University of Virginia Library

Epigram. 64. In iactabundum gentis suæ:

Tell me no more what trophies were erected,
By those, from whom thy Gentry tooke deriuing,
Show me their vertues that made them respected,
If they, as yet, bee in their sonne suruiuing:
'Tis not enough, 't inherit any man,
To reckon from Coruinus thy descent,
From Nasica, or Nobler Affrican,
If vertue bee not in th'hereditament;
Or say; 'tis credit to bee come of them;
'Tis more dishonour when thou shalt digresse,
And proue a bad stalke of so braue a stemme,
Disabling thy birth in thine vnworthinesse:

Translatum ex Iuuenal:

I would Thersites had begot thee rather,

And thou proue like Patroclus worthy friend,
Then that Achilles should haue beene thy father,
And thou to proue Thirsites in the end:
“No fathers deeds can dignify the sonne,
Nor can we call that ours, we haue not done.
Quæ non fecimus ipsi
Vixea nostra voco.