University of Virginia Library

The Resolution;


O I'll be off! I will by Jove!
No more by purling streams I'll ramble,
Through dirty lanes no longer rove,
Bemired and scratch'd by briar and bramble.
I'll fly the pigstye for the parks,
And Jack and Tom and Ned and Billy
I'll quit for more enlightened sparks,
And Romney Marsh for Piccadilly.
Adieu, ye woods! adieu, ye groves!
Ye waggon-horses, ploughs, and harrows!
Ye capering lambs! ye cooing doves!
Adieu, ye nightingales and sparrows!
Adieu, ye nasty little boys,
So sweetly in the puddles playing!
Adieu, adieu, the cheerful noise
Of grunting pigs and asses braying!


O, I'll begone! at once farewell
To gooseberry wine, and pear, and codling!
Farewell the sheep's harmonious bell!
Farewell the gander's graceful waddling!
Farewell the compost's sweet perfume!
Farewell rum-punch, nectareous liquor!
Farewell the pimples that illume
The noses of the squire and vicar!
Adieu my pipe! not that of old
By swains Arcadian tuned so gaily,
But that of modern frame and mould
Invented by Sir Walter Raleigh.
And I'll renounce my dog and gun,
And “bob” no more for eels in ditches;
The huntsman, horn, and hounds I'll shun,
And I'll cashier my leather breeches!
For me the fox may prowl secure,
The partridge unmolested fly,
Whist, loo, and cribbage I abjure,
And e'en backgammon's lures defy.
At country “hops,” at county balls,
At christening treats no more I'll be!
No more I'll pay my morning calls,
Nor with old ladies take my tea!


Adieu the vestry and the bench,
The rate and justice's approval,
The overseer, refract'ry wench,
Appeal, and order of removal.
The fair, its gingerbread and toys,
Rough roads, deep ruts, and boist'rous weather,
Ye scenes of bliss, ye rural joys,
Adieu! and, Bless ye, altogether!