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At Whitehall the 20th of October i623.


At Whitehall the 20th of October i623.[188]


Lo: Arch=bishop of Canterbury. 
Lo: Keeper.  Ea: Marshall. 
Lo: Treasuror.  Lo: Visc: Grandison. 
Lo: President.  Lo: Chichester. 
Lo: Priuy Seale.  mr Secrẽ Caluert. 
The Master of the Rolls. 

Whereas their llps were this Day informed that there is a great discouragement
Amongst many Adventurers of the Plantac̃on in Virginia by reason of the
intended reforminge and chaunge of the Gouerment, wherevpon they are
fearefull to prosecute their Aduentures, so as it may occasion some stopp of
those Shipps wch are nowe ready fraughted and bound for that Country;
Although their Lops maruell that any should be so farr mistaken considering
the Declarac̃ons yt haue bin made at the Bourd Viua Voce as also by an Act
of Counsell and otherwise yet for the better satisfyinge of those, who either
through error or mistakinge or through the vntrue suggestions of others haue
conceaued any such feare or Discouragement, their Lops do thinke fitt hereby
to Declare againe that there is no other intenc̃on then meerely and onely the
reforminge and chaunge of the present Gouerment, whereof his Matie hath
seen so many bad effectℯ as wilbe to the endangeringe of the whole Plantac̃on,
if it continue as it is; neuertheles for somuch as it concerneth the priuate
interest of any man his Mats royall care is such that no man shall receaue any
preiudice but shall haue his estate fully and wholly conserued, and if in any
thinge is be defectiue better to be secured, so as they need not apprehend any
such feares or other inconvenience but contrariwise cheerefully to proceed: It
is ∥therefore∥ ordered by their Lops and thought fitt to be published to the
Companie that it is his Mats absolute Com̃aund that the Shipps wch were
intended to be sent at this time to Virginia and are in some readines to goe be
wth all speed sent away for the reliefe of those that be there and the good of
that Plantation and this to be presently donne wthout any Stoppe or Delay:

Ext Io: Dickenson.


Wch order beinge twice read the Court generally agred and ordered
that publique notice of this his Mats pleasure should be giuen accord-
ingly to all such owners and Mrs of Shipps wch were knowne to haue
any Shipps preparinge to goe for Virginia. [344]


A copy of this order by Thomas Collett (?) is among the Ferrar Papers, Magdalene College,
Cambridge. It is indorsed in the autograph of Sir Edwin Sandys as follows: "Order of the LL in
the Busines of Va." The order is recorded in the Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. VI, p. 131.
For citation of other drafts and places of publication, see List of Records, No. 578, Vol. I, page 183,