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At a Court held on Tuisday in the forenoone the first of Iuly i623



At a Court held on Tuisday in the forenoone the first of Iuly i623


Sr Edw: Sackuill.  Sr Walter Earle. 
Sr Iohn Dãuers.  Sr Tho: Wroth. 
Sr Iohn Ogle.  Sr Sam: Argall. 
Sr Nath: Rich. 

mr Nicho: ffarrar Deputy.  Capt: Bargraue. 
mr White.  mr Paulavicine.  mr Steward. 
mr Tomlins.  mr Io: ffarrar.  mr Meuerell. 
mr Winckfeild.  mr Garrett.  mr Moorewood. 
mr Gibbs.  mr Barbor mr Ditchfield. 
mr Binge.  mr Berblocke.  mr Downes. 
mr Woodnett.  mr Edw: Waterhowse.  mr Hackett. 
mr Tobias ffelgate. 

mr Woodall.  mr Witherall.  mr Tatam.  mr Rolfe. 
mr Sheldon.  mr Couell.  mr Dike.  mr Webbe. 
mr Geo: Smith.  mr Newport.  mr Ewens.  mr Widdowes. 
mr Withers.  mr Rider.  mr ffelgate.  mr Budge. 
mr Kirby.  mr Procter.  mr Carles.  mr Scott. 
mr Nicholls.  mr Copland.  mr Cuffe.  wth others. 
mr Shippard.  mr Moore.  mr Ley. 
mr Rayner.  mr Viner.  mr Barker. 


Mr Deputy acquainted the Court that havinge receaued a L̃re from
one mr Peasely (a Servaunt of mr Secretary Caluerts) signifyinge in
his Mr name that he with some fewe others was to attend the lordℯ on
the Monday followinge at Whitehall; Accordingly he there attended
their Lps before whome beinge admitted their Lps signified that they
had bin informed by the priuate Letters that came by the last Shipps


from Virginia that his Maties Subiects there were in a verie great want
and like to be starued; An Abstract of wch Letters the Com̃issioners
had presented vnto them, wch they caused to be read at the Bourd, wth
wch informac̃on their llps said, they were satisfied so farr as that they
did belieue the Colony to be in great extreamity, and therevpon com̃-
aunded a Court to be called as this day, and the Companie to be made
acquainted wth the report of the said Letters (by readinge the abstract
vnto them,) whereby havinge informed themselues of the miserable
estate of the Colonie, they may consider howe to send a present sup-
plie vnto them and hereof to bringe their Aunsweare this Afternoone.

The Court herevpon caused the said Abstract to be read: wch donne
the Companie entred into a serious consultac̃on howe to raise a Sup-
plie, to wch purpose although diuers proposic̃ons were made, yet none
of them could be resolued on, in reguard of the shortnes of the time
they had nowe to consider of it; wherefore it was generally agreed in
the end, that this Aunsweare followinge should for the present be
returned to their Lps.

The humble Answeare of the Virginia Companie beinge
assembled in a generall Court held the jo Iuly i623 to
the right Honoble: the Lordℯ of his Mats most Honoble: Priuy

The Companie havinge taken ∥into considerac̃on∥ yor Lops Com̃aund
of speedie sendinge supplies of victuall and prouisions to Virginia doe
finde not onely diuers Hundredℯ wilbe supplied by their perticuler
Aduenturers but also sundrie perticuler persons from their frendℯ.

And for the generall supplie they haue had proposic̃on of vnderwritinge
a large Magazine, but many Difficulties arisinge herein, they were not
able to come to any finall conclusion this day (the Court beinge very
thinn through the shortnes of the warninge) and do therefore humbly
desire respitt vntill friday next to consider and aduise thereof that a
large and full Court may be assembled and the rest of the Aduenturers
acquainted therewith.


But whereas there are diuers persons indebted to the Companie vpon
subscriptions, wch moneyes are longe due and amount to a verie great
Som̃e; if it might please yor Lops that some speedy course might be
taken to cause those that are so indebted to pay their said Som̃es:
there would be a verie valuable Som̃e raised aswell for the present as
future occasions wch they humbly submitt to yor Lops most honorable
considerac̃on. [334]


A copy of this document is in the Public Record Office, State Papers, Colonial, Vol. II, No. 34.
See List of Records, No. 530, Vol. I, page 177, ante.