Benét and Norman Holmes Pearson. New York: Oxford, p. 1453.
  • 1939
  • 31. "The Fair." The Second Annual Village Fair Almanac. New York: Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy, [pp. 4-6]. Published on the occasion of the second annual Village Fair, corner of 6th Avenue and Minetta Street, 13-18 June 1939.
  • 32. "San Francisco at Christmas." This World section of San Francisco Chronicle 24 Dec.: 19.
  • 1940
  • 33. "A Good Time Was Had by All." PM's Weekly 1 (11 Aug.): 40. A review of Henry Beetle Hough's book Country Editor.
  • 34. "Again a Father." The Dolphin No. 4, Part 1 (Fall): 84. A contribution to a symposium on the author's reaction to a book after it is published.
  • 35. "William Faulkner." We Moderns: Gotham Book Mart 1920-1940. Ed. Frances Steloff and Kay Steele. New York: Schoen Printing Co., p. 29. Reminiscences of Anderson's friendship with Faulkner in New Orleans. Reprinted in Winesburg Eagle 9 (April 1984): 3.
  • 1941
  • 36. A contribution to "The World's Worst Book." Books Abroad 15 (Winter): 55. A paragraph on the writings of Walter Pater submitted to a symposium of writers and scholars on "the world's worst book."



"Sherwood Anderson," Sixteen Modern American Authors: A Survey of Research and Criticism, ed. Jackson R. Bryer (1969, 1973), p. 4.


Reprinted, in condensed form, in Newberry Library Bulletin 2nd ser. no. 2 (1948), 71-82.


"The Achievement of Sherwood Anderson: An Anniversary Exhibition," Newberry Library Bulletin, 6 (1971), 268-287.


Pp. 620-627. Sutton lists more than fifty of Anderson's early periodical and newspaper publications which were not in Gozzi or Sheehy-Lohf.


Studies in Bibliography, 31 (1978), 257-263. Lists 17 new items.