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3. Jayamangala gatha
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3. Jayamangala gatha

The Buddha, through his ten Perfections, beginning with charity, has
conquered Mara the Evil One who, having created a thousand hands all
armed, came riding on his war elephant Girimekhala, together with his
army. By this power, may you be endowed with conquests and blessings.

The Buddha, through his peaceful training of self-restraint, has conquered
the impatient, aggressive and terrible demon Alavaka who, being
superior to all other demons, fought against Him throughout the night.
By this power, may you be endowed with conquests and blessings.

The Buddha, through the sprinkling of the water of loving-kindness,
has conquered the noble elephant Nalagiri who, completely bewildered,
was as dreadful as a jungle-fire, a disc missile or a bolt of lightning.
By this power, may you be endowed with conquests and blessings.

The Buddha, through the exercise of his psychic power, has conquered
the formidable robber Angulimala who, brandishing a sword, had covered
a distance of three Yojana in pursuit of Him. By this power, may you be
endowed with conquests and blessings.

The Buddha, through self-possession and modesty in the midst of the
audience, conquered the insult of the woman named Cinca who feigned
pregnancy by attaching a piece of wood to her abdomen. By this power,
may you be endowed with conquests and blessings.

The Buddha, brilliant with the light of wisdom, conquered the bewildered,
unscrupulous Niggantha called Saccaka who, being self-absorbed
by the flag of falsehood, was befooled by his own words. By this power,
may you be endowed with conquests and blessings.

The Buddha, through his instruction of psychic power to his mighty
son (The Elder Moggallana), had the powerful serpent-king Nandopananda,
the misbeliever, tamed (by the Elder). By this power, may you be endowed
with conquests and blessings.

The Buddha, through administering his elixir of Insight, conquered
a Brahma (god) called Baka who, misled by his own transcendental and
super-normal psychic powers, had his hands tightly bound by the snakes
of his own misconceived ideals. By this power, may you be endowed with
conquests and blessings.

A wise and industrious reciting or recollecting every day of these
eight themes of the Buddha's conquests, shall overcome dangers and
obstacles and attain the highest bliss of Emancipation.