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Page 260

TABLE II Type Reappearances

Only the first reappearances from each distributed forme are listed. Citations are to page and line, excluding headline. Doubtful identifications are marked with a query. The Folger Shakespeare Library copy was examined.

B(i type   B(o type   C(i type  
B1v,15-C4,11  B1,11-D1,36  C2,9-D4,11 
E   B1v,34-C4,19  B1,16-D1v,23  C3v,10-D4v,20(?) 
B2,15-C2v,21  B2v,26-D1v,35  C3v,11-D4v,17 
B2,20-C3,1(?)  B4v,7-D1v,27(?)  C3v,23-D4,35 
B2,24-C3,1  B4v,25-D1,14  C4,8-D3v,20 
C(o type   D(i type   D(o type  
C2v,21-E1v,34  D1v,27-E4v,9(?)  ſ  D1,11-F1v,18 
C3,1-E1,9  D1v,35-E4,35  D1,32-F2,5 
C3,1-E1,21  ſ  D2,8-E4v,8  D1,36-F2v,26 
G   C3,8-E1v,32  D4,22-E4,25  D2v,25-F2,23 
C4v,19-E1v,12  D4,35-E3v,12  D2v,37-F2v,16 
C4v,21-E2v,30  D4v,17-F3,36 
E(i type   E(o type   F(i type  
E1v,12-F4,13  E3,8-F4v,28  T   F1v,37-G3v,28 
E1v,24-F4,29(?)  ſ  E4v,8-F4v,32  F2,5-G4,9 
E3v,12-F3v,14  E4v,9-F4v,29  B   F3v,19-G3,15 
E4,36-F4,31  F4,7-G4,15 
F(o type   G(i type   G(o type  
F3,32-H1,11  G1v,9-H2,16  G3,23-I3,7 
F4v,28-H2v,11  G   G1v,15-H3v,16  A   G3,30-I2,37 
F4v,29-H3,5  G1v,35-H2,15 
A   G2,34-H3v,32 
ſh  G3v,8-H3v,35 
ſh  G3v,8-H3,34 
T   G3v,28-H2,16 
H(i type   H(o type   I(i type  
H1v,15-I2v,11  H2v,36-K2v,38  I1v,7-K4v,27 
H2,6-I3,5  H3,5-K2,9  I1v,25-K4v,34 
T   H2,16-I4v,11  ſ  H3,13-K2,12  I4,30-K3,25(?) 
H2,21-I4,30  ſh  H3,34-K3v,11(?) 
H2,24-I3v,14  H4v,14-K1,28 
H3v,14-I3,24  H4v,22-K1v,33 
H3v,27-I3,34  H4v,38-K1v,26 


Page 261
I(o type   K(i type   K(o type  
I3,5-K3v,6(?)  K1v,33-L4v,26  K1,28-L4v,13 
I3,34-L3,17  K2,2-L2,16  K2v,5-L3,19 
I4v,22-L1v,4  ſ  K2,12-L2,7 
K2,22-L2,31  L(i type  
K3v,6-L4,4  L3v,36-M2v,5 
K3v,13-L2v,22  ſſ  L4,12-M2,13