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His Divine Weekes And Workes with A Compleate Collectio[n] of all the other most delight-full Workes: Translated and written by yt famous Philomusus: Iosvah Sylvester

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THE TRIVMPH of FAITH, former-ly DEDICATED, and now againe, for ever Consecrate to the gratefull Memorie of the first kinde Fosterer of our tender Muses, my neuer-sufficiently-Honored deer Vncle W. PLVMB, Esq.

For whose deer Bones wee would a Toomb aduance
Of Golde, and Silver, and Corinthian Brasse,
VVith Ivorie Pillars mixt with Iette and Rance,
Rarer and richer than th'olde Carian's was;
And round about is wright
His vertues shining bright:
And stately deck the same
With stories of his Fame:
But, sith the most of our poore Meanes (alas!)
Not the least part of that Rich Pride affoords;
For want of Wealth, wee build a Toomb of Words:
Which (though it cost less) shall out-last
The proud clowd-threatning Battlements,
Th'aspiring Spires by Nilvs plac't,
And Hell-deepe-founded Monuments.
For greedy waste of Hours, that all things else devours,
Spares the sweet Maydes of sacred Helicnn:
And those fayre Ladyes, to their Friends alone,
This precious Gift doo give, Still (after Death) to Live.