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A. English and General

  • ADEN, J. M., Swift, Pope, and “the Sin of Wit,” PBSA , 62:80-85.[2756]
  • ANDERSON, W. J., Father Gallus Robertson's Edition of the New Testament, 1792, Innes Rev. , Spring, 1966, pp. 48-59.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 152.)[2757]
  • ANDREWS, H. K., The Printed Part-Books of Byrd's Vocal Music, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):1-10.[2758]
  • AVIS, F. C., Edward Prince, Punchcutter to the Private Presses, Gutenberg Jahrb . (1968):23-28.[2759]
  • BAEDER, PAUL, The Meaning of Copy-Text, SB , 22:311-18.[2760]
  • BAIN, I., Thomas Ross & Son: Copperand Steel-plate Printer since 1833, Jour. Printing Historical Soc. , 2 (1966):3-22.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 230.)[2761]
  • BARBER, GILES, Bolingbroke, Pope, and the Patriot King, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):57-89.[2762]
  • BARBER, GILES, An Incident in the French Book Trade in 1813, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):242-45.(The competition between the Bibliographie de l'Empire français and Treuttel and Würtz's Journal général de la littérature de France.)[2763]
  • BARBER, GILES, Richard Dymott, Bookbinder, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):250-54.[2764]
  • BARBER, GILES, Treuttel and Würtz: Some Aspects of the Importation of Books from France, c. 1825, Library , 5th ser., 23:118-44.[2765]
  • BARR, C. B. L., Another Roger Bartlett Binding, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):248-50.(Supplements B3810.)[2766]
  • BATCHELOR, BILLIE, Revision in Iris Murdock's Under the Net, Books at Iowa , No. 8:30-36.[2767]
  • BENTLEY, G. E., Jr., William Blake's Protean Text, in Editorial Conf., 4th, Toronto, 1967 , Editing Eighteenth-Century Texts , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1968, pp. 44-58.[2768]
  • BERGERON, D. M., Two Compositors in Heywood's Londons Ius Honorarium (1631), SB , 22:223-26.[2769]
  • BESTERMAN, THEODORE, Twenty Thousand Voltaire Letters, in Editorial Conf., 4th, Toronto, 1967 , Editing Eighteenth-Century Texts , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1968, pp. 7-24.[2770]
  • BIRCH, J. G., Camden's Britain , 1610, Library , 5th ser., 23:253.[2771]
  • BLACK, L. G., A Lost Poem by Queen Elizabeth I [Beginning “Ah silly pugge wert thou so sore afraid”, with a Text, Heretofore Unpublished, of Sir Walter Ralegh's “Fortune hath taken thee away my love”], TLS , May 23, 1968, p. 535.[2772]

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  • BLISS, C. S., A Much-Travelled Association Copy of Calvin's Institutes , Book Collector , 17:458-62.(Once the property of Increase Mather and of Samuel Mather.)[2773]
  • BLOOM, E. A., and BLOOM, L. D., Steele in 1719: Additions to the Canon, HLQ , 31:123-51.(The “Letter” in the Honest Gentleman, No. 22; A Discourse upon Honour and Peerage; and Further Reasons against the Peerage Bill.)[2774]
  • BOWERS, FREDSON, Old Wine in New Bottles: Problems of Machine Printing, in Editorial Conference, 3d, Toronto, 1966 , Editing Nineteenth-Century Texts , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1967, pp. 9-36.[2775]
  • BOWERS, FREDSON, Review of Kathleen Tillotson's edition of Oliver Twist , Nineteenth-Century Fiction , 23:226-39.[2776]
  • BRACK, O. M., Jr., The Ledgers of William Strahan, in Editorial Conf., 4th, Toronto, 1967 , Editing Eighteenth-Century Texts , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1968, pp. 59-77.[2777]
  • BRISSENDEN, A. T., Dodsley's Copy-Text for The Revenger's Tragedy, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):254-58.[2778]
  • BROCKWAY, DUNCAN, The Printing History of Uberto Foglietta's De Sacro Foedere in Selimum , PBSA , 62:77-80.[2779]
  • CADBURY, H. J., A Woolman Attribution Denied, Jour. Friends Hist. Soc. , 51 (1966):118-19.(Letter XVIII in J. Kendall, Letters on Religious Subjects, London, 1802.) (Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 449.)[2780]
  • CAMBRIDGE, D. G., English Music Printing, 1601-1629 , Thesis, Diploma in Librarianship, Univ. of London, 1966.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 244.)[2781]
  • CARSWELL, JOHN, Bolingbroke Letters on History 1738: A Special Copy, Book Collector , 17:351.[2782]
  • CARTER, JOHN, Colour Variations in 19th-Century Publishers' Bindings, Book Collector , 17:490.[2783]
  • CARTER, JOHN, A Further Note on A. E. Housman, TLS , March 14, 1968, p. 278.(Followed by notes by T. B. Haber and by John Sparrow, and preceded by note by Nosworthy, No. C2977 here.)[2784]
  • CARTER, JOHN, Ghosts, Book Collector , 17:492-93.[2785]
  • CARTER, JOHN, Housmaniana, Book Collector , 17:215.(On a copy of A Shropshire Lad presented to John Maycock, a patent office colleague of Housman's.)[2786]
  • CARTER, JOHN, and SPARROW, JOHN, Shelley, Swinburne and Housman, TLS , Nov. 21, 1968, pp. 1318-19.[2787]
  • CARTER, JOHN, Wise Forgeries in Doves Binddings, Book Collector , 17:352-53.[2888]
  • CAVE, RODERICK, and WAKEMAN, GEOFFREY, Typographia naturalis , Wymondham, Brewhouse Press, 1967. 36 p., 5 mounted plates.[2889]
  • CLAPPERTON, R. H., The Paper-Making Machine, Its Invention, Evolution, and Development , Oxford, Pergamon, 1967 [i.e. 1968]. 365 p.[2890]
  • COLLISON, R. L., New Light on Coleridge and the Metropolitan , Progress in Library Science (1966):152-61.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966) : No. 451.)[2891]
  • COUSTILLAS, PIERRE, The Stormy Publication of Gissing's Veranilda , BNYPL , 72:588-610.[2892]
  • CREIGH, J. C., Books and Readers, 1690-1610 , Doctoral dissertation, University of Birmingham, 1966.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 471.)[2893]
  • CURTIS, M. H., William Hones: Puritan Printer and Propagandist, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):38-66.[2894]
  • DAVIS, R. M., Textual Problems in the Novels of Evelyn Waugh, PBSA , 62:259-63.[2895]
  • DAY, R. A., Aphra Behn's First Biography, SB , 22:227-40.[2896]
  • DEARDEN, J. S., The Production and Distribution of John Ruskin's Poems , 1850, Book Collector , 17:151-67.[2897]
  • DEWAR, M., The Authorship of the Discourse of the Commonweal , Economic Hist. Rev. , 19 (1966):388-400.(STC 23133-4, by Sir T. Smith?) (Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 452.)[2898]
  • DICKINS, BRUCE, Printed Playbills in the Peninsular War, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 4:4 (1967):314-17.[2899]
  • DOWNS, R. B., and JENKINS, F. B., eds., Bibliography: Current State and Future Trends , Urbana, Univ. of Illinois Press, 1967. vii, 611 p.(Reprinted from the January and April 1967 issues of Library Trends.)[2900]

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  • EAVES, T. C. D., and KIMPEL. B. D., The Composition of Clarissa and Its Revision before Publication, PMLA , 83:416-28.[2901]
  • EAVES, T. C. D., and KIMPEL. B. D., Two Notes on Samuel Richardson: Richardson's Chapel Rules [and] The Printer of the Daily Journal , Library , 5th ser., 23:242-47.[2902]
  • EDDY, D. D., Omar and the Peacock Bindings [of Sangorski and Sutcliffe], Cornell Libr. Jour. , 4:72-81.[2903]
  • ELDRIDGE, H. G., The American Republication of Thomas Moore's Epistles, Odes, and Other Poems: An Early Version of the Reprinting “Game,” PBSA , 62:199-205.[2904]
  • EMDEN, C. S., The Composition of Northanger Abbey , R.E.S. , n.s., 19:279-87.[2905]
  • ERDMAN, D. V., The Binding (et cetera) of Vala , Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):112-29.[2906]
  • ESDAILE, ARUNDELL, Esdaile's Manual of Bibliography , 4th rev. ed. by Roy Stokes, New York, Barnes & Noble, 1967. 336 p.[2907]
  • FAWCETT, TREVOR, An Eighteenth-Century Book Club at Norwich, Library , 5th ser., 23:47-50.[2908]
  • FAWCETT, TREVOR, Some Aspects of the Norfolk Book-Trade, 1800-24, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 4:5:383-95.[2910]
  • FLETCHER, JOHN, Athanasius Kircher and the Distribution of His Books, Library , 5th ser., 23:108-117.[2911]
  • FRYER, W. R., Mirabeau in England, 1784-85, Renaissance and Modern Studies , Nottingham, 10 (1966):34-87.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 120.)[2912]
  • GASKELL, PHILIP, The Lay of the Case, SB , 22:125-42.[2913]
  • GEMNETT, R. J., The Caliph Vathek from England and the Continent to America, Amer. Book Collector , 18:9:12-19.[2914]
  • GRANT, I. R., Hindmarsh's Collection of Tracts , 1964, Bibliotheck , 5:73-74.[2915]
  • GREENBERG, R. A., Swinburne's Heptalogia Improved, SB , 22:258-66.[2916]
  • GREENE, DONALD, No Dull Duty: The Yale Edition of the Works of Samuel Johnson, in Editorial Conf., 4th, Toronto, 1967 , Editing Eighteenth-Century Texts , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1968, pp. 92-123.[2917]
  • GUFFEY, G. R., Standardization of Photographic Reproductions for Mechanical Collation, PBSA , 62:237-40.[2918]
  • HALE, D. G., Thomas Colwell, Elizabethan Printer, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):223-26.[2919]
  • HALL, P. E., Tennyson's Idylls of the King and The Holy Grail , Book Collector , 17:218-19.[2920]
  • HALLADAY, JEAN, Some Errors in the Bibliography of the Library Edition of John Ruskin's Works, PBSA , 62:127-29.[2921]
  • HALLORAN, W. F., William Blake's The French Revolution: A Note on the Text and a Possible Emendation, BNYPL , 72:3-18.[2922]
  • HAMMELMANN, H. A., John Vanderbank, 1694-1739, Book Collector , 17:285-99.(Eightenth-Century English Illustrators.)[2923]
  • HAMMELMANN, H. A., Proposals for Printing: ‘Doctor Thomas Jackson's Works Compleat . . . 1672,’ Book Collector , 17:491-92.[2924]
  • HEMLOW, JOYCE, Letters and Journals of Fanny Burney: Establishing the Text, in Editorial Conf., 4th, Toronto, 1967 , Editing Eightenth-Century Texts , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1968, pp. 25-43.[2925]
  • HENNING, STANDISH, The Printers and the Beaumont and Fletcher Folio of 1647, Sections 4 and 8 D-F, SB , 22:165-78.[2926]
  • HERNLUND, PATRICIA, William Strahan's Ledgers, II: Charges for Paper, 1738-1785, SB , 22:179-95.[2927]
  • HERRING, P. F., Ulysses Notebook VIII.A.5 at Buffalo, SB , 22:287-310.[2928]
  • HETHERINGTON, R. J., The Compilers of the Book of Common-Prayer . . . A Historical Enquiry . . . With a Bibliographical Note , Birmingham, The Author, 1968. 20 p.[2929]
  • HILL, R. A., A Report on Newspaper Patronage in Canada during the late 1850's and Early 1860's Canadian Historical Rev. , 49:44-59.[2930]

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  • HOFFMAN, C. G., Fact and Fantasy in Orlando: Virginia Woolf's Manuscript Revisions, Texas Studies in Lit. and Lang. , 10:435-44.[2931]
  • HOFFMAN, C. G., From Short Story to Novel: The Manuscript Revisions of Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway , Modern Fict. Studies , 14:171-86.[2932]
  • HOLLIS, P. I., The Unstamped Press in London and the Taxes on Knowledge , Doctoral Dissertation, University of Oxford, 1968.[2933]
  • HOWARD, W. J., Literature in the Law Courts, 1770-1800, in Editorial Conf., 4th, Toronto, 1967, Editing Eighteenth-Century Texts , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1968, pp. 78-91.[2934]
  • HOWARD-HILL, T. H., The Oxford Old-Spelling Shakespeare Concordances, SB , 22:143-64.[2935]
  • HOYT, PETER, Little Gidding Bindings, Amer. N & Q , 7:24-26.[2936]
  • ISAAC, P. C. G., The History of the Book Trade in the North [of England]: A Preliminary Report on a Group of Research Project, Library , 5th ser., 23:248-52.[2937]
  • JENKINS, CLAUSTON, The Ford Changes and the Text of Gulliver's Travels , PBSA , 62:1-23.[2938]
  • JERNIGAN, JAY, The Forgotten Serial Version of George Moore's Esther Waters , Nineteenth Century Fiction , 23:99-103.[2939]
  • JUEL-JENSEN, BENT, Fine and Large-Paper Copies of S.T.C. Books, and Particularly of Drayton's Poems (1619) and The Battaile of Agincourt (1627), Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):226-30.[2940]
  • JUEL-JENSEN, BENT, Fine and Large-Paper Copies of STC Books. A Further Note [on Drayton's Poems (1619)], Library , 5th ser., 23:239-40.[2941]
  • KALDOR, I. L., Slavic Paleography and Early Russian Printing: The Genesis of the Russian Book , Doctoral dissertation, Univ, of Chicago, 1967.[2942]
  • KENDALL, L. H., Jr., The Not-So-Gentle Art of Puffing: William G. Kingsland and Thomas J. Wise, PBSA , 62:25-37.[2943]
  • KEYNES, Geoffrey, Blake's Little Tom the Sailor , Book Collector , 17:421-27.[2944]
  • KEYNES, The Hand of Thomas Thomas [1555-88], Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 4:4 (1967):291-92.[2945]
  • KLINE, R. B., Matthew Prior and “Dear Will Nuttley”: An Addition to the Canon, PQ , 47:157-63.[2946]
  • LAMBERT, SHEILA, Printing for the House of Commons in the Eighteenth Century, Library , 5th ser., 23:25-46.[2947]
  • LAMONT, CLAIRE, William Collins's “Ode on the Popular Superstitions of the Highlands of Scotland” — a Newly Recovered Manuscript, R.E.S. , n.s., 19:137-47.[2948]
  • LANDOW, G. P., Ruskin's Revisions of the Third Edition of Modern Painters, Volume I, Victorian Newsletter , No. 33:12-16.[2949]
  • LAVIN, J. A., William Barley, Draper and Stationer, SB , 22:214-23.[2950]
  • LIGHTFOOT, MARTIN, Scott's Self-Reviewal: Manuscript and Other Evidence, Nineteenth-Century Fiction , 23:150-60.[2951]
  • MacCOLL, ALAN, A New Manuscript of Donne's Poems, R.E.S. , n.s., 19:293-95.[2952]
  • McKENZIE, D. F., and ROSS, J. C., eds., A Ledger of Charles Ackers, Printer of the London Magazine, Oxford Univ. Press, for the Oxford Bibl. Soc., 1968. 331 p.[2953]
  • McKENZIE, D. F., Printers of the Mind: Some Notes on Bibliographical Theories and Printing-House Practices, SB , 22:1-75.[2954]
  • MARKS, J. L., Some Pamphlets Connected with the Early History of the Birmingham Library, Book Collector , 17:78-80.(Includes an Address by Joseph Priestley.)[2955]
  • MARTZ, L. L., and SYLVESTER, R. S., Thomas More's Prayer Book, Yale Univ. Libr. Gazette , 43:53-80.[2956]
  • MASLEN, K. I. D., New Editions of Pope's Essay on Man , 1745-48, PBSA , 62:177-88.[2957]
  • MASLEN, K. I. D., Point-Holes as Bibliographical Evidence, Library , 5th ser., 23:240-41.[2958]

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  • MITCHELL, W. S., The Earliest Newcastle Binder's Ticket, Book Collector 17:81-82.(That of Richard Randell and Peter Maplisden.)[2959]
  • MONOD, SYLVÈRE, Dickens at Work on the Text of Hard Times , Dickensian , 44:86-99.[2960]
  • MORAN, JAMES, Friedrich König and the Printing Machine: The Blades-Göbel Dispute, Gutenberg Jahrb . (1968):46-51.[2961]
  • MORISON, STANLEY, Letter Forms: Typographic and Scriptorial , ed. by John Dryfus, London, Nattali and Maurice, 1968. 167 p.[2962]
  • MORISON, STANLEY, Letter Forms: Typographic and Scriptorial , New York, The Typophiles, 1968. 192 p.(Chap Book XLV.)[2963]
  • MORRIS, BRIAN, The Editions of Cleveland's Poems, 1647-1687, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):90-111.[2964]
  • MORRIS, JOHN, Restrictive Practices in the Elizabethan Book Trade: The Stationers' Company v. Thomas Thomas, 1583-8, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 4:4 (1967):276-90.[2965]
  • MORRIS, JOHN, Thomas Thomas, Printer to the University of Cambridge, 1583-8. Part II: Some Account of His Materials and Bookbindings with a Short-Title List of His Printings, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 4:5:339-62.(Continues the item above.)[2966]
  • MORTENSON, ROBERT, Byroniana: “Remarks on Cain” Identified, HLB , 26:237-41.[2967]
  • MORTENSON, ROBERT, Byron's Letter to Murray on Cain , Libr. Chronicle [Univ. of Pa.], 34:94-99.[2968]
  • MOSLEY, JAMES, The Early Career of William Caslon, Jour. Printing Historical Soc. , 3 (1967):66-81.[2969]
  • MOSLEY, JAMES, Nineteenth-century decorated Types at Oxford, Jour. Printing Historical Soc. , 2 (1966):81-88.[2970]
  • MUIR, P. H., A Curious Dance Round a Curious Tree , Book Collector , 17:80-81.[2971]
  • NETHERY, WALLACE, On the Origin of Species , 1859, Book Collector , 17:216.[2972]
  • NIXON, H. M., A Binding by Katharine Adams (English Bookbindings, LXVI), Book Collector , 17:331.[2973]
  • NIXON, H. M., A Binding by S. T. Prideaux, 1901 (English Bookbindings LXV), Book Collector , 17:190.[2974]
  • NIXON, H. M., A Binding by the Royal Heads Binder, c. 1665 (English Bookbindings LXIV), Book Collector , 17:44.[2975]
  • NIXON, H. M., An Oxford Binding by Roger Bartlett, c. 1670 (English Bookbindings LXVII), Book Collector , 17:463.[2976]
  • NOSWORTHY, J. M., A. E. Housman's Notebook B, TLS , Jan. 11, 1968, p. 45.[2977]
  • NOWELL-SMITH, S. H., International Copyright Law and the Publisher in the Reign of Queen Victoria , Clarendon Press, 1968. xii, 109 p.(Lyell Lectures for 1965/66.)[2978]
  • NOWELL-SMITH, S. H., Tennyson's In Memoriam 1850, Book Collector , 17:350-51.[2979]
  • OAKESHOTT, WALTER, Sir Walter Ralegh's Library, Library , 5th ser., 23:285-327.[2980]
  • O'HEHIR, BRENDAN, An Unnoticed Textual Crux in Ulysses , James Joyce Quart. , 5:297-98.[2981]
  • OLDFIELD, E. L., Henry Carey (1687-1743) and Some Troublesome Attributions, BNYPL , 72:373-77.(A Learned Dissertation on Dumpling and other works attributed to Carey belong to Thomas Gordon.)[2982]
  • OSBORN, J. M., Edmond Malone: Scholar-Collector, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):11-37.[2983]
  • OXFORD. UNIVERSITY. BODLEIAN LIBRARY, Fine Bindings 1500-1700 from Oxford Libraries. Catalogue of an Exhibition , Oxford, Bodleian Library, 1968. x, 144 p. 111 plates.[2984]
  • PADEN, W. D., The Tennysons' Poems by Two Brothers (1827), Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):147-61.[2985]
  • PARKS, S. R., John Dunton (1659-1732) and the English Book Trade , Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Cambridge, 1966.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 328.)[2986]
  • PARKS, S. R., John Dunton and The works of the learned , Library , 5th ser., 23:13-24.[2987]
  • PATTERSON, L. R., Copyright and Author's Rights: A Look at History, HLB , 26:370-84.(Based on material in his book entered below.)[2988]

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  • PATTERSON, L. R., Copyright in Historical Perspective , Nashville, Vanderbilt Univ. Press, 1968. vii, 264 p.[2989]
  • PETTI, A. G., Additions to the Richard Verstegan Canon, Recusant History , 8 (1966):288-93.(Richard Verstegan, earlier Rowlands.) (Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 457.)[2990]
  • POLLARD, A. W., Shakespeare's Fight with the Pirates and the Problems of the Transmission of His Text , 2d ed. rev., Cambridge Univ Press, 1967. xxviii, 110 p.[2991]
  • POOLE, H. E., New Music Types: Invention in the Eighteenth Century, II, Jour. Printing Historical Soc. , 2 (1966):23-44.(Continues C2007.) (Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 246.)[2992]
  • POTTER, L. H., The Text of Scott's Edition of Swift, SB , 22:240-55.[2993]
  • PRANCE, C. A., Gilbert White, 1720-1793 (Some Uncollected Authors, XLIII), Book Collector , 17:300-21.[2994]
  • PRASHER, A. LaV., The Censorship of Landor's Imaginary Conversations , Bull. of the John Rylands Libr. , 49:427-63.[2995]
  • REDLICH, F., Some English Stationers of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries in the Light of Their Autobiographies, Business History , 8 (1966):1-12, 86-102.(J. Dunton, T. Gent, W. Hutton, J. Lackington.) (Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 320.)[2996]
  • RISDEN, W. S., New Ventures in Publishing between 1680 and 1700 , B. Litt. Thesis, Univ. of Oxford, 1966.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 321.)[2997]
  • ROBSON, J. M., Principles and Methods in the Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, in Editorial Conf., 3d, Toronto, 1966 , Editing Nineteenth-Century Texts , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1967, pp. 96-122.[2998]
  • RODRIGUEZ, ANTONIO, First Printings of South America in the Harvard Library, HLB , 26:38-48.[2999]
  • ROSCOE, S., Flora; or, The Deserted Child , Book Collector , 17:83.(Elizabeth Somerville and Elizabeth Helme, junr., one but were there two Helmes, E. Helme and E. Helme, junr.)[3000]
  • ROSENHEIM, EDWARD, Jr., The Text and Context of Swift's Contests and Dissentions , MP , 66:59-74.(A review of Frank H. Ellis's edition, Clarendon Press, 1967.)[3001]
  • ROUSSEAU, G. S., John Wesley's Primitive Physic (1747), HLB , 26:242-56.[3002]
  • RYSKAMP, CHARLES, Samuel Richardson and William Cowper, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):234-38.[3003]
  • SANDERS, C. R., Editing the Carlyle Letters: Problems and Opportunities, in Editorial Conf., 3d, Toronto, 1966 , Editing Nineteenth-Century Texts , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1967, pp. 77-95.[3004]
  • SCHMIDT-KÜNSEMÜLLER, R. A., T. J. Cobden-Sanderson as Bookbinder . Translated by I. Grafe, Esher, The Tabard Press, 1966. 31 p. 13 plates.[3004a]
  • SCHWEIK, R. C., The Early Development of Hardy's Far from the Madding Crowd , Texas Studies in Lit. and Lang. , 9:415-28.[3005]
  • SELWYN, D. G., A Neglected Edition of Cranmer's Catechism [STC 5993-5], Jour. of Theological Studies , n.s., 15 (1964):76-91.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 136.)[3006]
  • SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL. LIBRARIES AND ART COMMITTEE, Book Printing in Sheffield in the Eighteenth Century , Sheffield. The Author, 1967. 12 p.[3007]
  • SHIPLEY, J. B., The Authorship of The Cornish Squire , PQ , 47:145-56.(Adapted from Molière by Sir John Vanbrugh, William Walsh, and William Congreve.)[3008]
  • SHIPLEY, J. B., The Authorship of The Touch-Stone (1728), PBSA , 62:189-98.(Probably by James Ralph.)[3009]
  • SHIPLEY, J. B., James Ralph's Pamphlets, 1741-1744, Library , 5th ser., 19 (for 1964):130-46.[3010]
  • SIMPKINS, D. M., Early Editions of Euclid in England, Annals of Science , Dec. 1966, pp. 225-49.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 109.)[3011]
  • SLYTHE, R. M., The Art of Illustration, 1750-1900 , Fellowship Thesis, Library Association, 1966.(Bibl. in Britain 5 (1966): No. 234.)[3012]
  • SNYDER, H. L., The Circulation of Newspapers in the Reign of Queen Anne, Library , 5th ser., 23:206-35.[3013]

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  • STEEDMAN, J. W., R. S. Surtees: The Horseman's Manual 1831. Which Issue Was the Earlier, Book Collector , 17:492.[3014]
  • STERN, V. F., A Second Set of John White Drawings? [For Theodor de Bry's America, Part I, Frankfurt-am-Main, 1590], Renaissance Quart. , 21:24-32.[3015]
  • STILLINGER, JACK, The Text of Keats's “Ode on Indolence,” SB , 22:255-58.[3016]
  • STONE, HARRY, Dickens “Conducts” Household Words , Dickensian , 44:71-85.[3017]
  • STONE, R., The Albion Press, Jour. Printing Historical Soc. , 2 (1966):58-73.[3018]
  • TANSELLE, G. T., A Proposal for Recording Additions to Bibliographies, PBSA , 62:227-36.[3019]
  • TANSELLE, G. T., Three Unrecorded Issues of Masefield's Tragedy of Nan , Library , 5th ser., 23:145-47.[3020]
  • TANSELLE, G. T., Tolerances in Bibliographical Description, Library , 5th ser., 23:1-12.[3021]
  • TANSELLE, G. T., The Use of Type Damage as Evidence in Bibliographical Description, Library , 5th ser., 23:328-51.[3022]
  • TENNYSON, CHARLES, Tennyson's “Doubt and Prayer” Sonnet, Victorian Poetry , 6:1-3.[3023]
  • THOMPSON, L. S., Some Reconsiderations of the Origin of Printing in Sixteenth-Century Mexico, in Homage to a Bookman . . . for Hans P. Kraus , ed. by Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt, Berlin, Gebr. Mann Verlag [1967], pp. 183-86.[3024]
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