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Isaac 13083 (unsigned).


Isaac 13038 (signed).


Isaac 13062 (signed). References are to R. Proctor — F. Isaac, Index to the early printed books in the British Museum, pt. II, MDI — MDXX, Section II: Italy. London, 1938.


Curt F. Bühler, 'La Compagnia del Falcone: a sixteenth-century Florentine imprint', in Refugium animae bibliotheca. Festschrift für Albert Kolb, Guido Pressler Verlag, Wiesbaden, 1969, 89-92.


The Pronosticon of Jacobus Petramelarius was printed at Bologna in 1536 with the colophon 'Ioannes Baptista Phaellus Bononiae formauit'. In this case we know that Faelli owned his own press, so that 'formavit' is probably equivalent to 'impressit'.