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letter 12


The late application of Mr. Brown to Congress which has been referred to you, induces us respectfully to state, that sometime in December last, we commenced the publication of a new or second edition of the Acts of Congress passed at the first session; that this publication is nearly completed, and that another, smaller edition, is considerably advanced upon; that it is our intention


Page 35
to publish like editions of the Acts, Treaties, &c. of the second session, and so to continue for the present and all future sessions like publications as they shall become necessary:—From whence we beg leave to submit, how far the result of any decision on Mr. Brown's case may include ours, or others similar thereto, or establish any particular or exclusive indulgence in his favor—Being with every sentiment of the most perfect regard and esteem,

Your most obedt
and very hble servts.
Childs & Swaine
Philad.a Jan.y 27th 1791.
['Chiles [sic] & Swaine. 1791 | rec.d Jan. 27.' on the back of the letter is in Jefferson's hand except for '1791'.]