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Notes on Contributors

G. Thomas Tanselle, Professor of English at the University of Wisconsin, is Bibliographical Editor of the Northwestern-Newberry Edition of The Writings of Herman Melville and is preparing a descriptive bibliography of Melville.

John S. O'Connor, an Assistant Professor of English at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, is continuing his work on the Shakespeare First Folio compositors and is editing a volume of Living Newspapers written for the Federal Theatre Project.

William P. Williams, Associate Professor of English at Northern Illinois University, has recently completed an Index to the Stationers' Register 1640-1708 (soon to be published by Nether Press), is currently at work on a bibliographical-biography of Richard Royston, and is beginning work on an edition of the Stationers' Court Books from 1640 to 1700.

Isobel Grundy is Lecturer in English at Queen Mary College, London, and was Visiting Associate Professor at the University of Toronto, 1975-76. She is joint editor of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Essays and Poems and Simplicity, a Comedy, Oxford, 1977.

Leonidas M. Jones, professor of English at the University of Vermont, is a member of the editorial board of the Keats-Shelley Journal, editor of Selected Prose of J. H. Reynolds and Letters of J. H. Reynolds, and author of articles and reviews on the Keats Circle.

A. J. Dunston is professor of Latin in the University of Sydney, N.S.W., Australia. His principal research interest is the scholarship and activities of Domizio Calderini and other umanisti of the Italian Renaissance.

R. H. Miller, Associate Professor of English at the University of Louisville, has recently escaped the snares of administration to resume his interest in matters textual. He is currently studying Harington's spelling patterns and is working on the texts of Graham Greene's novels.

Nicholas Temperley, formerly of Cambridge University, is a professor of musicology in the School of Music at the University of Illinois. He currently holds a NEH fellowship and is writing a book on the music of the English parish church.

Ernest W. Sullivan, II, Assistant Professor of English at Texas Tech University, has finished his critical edition of Donne's Biathanatos and has begun a critical edition of Joseph Conrad's Lord Jim, scheduled for publication


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in 1979 by Cambridge University Press.

Anthony S. G. Edwards, Assistant Professor at the University of Victoria, British Columbia, has recently completed editions of George Cavendish's Metrical Visions and of Sodom: or the Quintessence of Debauchery and is at present engaged on a study of John Skeleton and on preliminary work (in association with R. H. Robbins) for a projected Index of Middle English Prose.

Robert M. Schuler, Assistant Professor at the University of Victoria, British Columbia, has recently published in various journals including The Library, PBSA and RES. He is currently engaged in a study of scientific poetry in the Renaissance.

John W. Bruton is a graduate student at the University of Arkansas where he is studying for his doctorate in Restoration and Eighteenth Century Literature.

John Dawson Carl Buck, Assistant Professor of English at The Pennsylvania State University, is finishing a study of John Newberry's professional career.

David Fairer, M.A., D.Phil., Lecturer in English at the University of Leeds, spent his postgraduate career in Oxford as Research Fellow at Queen's (1971-75) and Lecturer in English at Christ Church (1975-75). He has contributed articles to The Review of English Studies, and has edited the correspondence of Thomas Warton, whose biography he is now writing.

Daniel Mark Fogel is Assistant Professor of English at Louisiana State University. A book of his poems was published in 1975.

J. R. Mulryne, Reader in English Literature, and Head of the Department of English Literature, University of Edinburgh, has published editions of Elizabethan and Jacobean plays, including the Revels edition of Women Beware Women; other published writing includes work on Shakespeare, Webster and W. B. Yeats.

Joan St. C. Crane, Curator of American Literature Collections at the University of Virginia Library, is the compiler of Robert Frost: A Descriptive Catalogue of the Books and Manuscripts in the Clifton Waller Barrett Library, University of Virginia, 1974.

David Leon Higdon is Associate Professor of English at Texas Tech University and General Editor of Conradiana.

Henry W. Sullivan, Professor of Spanish at the University of Illinois, Chicago Circle, has recently published general studies of Juan del Encina and of Tirso de Molina. He is currently engaged, after an NEH fellowship, in work on Calderón in Germany.

Clinton Sisson, Research Librarian, University of Virginia Library, is currently at work on the index to printers, publishers and booksellers in the second edition of the Wing STC and a monograph on the construction of the earlier English common press.

Jeri S. Smith is Associate Editor at the Wing Revision.


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  • President, LINTON R. MASSEY, "Kinloch," Keswick, Virginia
  • First Vice President, IRBY B. CAUTHEN, Jr., 115 Wilson Hall, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
  • Second Vice President, WALKER COWEN, 211 Sprigg Lane, Charlottesville, Virginia
  • Editor, FREDSON BOWERS, 115 Wilson Hall, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
  • Assistant to the Editor, Susan Hitchcock, Wilson Hall, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
  • Secretary-Treasurer, RAY W. FRANTZ, JR., University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Virginia
  • Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, KENDON STUBBS, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Virginia
  • Hon. Secretary-Treasurer for the British Isles, MRS. DOUGLAS WYLLIE, Westbrae, Libo Ave., Uplawmoor, G78 4AL Renfrewshire, Scotland


  • Fredson Bowers (1977)
  • Anne Henry Ehrenpreis(1980)
  • KENDON L. STUBBS (1978)
  • Julius P. Barclay (1981)
  • Walker Cowen (1979)
  • MARY O. MASSEY (1982)
  • I. B. CAUTHEN, JR.(1983)



Studies in Bibliography is issued annually by the Society in addition to various bibliographical pamphlets and monographs.

Membership in the Society is solicited according to the following categories:

Subscribing Members at $15.00 a year receive Studies in Bibliography and other bibliographical material issued without charge by the Society. Institutions as well as private persons are accepted in this class of membership.

Contributing Members at $50 a year receive all publications, and by their contributions assist in furthering the work of the Society. Institutions are accepted.

Articles and notes are invited by the editor. Preferably these should conform to the recommendations of the Modern Language Association of America Style Sheet. The Society will consider the publication of bibliographical monographs for separate issue.

All matters pertaining to business affairs, including applications for membership, should be sent to the Secretary-Treasurer, Ray W. Frantz, Jr., University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Virginia, 22901.


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  • Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
  • C. WALLER BARRETT, Charlottesville, Virginia
  • ROBERT BEARE, New York City
  • Bodleian Library, Oxford, England
  • The British Museum, London, England
  • CURT F. BÜHLER, New York City
  • UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, Cambridge, England
  • Carleton University Library, Ottawa, Canada
  • Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio
  • JACK DALTON, New York City
  • Rolf E. Du Rietz, Upsala, Sweden
  • Reginald Dunaway, University City, Missouri
  • Emory and Henry College, Emory, Virginia
  • EMORY UNIVERSITY, Atlanta, Georgia
  • ROBERT HORACE GARBEE, Lynchburg, Virginia
  • Globe & Anchor Book Company, St. Augustine. Florida
  • George L. Harding, Berkeley, California
  • UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII, Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Hunter Hughes, Washington, D.C.
  • University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois
  • Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
  • WALLACE KIRSOP, Victoria, Australia
  • University College, London, England
  • MELVIN M. MCCOSH, Excelsior, Minnesota
  • Paul Mellon Upperville, Virginia
  • Monash University Library, Victoria, Australia
  • DAVIS W. MOORE, Denver, Colorado
  • Howard S. Mott, Sheffield, Massachusetts
  • New York State University Fredonia, New York
  • UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, Oregon
  • William & Lois Pinkney, Watertown, New York
  • RICE UNIVERSITY, Houston, Texas
  • OTTO SCHAEFER, Schweinfurt, Germany
  • S. R. Shapiro, New York City
  • ELEANOR SHEA, Charlottesville, Virginia
  • DOUGLAS H. SHEPARD, Fredonia, New York
  • Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois
  • Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York
  • G. THOMAS TANSELLE, Madison, Wisconsin
  • ROBERT A. TIBBETTS, Columbus, Ohio
  • MRS. E. ALBAN WATSON, Lynchburg, Virginia
  • RICHARD S. WORMSER, Bethel, Connecticut


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Distributed by the University Press of Virginia

Former publications of the Society not listed here are out of print. Those wishing a complete list of them should see the annual lists in successive volumes of Studies. Members will receive a 20 per cent discount on all publications. Orders should be addressed to the University Press of Virginia, P. O. Box 3608, University Station, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903, U.S.A.

  • Bloomfield, B. C., and Mendelson, Edward, W. H. Auden, A Bibliography, 1924-1969. $20.00.
  • Bowers, Fredson, Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing. $30.00.
  • Bristol, Roger P., INDEX TO SUPPLEMENT TO EVANS' American Bibliography. $15.00.
  • Bristol, Roger P., Supplement to Evans' American Bibliography. $35.00.
  • Christophers, Richard A., GEORGE ABBOT, ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY, 1562-1633: A BIBLIOGRAPHY. $7.50.
  • Crane, Stephen, Notebook, ed. by Donald and Ellen Greiner. $7.50.
  • Dameron, J. Lasley, and Cauthen, Irby B., Jr., Edgar Allan Poe: A Bibliography of Criticism 1827-1967. $20.00.
  • Evans, G. Blakemore, editor, SHAKESPEAREAN PROMPT-BOOKS OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. Volume III: Parts i and ii (The Comedy of Errors; Midsummer Night's Dream). $15.00. Vol. V. Text of the Smock Alley Macbeth. $25.00.
  • Fadiman, Regina, Faulkner's Light in August. $12.50.
  • Fry, Donald, Beowulf AND The Fight at Finnsburh: A BIBLIOGRAPHY. $12.50.
  • Harding, Walter, EMERSON's LIBRARY. $10.00 Herring, Phillip, editor, James Joyce: Three Ulysses Notebooks. Price not set. Herring, Philip, editor, Joyce's Ulysses Notesheets in the British Museum. $37.50.
  • Hirsch, Rudolf, and Heaney, Howell, SELECTIVE CHECK LISTS OF BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SCHOLARSHIP, 1948-1955. $20.00. (Vol. X of the Studies.) ($17.50 to members.) Hirsch, Rudolf, and Heaney, Howell, SELECTIVE CHECK LISTS OF BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SCHOLARSHIP, SERIES B, 1956-1962. $20.00.
  • Howard-Hill, T. H., Ralph Crane and Some Shakespeare First Folio Comedies. $7.50.
  • Huss, Richard, The Development of Printers' Mechanical Typesetting Methods, 1822-1925. $17.50.

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  • Mish, Charles C., English Prose Fiction, 1600-1700: A Chronological Checklist. $7.50.
  • Partridge, A. C., A Substantive Grammar of Shakespeare's Nondramatic Texts. $22.50.
  • Silver, Rollo G., TYPEFOUNDING IN AMERICA, 1787-1825. $10.00.
  • Studies in Bibliography, Volumes 1-29. $17.50 to members; $20.00 to nonmembers.
  • Tarr, Rodger, Thomas Carlyle, A Bibliography of English-Language Criticism, 1824-1974. $15.00.

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