University of Virginia Library

Actus Tertius.

Scena Prima.

Enter Margarita, Altea, and Boy.
Are you at ease now, is your heart at rest,
Now you have got a shadow, an umbrella
To keep the scorching worlds opinion
From your fair credit.

I am at peace Altea,
If he continue but the same he shews,
And be a master of that ignorance
He outwardly professes, I am happy,
The pleasure I shall live in and the freedom
Without the squint-eye of the law upon me,
Or prating liberty of tongues, that envy.

You are a made woman.

But if he should prove now
A crafty and dissembling kind of Husband,
One read in knavery, and brought up in the art
Of villany conceal'd.

My life, an innocent.

That's it I aim at,
That's it I hope too, then I am sure I rule him,
For innocents are like obedient Children
Brought up under a hard Mother-in-law, a cruel,
Who being not us'd to break-fasts and collations,
When they have course bread offer'd 'em, are thankfull,
And take it for a favour too. Are the rooms
Made ready to entertain my friends? I long to dance now
And to be wanton, let me have a song, is the great couch up
The Duke of Medina sent?

'Tis up and ready.

And day-beds in all chambers?

In all Lady,
Your house is nothing now but various pleasures,
The Gallants begin to gaze too.

Let 'em gaze on,
I was brought up a Courtier, high and happy,
And company is my delight, and courtships,
And handsom servants at my will: where's my good husband,
Where does he wait?

He knows his distance Madam,
I warrant ye he is busie in the celler
Amongst his fellow servants, or asleep,
Till your command awake him.

Enter Leon.
'Tis well Altea.
It should be so, my ward I must preserve him.
Who sent for him, how dare he come uncall'd for,
His bonnet on too?

Sure he sees you not.

How scornfully he looks!

Are all the chambers
Deckt and adorn'd thus for my Ladies pleasure?
New hangings every hour for entertainment,
And new plate bought, new Jewels to give lustre?

They are, and yet there must be more and richer,
It is her will.

Hum, is it so? 'tis excellent,
It is her will too, to have feasts and banquets,
Revells and masques.

She ever lov'd 'em dearly,
And we shall have the bravest house kept now Sir,
I must not call ye master she has warn'd me,
Nor must not put my hat off to ye.

'Tis no fashion,
What though I be her husband, I am your fellow,
I may cut first.

That's as you shall deserve Sir.

And when I lye with her.

May be I'le light ye,
On the same point you may doe me that service.

Enter 1 Lady.
1 Lady.
Madam, the Duke Medina with some Captains
Will come to dinner, and have sent rare wine,
And their best services.

They shall be welcom,
See all be ready in the noblest fashion,
The house persum'd, now I shall take my pleasure,
And not my neighbour Justice maunder at me.
Go, get your best cloths on, but till I call ye,
Be sure you be not seen, dine with the Gentlewomen,
and behave your self cleanly Sir, 'tis for my credit.

Enter 2 Lady.
2 Lady.
Madam, the Lady Julia.

That's a bawd,
A three pil'd bawd, bawd major to the army.

2 Lady.
Has brought her coach to wait upon your Ladiship,
And to be inform'd if you will take the air this morning.

The neat air of her nunnery.

Tell her no, i'th' afternoon I'le call on her.

2 Lady.
I will Madam.

Why are not you gone to prepare your self,
May be you shall be fewer to the first course,
A portly presence, Altea he looks lean,
'Tis a wash knave, he will not keep his flesh well.

A willing, Madam, one that needs no spurring.

Faith madam, in my little understanding,
You had better entertain your honest neighbours,
Your friends about ye, that may speak well of ye,
And give a worthy mention of your bounty.

How now, what's this?

'Tis only to perswade ye,
Courtiers are but tickle things to deal withal,
A kind of march pane men that will not last Madam,
An egge and pepper goes farther than their potions,
And in a well built body, a poor parsnip
Will play his prize above their strong potabiles.

The fellow's mad.

He that shall counsel Ladies,
That have both liquorish and ambitious eyes,
Is either mad, or drunk, let him speak Gospel.

He breaks out modestly.

Pray ye be not angry,
My indiscretion has made bold to tell ye,
What you'l find true.

Thou darest not talk.

Not much Madam,
You have a tye upon your servants tongue,
He dares not be so bold as reason bids him,
'Twere fit there were a stronger on your temper.
Ne're look so stern upon me, I am your Husband,
But what are Husbands? read the new worlds wonders,
Such Husbands as this monstrous world produces,
And you will scarce find such deformities,
They are shadows to conceal your venial vertues,
Sails to your mills, that grind with all occasions,
Balls that lye by you, to wash out your stains,


And bills nail'd up with horn before your stories,
To rent out last.

Do you hear him talk?

I have done Madam,
An oxe once spoke, as learned men deliver,
Shortly I shall be such, then I'le speak wonders,
Till when I tye my self to my obedience.

First I'le unty my self, did you mark the Gentleman,
How boldly and how sawcily he talk'd,
And how unlike the lump I took him for,
The piece of ignorant dow, he stood up to me
And mated my commands, this was your providence,
Your wisdom, to elect this Gentleman,
Your excellent forecast in the man, your knowledge,
What think ye now?

I think him an Asse still,
This boldness some of your people have blown
Into him, this wisdom too with strong wine,
'Tis a Tyrant, and a Philosopher also, and finds
Out reasons.

I'le have my celler lockt, no school kept there,
Nor no discovery. I'le turn my drunkards,
Such as are understanding in their draughts,
And dispute learnedly the wayes and wherefores,
To grass immediatly, I'le keep all fools,
Sober or drunk, still fools, that shall know nothing,
Nothing belongs to mankind, but obedience,
And such a hand I'le keep over this Husband,

He will fall again, my life he cryes by this time,
Keep him from drink, he has a high constitution.

Enter Leon.
Shall I wear my new sute Madam?

No your old clothes,
And get you into the country presently,
And see my hawks well train'd, you shall have victuals,
Such as are sit for sawcy palats Sir,
And lodgings with the hindes, it is too good too.

Good Madam be not so rough, with repentance,
You see now he's come round again.

I see not what I expect to see.

You shall see Madam, if it shall please your Ladyship:

He's humbled,
Forgive good Lady,

Well go get you handsom,
And let me hear no more.

Have ye yet no feeling?
I'le pinch ye to the bones then my proud Lady.

See you preserve him thus upon my favour,
You know his temper, tye him to the grindstone,
The next rebellion I'le be rid of him,
I'le have no needy Rascals I tye to me,
Dispute my life: come in and see all handsom.

I hope to see you so too, I have wrought ill else.

Enter Perez.
Shall I never return to mine own house again?
We are lodg'd here in the miserablest dog-hole,
A Conjurers circle gives content above it,
A hawks mew is a princely palace to it,
We have a bed no bigger than a basket,
And there we lie like butter clapt together,
And sweat our selves to sawce immediately,
The fumes are infinite inhabite here too;
And to that so thick, they cut like marmalet,
So various too, they'l pose a gold finder,
Never return to mine own paradise?
Why wise I say, why Estifania.

I am going presently.

Make haste good Jewel,
I am like the people that live in the sweet Islands:
I dye, I dye, if I stay but one day more here,
My lungs are rotten with the damps that rise,
And I cough nothing now but stinks of all sorts,
The inhabitants we have are two starv'd rats,
For they are not able to maintain a cat here,
And those appear as fearfull as two Devils,
They have eat a map of the whole world up already,
And if we stay a night we are gone for company.
There's an old woman that's now grown to marble,
Dri'd in this brick hill, and she sits i'th' chimnie,
Which is but three tiles rais'd like a house of cards,
The true proportion of an old smok'd Sibyl,
There is a young thing too that nature meant
For a maid-servant, but 'tis now a monster,
She has a husk about her like a chesnut
With basiness, and living under the line here,
And these two make a hollow sound together,
Like frogs or winds between two doors that murmur:
Enter Estifania.
Mercy deliver me. O are you come wife,
Shall we be free again?

I am now going,
And you shall presently to your own house Sir,
The remembrance of this small vexation
Will be argument of mirth for ever:
By that time you have said your orisons,
And broke your fast, I shall be back and ready,
To usher you to your old content, your freedom.

Break my neck rather, is there any thing here to eat
But one another, like a race of Cannibals?
A piece of butter'd wall you think is excellent,
Let's have our house again immediatly,
And pray ye take heed unto the furniture,
None be imbezil'd.

Not a pin I warrant ye.

And let 'em instantly depart.

They shall both,
There's reason in all courtesies, they must both,
For by this time I know she has acquainted him,
And has provided too, she sent me word Sir,
And will give over gratefully unto you.

I'le walk i'th' Church-yard,
The dead cannot offend more than these living,
And hour hence I'le expect ye.

I'le not fail Sir.

And do you hear, let's have a handsom dinner,
And see all things be decent as they have been,
And let me have a strong bath to restore me,
I stink like a stal-fish shambles, or an oyl-shop.

You shall have all, which some interpret nothing,
I'le send ye people for the trunks afore-hand,
And for the stuff.

Let 'em be known and honest,
And do my service to your niece.

I shall Sir,
But if I come not at my hour, come thither,
That they may give you thanks for your fair courtesy,
And pray ye be brave for my sake.

I observe ye.

Enter Juan de Castro, Sancho, and Cacafogo.
Thou art very brave.

I have reason, I have mony.

Is mony reason?

Yes and rime too Captain,
If ye have no mony y'are an Asse.

I thank ye.

Ye have manners, ever thank him that has mony.

Wilt thou lend me any?

Not a farthing Captain,
Captains are casual things.

Why so are all men, thou shalt have my bond.

Nor bonds nor fetters Captain,
My mony is mine, I make no doubt on't.


What dost thou do with it?

Put it to pious uses,
Buy Wine and Wenches, and undo young Coxcombs
That would undo me.

Are those Hospitals?

I first provide to fill my Hospitals
With Creatures of mine own, that I know wretched,
And then I build: those are more bound to pray for me:
Besides, I keep th'inheritance in my Name still.

A provident Charity; are you for the Wars, Sir?

I am not poor enough to be a Souldier,
Nor have I faith enough to ward a Bullet;
This is no lining for a trench, I take it.

Ye have said wisely.

Had you but my money,
You would swear it Colonel, I had rather drill at home
A hundred thousand Crowns, and with more honour,
Than exercise ten thousand Fools with nothing,
A wise Man safely feeds, Fools cut their fingers.

A right State Usurer; why dost thou not marry,
And live a reverend Justice?

Is't not nobler to command a reverend Justice, than to be one?
And for a Wife, what need I marry, Captain,
When every courteous Fool that owes me money,
Owes me his Wife too, to appease my fury?

Wilt thou go to dinner with us?

I will go, and view the Pearl of Spain, the Orient
Fair One, the rich One too, and I will be respected,
I bear my Patent here, I will talk to her,
And when your Captain's-Ships shall stand aloof,
And pick your Noses, I will pick the purse
Of her affection.

The Duke dines there to day too, the Duke of Medina.

Let the King dine there,
He owes me money, and so far's my Creature,
And certainly I may make bold with mine own, Captain?

Thou wilt eat monstrously.

Like a true born Spaniard,
Eat as I were in England where the Beef grows,
And I will drink abundantly, and then
Walk ye as wantonly as Ovid did,
To stir the Intellectuals of the Ladies;
I learnt it of my Father's amorous Scrivener.

If we should play now, you must supply me.

You must pawn a Horse troop,
And then have at ye Colonel.

Come, let's go:
This Rascal will make rare sport; how the Ladies
Will laugh at him?

If I light on him I'll make his Purse sweat too.

Will ye lead, Gentlemen?

Enter Perez, an old Woman, and Maid.
Nay, pray ye come out, and let me understand ye,
And tune your pipe a little higher, Lady;
I'll hold ye fast: rub, how came my Trunks open?
And my Goods gone, what Pick-lock Spirit?

Old Wom.
Ha, what would ye have?

My Goods again, how came my Trunks all open?

Old Wom.
Are your Trunks open?

Yes, and Cloaths gone,
And Chains, and Jewels: how she smells like hung Beef,
The Palsey, and Picklocks, fye, how she belches,
The Spirit of Garlick.

Old Wom.
Where's your Gentlewoman?
The young fair Woman?

What's that to my question?
She is my wife, and gone about my business.

Is she your Wife, Sir?

Yes Sir, is that wonder?
Is the name of Wife unknown here?

Old Wom.
Is she truly, truly your Wife?

I think so, for I married her;
It was no Vision sure!

She has the Keys, Sir.

I know she has, but who has all my goods, Spirit?

Old Wom.
If you be married to that Gentlewoman,
You are a wretched man, she has twenty Husbands.

She tells you true.

Old Wom.
And she has cozen'd all, Sir.

The Devil she has! I had a fair house with her,
That stands hard by, and furnisht royally.

Old Wom.
You are cozen'd too, 'tis none of hers, good Gentleman.

The Lady Margarita, she was her Servant,
And kept the house, but going from her, Sir,
For some lewd tricks she plaid.

Plague o' the Devil,
Am I i'th' full Meridian of my Wisedom
Cheated by a stale Quean! what kind of Lady
Is that that owes the House?

Old Wom.
A young sweet Lady.

Of a low stature?

Old Wom.
She is indeed but little, but she is wondrous fair.

I feel I am cozen'd;
Now I am sensible I am undone,
This is the very Woman sure, that Cousin
She told me would entreat but for four days,
To make the house hers; I am entreated sweetly.

When she went out this morning, that I saw, Sir,
She had two Woman at the door attending,
And there she gave 'em things, and loaded 'em,
But what they were—I heard your Trunks to open,
If they be yours?

They were mine while they were laden,
But now they have cast their Calves, they are not worth
Owning: was she her Mistress say you?

Old Wom.
Her own Mistress, her very Mistress, Sir, and all you saw
About and in that house was hers.

No Plate, no Jewels, nor no Hangings?

Not a farthing, she is poor, Sir, a poor shifting thing.

No money?

Old Wom.
Abominable poor, as poor as we are,
Money as rare to her unless she steal it,
But for one civil Gown her Lady gave her,
She may go bare, good Gentlewoman.

I am mad now,
I think I am as poor as she, I am wide else,
One civil Sute I have left too, and that's all,
And if she steal that she must fley me for it;
Where does she use?

Old Wom.
You may find truth as soon,
Alas, a thousand conceal'd corners, Sir, she lurks in.
And here she gets a fleece, and there another,
And lives in mists and smoaks where none can find her.

Is she a Whore too?

Old Wom.
Little better, Gentleman, I dare not say she is so Sir, because
She is yours, Sir, these five years she has firkt
A pretty Living,
Until she came to serve; I fear he will knock my
Brains out for lying.

She has serv'd me faithfully,
A Whore and Thief? two excellent moral learnings
In one she-Saint, I hope to see her legend.
Have I been fear'd for my discoveries,
And courted by all Women to conceal 'em?
Have I so long studied the art of this Sex,
And read the warnings to young Gentlemen?
Have I profest to tame the Pride of Ladies,
And make 'em bear all tests, and am I trickt now?
Caught in mine own nooze? here's a royal left yet,
There's for your lodging and your meat for this Week.
A silk Worm lives at a more plentiful ordinary,
And sleeps in a sweeter Box: farewel great Grandmother,
If I do find you were an accessary,
'Tis but the cutting off too smoaky minutes,
I'll hang ye presently.

Old Wom.
And I deserve it, I tell but truth.


Not I, I am an Ass, Mother.

Enter the Duke of Medina, Juan de Castro, Alonzo, Sanchio, Cacafogo. Attendants.
A goodly house.

And richly furnisht too, Sir.

Hung wantonly, I like that preparation,
It stirs the blood unto a hopeful Banquet,
And intimates the Mistress free and jovial,
I love a house where pleasure prepares welcome.

Now Cacafogo, how like you this mansion?
'Twere a brave Pawn.

I shall be master of it,
'Twas built for my bulk, the rooms are wide and spacious,
Airy and full of ease, and that I love well,
I'll tell you when I taste the Wine, my Lord,
And take the height of her Table with my Stomach,
How my affections stand to the young Lady.

Enter Margarita, Altea, Ladies, and Servants.
All welcome to your Grace, and to these Souldiers,
You honour my poor house with your fair presence,
Those few slight pleasures that inhabit here, Sir,
I do beseech your Grace command, they are yours,
Your servant but preserves 'em to delight ye.

I thank ye Lady, I am bold to visit ye,
Once more to bless mine eyes with your sweet Beauty,
'T has been a long night since you left the Court,
For till I saw you now, no day broke to me.

Bring in the Dukes meat.

She is most excellent.

Most admirable fair as e'r I look'd upon,
I had rather command her than my Regiment,

I'll have a fling, 'tis but a thousand Duckets,
Which I can cozen up again in ten days,
And some few Jewels to justifie my Knavery,
Say, I should marry her, she'll get more money
Than all my Usury, put my Knavery to it,
She appears the most infallible way of Purchase,
I cou'd wish her a size or two stronger for the encounter,
For I am like a Lion where I lay hold,
But these Lambs will endure a plaguy load,
And never bleat neither, that Sir, time has taught us,
I am so vertuous now, I cannot speak to her,
The arrant'st shamefac'd Ass, I broil away too.

Enter Leon.
Why, where's this dinner?

'Tis not ready, Madam,
Nor shall not be until I know the Guests too,
Nor are they fairly welcome till I bid 'em.

Is not this my Alferes? he looks another thing;
Are miracles afoot again?

Why, Sirrah, why Sirrah, you?

I hear you, saucy Woman,
And as you are my Wife, command your absence,
And know your duty, 'tis the Crown of modesty.

Your Wife?

Yes good my Lord, I am her Husband,
And pray take notice that I claim that honour,
And will maintain it.

If thou heest her Husband,
I am determin'd thou shalt be my Cuckold,
I'll be thy faithful friend.

Peace, dirt and dunghil,
I will not lose my anger on a Rascal,
Provoke me more, I'll beat thy blown body
Till thou rebound'st again like a Tennis Ball.

This is miraculous.

Is this the Fellow
That had the patience to become a Fool,
A flurted Fool, and on a sudden break,
As if he would shew a wonder to the World,
Both in Bravery, and Fortune too?
I much admire the man, I am astonisht.

I'll be divorced immediately.

You shall not,
You shall not have so much will to be wicked.
I am more tender of your honour; Lady,
And of your Age, you took me for a shadow;
You took me to gloss over your discredit,
To be your Fool, you had thought you had found a Coxcombe,
I am innocent of any foul dishonour I mean to ye.
Only I will be known to be your Lord now,
And be a fair one too, or I will fail for't.

I do command ye from me, thou poor fellow,
Thou cozen'd Fool.

Thou cozen'd Fool? 'tis not so,
I will not be commanded: I am above ye:
You may divorce me from your favour, Lady,
But from your state you never shall, I'll hold that,
And then maintain your wantonness, I'll wink at it.

Am I braved thus in mine own house?

'Tis mine, Madam,
You are deceiv'd, I am Lord of it, I rule it and all that's in't;
You have nothing to do here, Madam;
But as a Servant to sweep clean the Lodgings,
And at my farther will to do me service,
And so I'll keep it.

As you love me, give way.

It shall be better,
I will give none, Madam,
I stand upon the ground of mine own Honour,
And will maintain it, you shall know me now
To be an understanding feeling man,
And sensible of what a Woman aims at,
A young proud Woman that has Will to sail with,
An itching Woman, that her blood provokes too,
I cast my Cloud off, and appear my self,
The master of this little piece of mischief,
And I will put a Spell about your feet, Lady,
They shall not wander but where I give way now.

Is this the Fellow that the People pointed at,
For the meer sign of man, the walking Image?
He speaks wondrous highly.

As a Husband ought, Sir,
In his own house, and it becomes me well too,
I think your Grace would grieve if you were put to it
To have a Wise or Servant of your own,
(For Wives are reckon'd in the rank of Servants,)
Under your own roof to command ye.

Brave, a strange Conversion, thou shalt lead
In chief now.

Is there no difference betwixt her and you, Sir?

Not now, Lord, my Fortune makes me even,
And as I am an honest man, I am nobler.

Get me my Coach.

Let me see who dares get it
Till I command, I'll make him draw your Coach too,
And eat, your Coach, (which will be hard diet)
That executes your Will; or take your Coach, Lady,
I give you liberty, and take your People
Which I turn off, and take your Will abroad with ye,
Take all these freely, but take me no more,
And so farewel.

Nay, Sir, you shall not carry it
So bravely off, you shall not wrong a Lady
In a high huffing strain, and think to bear it,
VVe stand not by as Bawds to your brave fury,
To see a Lady weep.

They are tears of anger, I beseech ye note 'em, not worth pity
Wrung from her rage, because her Will prevails not,
She would swound now if she could not cry,
Else they were excellent, and I should grieve too,
But falling thus, they show nor sweet nor orient.
Put up my Lord, this is oppression,
And calls the Sword of Justice to relieve me,
The law to lend her hand, the King to right me,


All which shall understand how you provoke me,
In mine own house to brave me, is this princely?
Then to my Guard, and if I spare your Grace,
And do not make this place your Monument,
Too rich a Tomb for such a rude behaviour,
I have a Cause will kill a thousand of ye, mercy forsake me.

Hold, fair Sir, I beseech ye,
The Gentleman but pleads his own right nobly.

He that dares strike against the husbands freedom,
The Husbands Curse stick to him, a tam'd Cuckold,
His Wife be fair and young, but most dishonest,
Most impudent, and have no feeling of it,
No conscience to reclaim her from a Monster,
Let her lye by him like a flattering ruine,
And at one instant kill both Name and Honour,
Let him be lost, no eye to weep his end,
Nor find no earth that's base enough to bury him.
Now Sir, fall on, I am ready to oppose ye.

I have better thought, I pray Sir use your Wife well.

Mine own humanity will teach me that, Sir,
And now you are all welcome, all, and we'll to dinner,
This is my Wedding day.

I'll cross your joy yet.

I have seen a miracle, hold thine own, Souldier,
Sure they dare fight in sire that conquer Women.

H'as beaten all my loose thoughts out of me,
As if he had thresht 'em out o'th' husk.

Enter Perez.
'Save ye, which is the Lady of the house?

That's she, Sir, that pretty Lady,
If you would speak with her.

Don Michael, Leon, another darer come.

Pray do not know me, I am full of business,
When I have more time I'll be merry with ye.
It is the Woman: good Madam, tell me truly,
Had you a Maid call'd Estifania?

Yes truly, had I.

Was she a Maid do you think?

I dare not swear for her,
For she had but a scant Fame.

Was she your Kinswoman?

Not that I ever knew, now I look better
I think you married her, 'give you joy, Sir,
You may reclaim her, 'twas a wild young Girl.

Give me a halter: is not this house mine, Madam?
Was not she owner of it, pray speak truly?

No, certainly, I am sure my money paid for it,
And I ne'r remember yet I gave it you, Sir.

The Hangings and the Plate too?

All are mine, Sir,
And every thing you see about the building,
She only kept my house when I was absent,
And so ill kept it, I was weary of her.

What a Devil ails he?

He's possest I'll assure you.

Where is your Maid?

Do not you know that have her?
She is yours now, why should I look after her?
Since that first hour I came I never saw her.

I saw her later, would the Devil had had her,
It is all true I find, a wild-fire take her.

Is thy Wife with Child, Don Michael? thy excellent wife.
Art thou a Man yet?

When shall we come and visit thee?

And eat some rare fruit? thou hast admirable Orchards,
You are so jealous now, pox o' your jealousie,
How scurvily you look!

Prithee leave fooling,
I am in no humour now to fool and prattle,
Did she ne'r play the wag with you?

Yes many times, so often that I was asham'd to keep her,
But I forgave her, Sir, in hope she would mend still,
And had not you o'th' instant married her,
I had put her off.

I thank ye, I am blest still,
Which way so e'r I turn I am a made man,
Miserably gull'd beyond recovery.

You'll stay and dine?

Certain I cannot, Captain,
Hark in thine ear, I am the arrantst Puppy,
The miserablest Ass, but I must leave ye,
I am in haste, in haste, bless you, good Madam,
And you prove as good as my Wife.

Will you come near, Sir, will your Grace but honour me,
And taste our dinner? you are nobly welcome,
All anger's past I hope, and I shall serve ye.

Thou art the stock of men, and I admire thee.
