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B. United States
- ADAMS, C. M., A Bibliographical Excursion with Some Biographical Footnotes on Randall Jarrell, Bull. of Bibl. , 28:79-81.[4237]
- ATKINSON, H. C., Theodore Dreiser: A Checklist , Kent, Ohio, Kent State Univ. Press, 1971. 104 p.(Serif Series, No. 15.)[4238]
- AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY, Worcester, Mass., Library, A Dictionary Catalog of American Books Pertaining to the 17th through the 19th Centuries . Introduction by Marcus A. McCorison, Westport, Conn., Greenwood Pub. Corp., 1971. 20 v.[4239]
- ANDREWS, T. F., “Ho! For Oregon and California!” An Annotated Bibliography of Published Advice to the Emigrant, 1841-47, PULC , 33:41-64.[4240]
- AVERY, L. G., Addenda to the Maxwell Anderson Bibliography: Monro's Chapbook , PBSA , 65:408-11.(Contributions to Harold Monro's The Monthly Chapbook.) (Supplements C3308.)[4241]
- AYO, NICHOLAS, Edward Lewis Wallant, 1926-1962, Bull. of Bibl. , 28:119.[4242]
- BILLINGS, H. W., A Bibliography of Edward Dahlberg , Austin, Humanities Research Center, Univ of Texas at Austin, 1971. 122 p.[4243]
- BRANCH, E. M., Bibliography of James T. Farrell: January, 1967-August, 1970: A Supplement, Amer. Book Collector , 21:6:13-18.(Supplements B1821 and C2266.)[4244]
- BRISTOL, R. P., Index to Supplement to Evans' “American Bibliography,” Charlottesville, Published for the Bibl. Soc. of the Univ. of Va. by Univ. Press of Va., 1971. 191 p.[4245]
- BROWN, M. F., William Vaughn Moody, Bull. of Bibl. , 28:123-24.(Corrects and supplements bibl. in David D. Henry's William Vaughan Moody: A Study, Boston, 1934.)[4246]
- BRYER, J. R., The Merrill Checklist of Eugene O'Neill , Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1971. iv, 43 p.[4247]
- BURKE, J. G., A Preliminary Checklist of the Writings of Jack Conroy, Amer. Book Collector , 21:8:20-24.[4248]
- BUSH, A. L., and FRASER, R. S., American Indian Periodicals in the Princeton University Library: A Preliminary List , Princeton, N. J., 1970. 78 p.[4249]
- BUSH, G. E., James Purdy, Bull. of Bibl. , 28:5-6.[4250]
- COBB, D. A., Vermont Maps Prior to 1900: An Annotated Cartobibliography, Vermont History , 39:iii-xii, 169-317[4251]
- COHN, A. M., Addendum to Edel and Laurence: Henry James in Portuguese, PBSA , 65:302-307.(Supplements B761 and its 2d ed. rev. of 1961.)[4252]
- DILLARD, R. H. W., George Garrett: A Checklist of His Writings, Mill Mountain Rev. , 1:4:221-34.[4253]
- DYKES, JEFF, My Dobie Collection , College Station, Texas A & M Univ. Press, 1971. 43 p.[4254]
- EDDY, D. D., and JEBB, MARCIA, I. Morris Bishop: Separate Publications; II. Morris Bishop: Contributions to Periodicals, Cornell Libr. Jour. , No. 12:3-45.[4255]
- EICHELBERGER, C. L., Stephen Crane's “Grand Opera for the People”: A Bibliographic Identification and a Correction, PBSA , 65:70-72.(Correction of C3336.)[4256]
- FIELD, J. P., Richard Wilbur: A Bibliographical Checklist , Kent, Ohio, Kent State Univ. Press, 1971. x, 85 p.(Serif Series, No. 16.)[4257]
- GEFVERT, C. J., Edward Taylor: An Annotated Bibliography, 1668-1970 , Kent, Ohio, Kent State Univ. Press, 1971. xxxiii, 83 p.(Serif Series, No. 19.)[4258]
- GILLIKIN, D. J., A Check List of Criticism on Randall Jarrell, 1941-1970: With an Introduction and a List of His Major Works, BNYPL , 75:176-94.[4259]
- GRISSOM, M. S., Shirley Ann Grau, Bull. of Bibl. , 28:76-78.[4260]
- HAIRSTON, M. C., The George Sessions Perry Manuscript Collection, Libr. Chron. Univ. of Texas , n.s. 2:63-69.[4261]
- HOMSHER, L. M., Guide to Wyoming Newspapers, 1867-1967 , Cheyenne, Wyoming State Libr., 1971. xiv, 130 p.[4262]
- HUMMEL, R. O., Jr., Southeastern Broadsides before 1877: A Bibliography , Richmond, Virginia State Libr., 1971. 501 p.[4263]
- JOHNS, F. A., Addendum to Woodbridge: Jack London: A Bibliography , PBSA , 65:74.(An ed. of The Strength of the Strong.)[4264]
- JOHNSON, L. A., Robert Creeley: A Checklist, 1946-1970, Twentieth Century Lit. , 17:181-98.[4265]
- JOHNSON, R. C., The Achievement of Sherwood Anderson: An Anniversary Exhibition, Newberry Libr. Bull. 6:268-87.[4266]
- KIBLER, J. E., Jr., The Library of Stephen and Cora Crane, Proof , 1:199-246.[4267]
- LEONARD, SHIRLEY, Charles Reginald Jackson: A Checklist, Bull. of Bibl. , 28:137-41.[4268]
- McCORMICK, L. P., A Bibliography of Works by and about Joyce Carol Oates, AL , 43:124-32.[4269]
- McLEOD, J. R., Theodore Roethke: A Manuscript Checklist , Kent, Ohio, Kent State Univ. Press, 1971. xx, 295 p.(Serif Series, No. 21.)[4270]
- MERIWETHER, J. B., The Short Fiction of William Faulkner: A Bibliography, Proof , 1:293-329.[4271]
- MOLDENHAUER, J. J., Poe Manuscripts in Austin, Libr. Chron. Univ. of Texas , n.s., 3:83-87.[4272]
- MONTEIRO, GEORGE, Addendum to Hogan's Robinson, PBSA , 65:414.(Charles Beecher Hogan, A Bibliography of Edwin Arlington Robinson, 1936.)[4273]
- MONTEIRO, GEORGE, Hemingway: Contribution toward a Definitive Bibliography, PBSA , 65:411-14.(Supplements C2279.)[4274]
- MOREY, F. L., Review of Willis J. Buckingham's Emily Dickinson: An Annotated Bibliography (Bloomington, Indiana Univ. Press, 1970) [C3684], PBSA , 65:421-25.(Errata listed at p. 425.)[4275]
- O'NEAL, D. L., Addendum to Currier-Tilton and BAL: Oliver Wendell Holmes, PBSA , 65:296-97.[4276]
- PADY, D. S., Thomas Brower Peacock, Bull. of Bibl. , 28:37-40.[4277]
- PIZER, DONALD, The Publications of Theodore Dreiser: A Checklist, Proof , 1:247-92.[4278]
- RAMSEY, R. D., Edmund Wilson, A Bibliography , New York, David Lewis, 1971. x, 346 p.[4279]
- REES, R. A., and GRIFFIN, MARJORIE, Index and Author Guide to the Family Companion (1841-43), SB , 25:205-12.(Family Companion and Ladies' Mirror, Macon, Georgia.)[4280]
- RICH, E. P., Military Bibliography: II, Serif , 8:1:27-29.(Early works by C. D. Rhodes, Adna R. Chaffee, Jr., Guy V. Henry, Jr., and George Smith Patton, Jr.)[4281]
- SCHATT, STANLEY, LeRoi Jones: A Checklist of Primary and Secondary Sources, Bull. of Bibl. , 28:55-57.[4282]
- SHERMAN, DEAN, Owen Wister: An Annotated Bibliography, Bull. of Bibl. , 28:7-16.[4283]
- SHIVERS, A. S., Jessamyn West, Bull. of Bibl. , 28:1-3.[4284]
- SHOEMAKER, R. H., and COOPER, GAYLE, A Checklist of American Imprints for 1828 , Metuchen, N. J., The Scarecrow Pess, Inc., 1971. iii, 492 p.[4285]
- SHOEMAKER, R. H., and COOPER, GAYLE, A Checklist of American Imprints for 1829 , Metuchen, N. J., The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1971. iii, 379 p.[4286]
- SISSON, J. E., A Chronological Bibliography of Jack London's Plays, in Daughters of the Rich by Jack London, Oakland, California, The Holmes Book Co., 1971, [14] p. at end.[4287]
- STODDARD, R. E., Further Addenda to Weglin's Early American Poetry , PBSA , 65:169-72.(Supplements Stoddard's C3346.)[4288]
- STODDARD, R. E., Some Corrigenda and Addenda to Hill's American Plays Printed, 1714-1830 , PBSA , 65:278-95.[4289]
- TANSELLE, G. T., Guide to the Study of United States Imprints , Cambridge, Mass., Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, 1971. 2 v. lxiv, 1050 p.[4290]
- WEIMERSKIRCH, P. J., “Printing in Delaware”: A Review and Additions [to Evald Rink's Printing in Delaware, 1761-1800: A Checklist, Wilmington, Eleutherian Mills Historical Library, 1969], Amer. N & Q , 10:19-27.[4291]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Nathaniel West: More By and About, Amer. Book Collector , 22:1:6.[4292]


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