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by W. T. Moncrieff

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I wish'd to make my Love a gift of something soft and simple,
For softness and simplicity lurk in her every dimple;


And Cupid whisper'd me, that she would that the best prefer,
Which did in worth and nature most assimilate with her.
At first, I thought of violets a rustic couch I'd make her,
Whereon to rest her ivory limbs, when sleep might overtake her;
But Love sung, ‘Foolish youth, beware! for when on them she lies,
The flowers will die with envying her azure veins and eyes.’
Then glow-worms I resolv'd to catch, to light her in the night;
But Love exclaim'd, ‘They will not shine before her eyes so bright!’


‘Well, then,’ quoth I, ‘I'll lilies pluck, to ornament her vest;’
Cried Love, ‘Her whiter bosom, youth, will ornament it best.’
‘A band of roses, then, I'll twine, to grace her forehead fair;’
Said Love, ‘No band can grace it like her band of golden hair.’
‘What shall I give her, then?’ I sigh'd. Quoth Love, ‘You foolish elf,
You can give the maid no gift so soft and simple as yourself!