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At Whitehall the 17th of October i623


At Whitehall the 17th of October i623[185]


Lo: Arch=bishop of Canterbury. 
Lo: Treasuror.  Lo Visc: Grandison. 
Lo: President.  Lo: Chichester. 
Ea: Marshall.  mr Treasuror. 
Ea: of Carlile.  mr Secrẽ Caluert. 
Ea of Kelly.  mr Chauncellor of ye Exchequor
The Mr of the Rolls. 

This Day the Deputie and others representinge the Bodie of the Virginia Com-
panie, did in conformity to the order they had receaued exhibite at the Board


their Aunsweare to that wch accordinge to his Mats pleasure their Lops had
both propounded vnto them Viua Voce and also declared by an Act of Coun-
sell Dated the 8th of this Moneth whereof a Coppie was Deliuered them, in wch
doth manifestly appeare his Mats graceous intenc̃on and Royall care of the
Plantac̃on both generally for the pointe of Gouerment and perticulerly for
the conservinge of euery mans priuate interest, nowe forasmuch as the said
Aunsweare is mearely Dilatory, the said Deputie and the rest pretendinge
thereby that by reason of a limitac̃on in their Patent they may not handle
matters of that nature and waight but at a Quarter Court wch will not be vntill
the 19th of Nouember next their Lops beinge no waye satisfied wth this pretence
and consideringe that his Maty expecteth a speedie Account of the [342] pro-
ceedinge in this buissines wch also in its selfe requireth all expidic̃on in
reguard of the importance and consequence thereof haue therefore ordered
and expressely charged the said Deputie and the rest, that they assemble them-
selues againe forthwith, and on Monday next in the Afternoone wch wilbe the
20th of this Moneth deliuer a cleare direct and finall Aunsweare to that wch had
bin before propounded and was this Day reitterated vnto them: Vzt whither
the same Company wilbe content to submitt and surrender their former Char-
ter and accept of a newe Charter with the alterac̃ons menc̃oned in the foresaid
Act of Counsell and to this purpose the Deputie was likewise com̃anded to
propound the question to the said Companie in those cleare and plaine termes,
in wch it was Deliuered. Ext. I. Dickenson

Which order beinge twice deliberately read after some pause and dis-
pute had by both parts mr Deputie put it to the question in the verie
words expressely sett downe in the said order vizt

As many of you as be content to submitt and surrender the Charters
you nowe haue and accept of a newe Charter with the alterac̃ons
mentioned in the aforesaid Act of Counsell hold vp yor hands to wch
only nine ∥hands∥ were held vpp.

Againe as many as will noe, hold vp their hands: to wch there was a
generall erecc̃on of hands of the whole Court: the aforesaid nine
onely dissentinge: wherevpon the Aunsweare followinge was drawne
in presence of the Court and beinge read was generally approued and
ordered to be deliuered to the Lords in the name of the Companie the
Coppie whereof doth here ensue.


The most humble Aunsweare of the Virginia
Companie to the Right Honoble the Lords and
others of his Maties most Honoble Priuy

The Companie of Virginia beinge assembled the 20th of October i623 accord-
inge to yor Lops com̃aund and the Deputie havinge put to the question yor
Lops Proposition in the Direct words that yor Lops com̃anded their were onely
nine hands for the deliuery vp of the Ch̴res and all the rest (beinge about
threescore more) were of a contrary opinion.[187]


This order is recorded in the Register of the Privy Council, James I, Vol. VI, p. 126. For cita-
tion of other drafts and places of publication of the order, see List of Records, No. 576, Vol. I, page
183, ante.


A copy of this document is in the Public Record Office, State Papers, Colonial, Vol. II, No. 47.


A schedule of the names, together with the votes as here cast, is cited in List of Records, No. 579, Vol. I, page 183, ante.