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Wood-notes and Church-bells

By the Rev. Richard Wilton

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“God be merciful to me—
Chief of sinners”—was his plea,
When God's House of prayer he sought,
Scorned by man, but Spirit-taught.
“God be merciful!”—his cry,
When not daring to draw nigh,
From afar he views the place
Where God veils His awful face.
“God be merciful!”—he sighs
With sad heart and downcast eyes,
As he smites his conscious breast
By a load of sin opprest.


“Be propitious, Lord”—his prayer,
Through the Victim pure and fair:
Thus he pleads atoning blood,
Though but dimly understood.
And we know his prayer was heard;
For “I tell you” is Christ's word,
“That man went home justified,”
For the sake of Him who died.
Humble words have pierced the sky,
Reached the throne of God on high,
Brought an instant pardon down—
Gracious pledge of glorious crown.
Let me learn that prayer to pray
Every hour of every day,
Seeking for myself to win
Sweet forgiveness of my sin.


God be merciful to me!
Christ's dear ransom set me free!
Mine the faith which justifies
Through the precious Sacrifice!