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Du Bartas

His Divine Weekes And Workes with A Compleate Collectio[n] of all the other most delight-full Workes: Translated and written by yt famous Philomusus: Iosvah Sylvester

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Sonnet 7.

[Th'vnlookt-for working of all things almost]

Th'vnlookt-for working of all things almost,
Inconstant-constant, in succession strange,
Amazeth those whose wits we chiefly boast,
To see this suddain vn-expected change.
Each feels th'effect, but none the cause descries
(No though he haue with starrs intelligence):
God to himself reserues such Mysteries,
Disposing Kingdoms by his Prouidence,
O end-less Bounty! In the midst of Broyles
He giues vs Peace, when Warr did vs inflame;
And reaues the mischiefe we pursu'd yer-whiles:
But, this doth most extoll his glorious Name,
That when most sharply this extreamest Fit
Stroue to be cure-less, soon he cured it.