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Table III: Order of Imprints

The first two imprints are given at length, the others limited to initial and surname with further reference 'A' for Author, 'B' for Booksellers, 'P' for Persons, 'S' for Pamphlet Shops. Peculiar imprints occurring only in counterfeits are designated by number and letter.

Order  Dates  Imprint 
1731 Jan-Feb  Printed for the Author, and sold by A. Dodd without Temple Bar, and M. Smith at the Royal Exchange, MDCCXXXI. (Price 6d.) 
1731 Feb  Printed [&c. as in 1 except:] Exchange, R. Raikes, at Gloucester, W. Dicey, at Northampton, J. Abree at Canterbury, and T. Gent at York. MDCCXXXI. (Price 6d.) 
1731 March-May  A; A. Dodd, A. Smith 
1731 June  A; B 
1731 July-Aug  R. Newton; B. 
1731 Sept  R. Newton 
6A  Counterfeits dated '1701'. The damaged block used with this imprint date (b1) appears only with imprints 17 or 21 [Sept-Dec 1734, Oct 1749-Dec 1752]. 
6B  Counterfeits dated 'MDCCXXXI.' This and other fakes cited below, all occurring with damaged block (h2), were printed ca. 1786. 
1731 Oct-Dec  F. Jefferies 
7A  Counterfeits dated 'MDCCXXXIII', with cut (h2). 
1732 Jan  F. Jefferies, T. Dormer 
1732 Feb-June  F. Jefferies; B. 
9A  Counterfeit 'New' edition, with cut (h2). 
9B  Counterfeit 'Second' edition 'MDCCXXXI, noted only for an October 1731 reprint. 
10  1732 July, Sept-Oct  F. Jefferies [& 14 other booksellers]; B 
11  1732 Aug  F. Jefferies [& 14 booksellers] 
12  1732 Nov  F. Jefferies [& 12 booksellers] 
13  1732 Dec-1733 Jan  F. Jefferies; S; B 
14  1733 Feb-July  A; F. Jefferies; S; B 
15  1733 Aug-Oct  A; F. Jefferies; B; P 
16  1733 Nov--1734 Oct  F. Jefferies; B; P 
17  1734 Sept--1735 Sept, Dec  A; F. Jefferies; B. In first several months used interchangeably with 16. 
18  1735 Oct-Nov  A; F. Jefferies, S. Birt; B 
19  1736 Jan--1738 May  E. Cave; B 
20  1738 June--1745 Dec  E. Cave, jun; B. Between Feb 1739 and Sept 1754 imprints 20 and 24 occasionally cite total volumes available, a number hereafter given as subscript. 
1746 Feb-Aug 
1748 Feb-Nov 
1749 Jan-Sept 


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21  1746 Jan, Sept--1748 Jan, Dec  E. Cave, jun. 
1749 Oct--1752 Dec 
22  1753 Jan-Dec  E. Cave 
23  1754 Jan-Apr  Henry and Cave 
24  1754 May--1760 Feb  D. Henry and R. Cave. See note for imprint 20. 

Notes. M. Smith (imprints 1-2) and A. Smith (3) possibly are relatives of the Eliz. Smith cited by Plomer as also at the Royal Exchange. R. Newton (5-6), hitherto completely unidentified, seems to be an early collaborator with Cave, or perhaps his printer, with address at St John's Gate. In imprints 10-12 two other booksellers are unrecorded: A. Chapman in Pall-Mall and Mr. Crichley at Charing Cross.