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President of the University


Dean of the University and of the College of Arts and Sciences


Dean of the Department of Graduate Studies


Assistant Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences



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Page 158
WILLIAM MYNN THORNTON, B.A., LL.D.  Professor of Applied
WILLIAM HOLDING ECHOLS, B.S., C.E.  Professor of Mathematics 
RICHARD HEATH DABNEY, M.A., Ph.D.  Corcoran Professor of History 
RICHARD HENRY WILSON, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Romanic
JAMES MORRIS PAGE, M.A., Ph.D., LL.D.  Professor of Mathematics 
WILLIAM ALEXANDER LAMBETH, M.D., Ph.D.  Professor of Hygiene
and Director of Physical Education
[1] ALBERT LEFEVRE, B.A., Ph.D., LL.D.  Corcoran Professor of Philosophy 
ROBERT MONTGOMERY BIRD, B.A., B.S., Ph.D.  Professor of Chemistry 
WILLIAM MENTZEL FORREST, B.A.  John B. Cary Memorial Professor
of Biblical History and Literature
WILLIAM HARRISON FAULKNER, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Germanic
CHARLES GILMORE MAPHIS, Ped.D., LL.D.  Professor of Education 
ROBERT HENNING WEBB, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Greek 
SAMUEL ALFRED MITCHELL, M.A., Ph.D., LL.D.  Professor of
Astronomy and Director of the Leander McCormick Observatory
IVEY FOREMAN LEWIS, B.A., M.S., Ph.D.  Miller Professor of Biology
and Agriculture
LLEWELLYN GRIFFITH HOXTON, B.S., B.A., M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of
JOHN LEVI MANAHAN, B.S., M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Educational
WILLIAM ALLISON KEPNER, M.A., Ph.D., Sc.D.  Professor of Biology 
JOHN CALVIN METCALF, M.A., Litt.D., LL.D.  Linden Kent Memorial
Professor of English Literature
GEORGE OSCAR FERGUSON, Jr., M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Psychology
and Education
WILLIAM ROYAL SMITHEY, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Secondary
JAMES SOUTHALL WILSON, M.A., Ph.D.  Edgar Allan Poe Professor
of English
ALBERT GEORGE ADAM BALZ, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Philosophy 
CARROLL MASON SPARROW, B.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Physics 
ARTHUR FICKENSCHER, Diploma, Royal Conservatory of Munich  Professor
of Music
JOHN JENNINGS LUCK, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Mathematics 
WILSON GEE, B.S., M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Rural Economics and Rural
Sociology and Director of the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences
TIPTON RAY SNAVELY, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Economics 
WILBUR ARMISTEAD NELSON, B.S., M.A.,  Corcoran Professor of Geology 
GARDNER LLOYD CARTER, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Chemistry 
JAMES COOK BARDIN, M.D.  Professor of Romanic Languages 
ALBERT JULIUS BARLOW, B.A., C.P.A.  Professor of Commerce and
Business Administration
ABRAHAM BERGLUND, B.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Commerce and Business
ATCHESON LAUGHLIN HENCH, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of English 
ELBERT ALVIS KINCAID, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Commerce and
Business Administration
DUMAS MALONE, M.A., Ph.D.  Richmond Alumni Professor of History 
[2] ROBERT KENT GOOCH, M.A., D. Phil. (Oxon.)  Professor of Political
W. PATTON GRAHAM, M.A.  Professor of Romanic Languages 
FRANCIS HARRIS ABBOT, M.A.,  Professor of French 
JOSEPH KENT ROBERTS, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Geology 
FLOYD NELSON HOUSE, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Sociology 
JOHN HOWE YOE, M.S., M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Chemistry 
ORLAND EMILE WHITE, M.S., Sc.D.  Professor of Agricultural Biology
and Director of the Blandy Experimental Farm
HARRY CLEMONS, M.A.,  Librarian 
ARTHUR FERGUSON BENTON, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Chemistry 
GEORGE WASHINGTON SPICER, B.A., Ph.D.  Acting Professor of
Political Science
HERMAN PATRICK JOHNSON, M.A., Ph.M.  Associate Professor of English
CHARLES WAKEFIELD PAUL  Associate Professor of Public Speaking 
LINWOOD LEHMAN, M.A., Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Romanic
Languages and Latin
FREDERICK LYONS BROWN, M.A., Ph.,D.  Associate Professor of Physics 
HARRY ROGERS PRATT  Associate Professor of Music and Dramatic Art 
BEN-ZION LINFIELD, M.S., Ph.D., Sc.D.  Associate Professor of
GEORGE BASKERVILLE ZEHMER, M.A.  Associate Professor of Education
and Director of Extension
ARMISTEAD CHURCHILL GORDON, Jr., M.A., Ph.D.  Associate Professor
of English
FRANK STRINGFELLOW BARR, B.A. (Oxon), M.A.  Associate Professor
of History
BRUCE DODSON REYNOLDS, B.S., Sc.D.  Associate Professor of Zoölogy 
[3] ARTHUR KYLE DAVIS, Jr., M.A., B.Litt. (Oxon.), Ph.D.  Associate
Professor of English
LAWRENCE THEODORE LUDWIG, B.P.E.  Associate Professor of Physical
CHARLES HENDERSON, E.E.  Associate Professor of Experimental
GEORGE TALMADGE STARNES, M.A., Ph.D.  Associate Professor of
Commerce and Business Administration
CHARLES NEWTON HULVEY, M.S., LL.B.  Associate Professor of
Commercial Law
EUSTACE EVAN WINDES, M.A.  Associate Professor of Secondary
FRANK ARTHUR GELDARD, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.  Associate Professor of
JESSE WAKEFIELD BEAMS, Jr., B.A., M.A., Ph.D.  Associate Professor
of Physics
THOMAS CARY JOHNSON, Jr., B.A., M.A.  Associate Professor of History 
FRANK WILLIAM HOFFER, M.A.  Associate Professor of Sociology 
ROBERT ELIOT LUTZ, B.S., M.S.  Associate Professor of Chemistry 
LAUREN BLAKELY HITCHCOCK, S.B., S.M.  Associate Professor of
Chemical Engineering
ALFRED AKERMAN, B.A., M.A.  Associate Professor of Forestry 
WILLIAM PERCY MADDOX, B.A. (Oxon.)  Acting Associate Professor
of Political Science
STANISLAW JOHN MAKIELSKI, B.S. in Arch.  Assistant Professor of
Art and Architecture
PAUL OTTO, B.S., B.P.E., M.P.E.  Assistant Professor of Physical Education 
ARTHUR AUGUST PEGAU, M.A., Ph.D.  Assistant Professor of Geology 
HARRY STEPHENS LADD, M.A., Ph.D.  Assistant Professor of Geology 
EDWIN MORRIS BETTS, Ph.B., M.S., Ph.D.  Assistant Professor of Biology 
FRANZ KARL MOHR, M.A., Dr. Jur  Assistant Professor of Germanic
HUGH MILLER SPENCER, B.A., M.S., Ph.D.  Assistant Professor of
EDWIN CARYLE MARKHAM, B.A., Ph.D.  Assistant Professor of
ALEXANDER VYSSOTSKY, Ph.D.  Assistant Professor of Astronomy 
PIET VAN de KAMP, Astr. Doctr  Assistant Professor of Astronomy 
ORESTE RINETTI, Ph.D.  Assistant Professor of Italian 
THADDEUS BRAXTON WOODY, M.A.  Assistant Professor of Spanish 
CLAUDE MATTHEWS MacFALL, B.A., Ph.D.  Assistant Professor of
NILS HAMMARSTRAND, B.A., M.A., C.E.  Assistant Professor of the
History of Art
Professor of English


LAWRENCE BERNHART ANDERSON, B.A., M.S.  Instructor in Art and
STEN ASKLOEF, Ph.D.  Instructor in Astronomy 
ALVIN BLOCKSOM BISCOE, B.A., M.A.  Instructor in Economics 
ARCHER STUART CAMPBELL, B.S., M.A.  Instructor in Accounting 
CLAYTON DOUGLAS CARUS, B.A., M.A.  Instructor in Commerce and
Business Administration
MARY HILDRETH CASSELL  Instructor in Physical Education 
JOHN JAY CORSON, III, B.S.  Instructor in Rural Social Economics 
JOHN ELSROAD  Instructor in Physical Education 
MAJL EWING, B.A.  Instructor in English 
JULIO SUAREZ GALBÁN, B.S.  Instructor in Spanish 
WILLIAM MONTELLE HOBSON, B.S.  Instructor in Physical Education 
ROBERT NOBLE HOSKINS, B.S.  Instructor in Physical Education 
NATHANIEL PRUDEN LAWRENCE, B.A., M.A.  Instructor in English 
GEORGE GAINES LECKIE, B.S.  Instructor in Logic 
MALCOLM LORIMER MacLEOD, B.S.  Instructor in English 
FERNANDO MARTÍNEZ, B.S., M.S.  Instructor in Spanish 
FRANCIS CLAIBORNE MASON, B.A., M.A.  Instructor in English 
WILLIS GREEN MUNCY  Instructor in Commerce and Business
BERNARD MANN PEEBLES, B.A.  Instructor in Greek 
DIRK REUYL, Astr. Doctr.  Instructor in Astronomy 
ROBERT deJARNETTE RUFFIN  Instructor in Latin 
GEORGE WELLINGTON SMITH, M.A.  Instructor in English 
HORACE ARGYLE TEASS, B.S., M.S.  Instructor in Commerce and Business
RALPH RUDOLPH THOMPSON, B.A., M.A.  Instructor in Latin 
JOSEPH LEE VAUGHAN, B.A., M.A.  Instructor in English 
MONTIE MORTON WEAVER, B.S.  Instructor in Mathematics 
FONTAINE ALLEN WELLS, B.S.  Instructor in Mathematics 
WINSTON WILKINSON  Instructor in Music 




Page 159
Alvin Blocksom Biscoe, B.A., M.A.  Economics 
Andrew Jackson Eastwood, B.A., M.A.  Economics 
James Montrose Graham, Jr., B.S.E.  Chemistry 
John Hulon Mote, M.S. (du Pont Fellow)  Chemistry 
Robert Francis Selden, B.S.E.  Chemistry 
Leland Bradley Snoddy, B.S., M.A.  Physics 
David Rolstrom Stevens, B.A.  Physics 
Edward Carl Stevenson, B.S.E.  Physics 
Jabez Curry Street, B.S. in E.E.  Physics 
Carlisle Monroe Thacker, B.S.  Chemistry 
Whiting Faulkner Young, B.S., M.A.  Chemistry 




Page 160
Fred Henry Allen  French 
Melvin Winfrey Aylor, B.S.  Mathematics 
Henri Philip Ayres  Physical Education 
William Clark Barrett, Jr.  Biology 
Richmond Thomas McGregor Bell, B.S.  Chemistry 
Andrew Plunket Beirne  Physical Education 
Robert Ramsey Black  French 
Armistead Lloyd Boothe, B.A.  History 
Lester Inglis Bowman  Physical Education 
William Orlando Bristow, Jr., B.S.  Philosophy 
Edgar Duffield Brooke, B.A.  English Literature 
Holt Fairfield Butt, III  Biology 
Philip Kelvin Cameron  Biology 
Lucian Hugh Carter, B.A., M.A.  Economics 
Randolph Warner Church  English Literature 
Allen Blow Cook, Grad. U. S. N. A.  English Literature 
John Jay Corson, III, B.S.  Commerce and Business Administration 
Frank Cowan  Physics 
George Lewis Cunningham, B.A.  Chemistry 
Mariin Stuart Curtler  English Literature and French 
Freeman Junior Daniels, B.A., M.A.  Commerce and Business Administration 
Eugene deBullet  Geology 
Eugene August Dietrich, Jr.  Commerce and Business Administration 
Leonard Chapman Drake, B.A.  Chemistry 
Robert Lewis Harrison Echols, B.S.  Mathematics 
Raymond Smith Edmundson  Geology 
Clayton Bernard Ethridge  Biology 
Jack William Evans, B.S.  English Literature 
Frank Evans Farwell  French 
Hugh Boswell Featherston  Spanish 
Humes Jefferson Franklin  Commerce and Business Administration 
Adolph Pharo Gagge  Mathematics and Physics 
Benjamin Gildersleeve  Geology 
James Montrose Graham, Jr., B.S.E.  Commerce and Business Administration
and Mathematics
Howard Haywood Hackley  Public Speaking 
Lewis Machen Hammond, B.A.  Philosophy 
John Overton Henderson  French 
Frederick Lane Hoback, B.A., M.A.  Commerce and Business Administration 
Beirne Hopkins  English Literature 
[4] Selese Hunter, B.A.  Commerce and Business Administration 
Frederick Arthur Johns  French 
Edmund Ruffin Jones, Jr., B.S., B.A., M.A.  Biology 
Nathan Bennett Kaminsky, B.S.  Spanish 
Robert King  Biology 
Dayton McCue Kohler, B.S.  English Literature 
Maurice Laiken  Spanish 
Lowrey Love, Jr., B.A.  Chemistry 
John Wallace Lynch  Physics 
Carl Hiram McConnell, B.S., M.S.  Biology 
Thomas Atkinson McEachern, Jr., B.A.  Spanish 
Lewis Walke McIlhany  Biology 
Charles Edward McMurdo  Physics 
Thompson Brooke Maury  French 
Julian Rutherfoord Meade  English Literature 
Lindsay Averett Motley, Jr.  Economics 
Charles Rollin Lorain Odor, B.A.  Geology 
Norwood Bentley Orrick  Biology 
Fred Hundley Quarles, Jr., B.A.  Political Science 
Gilford Godfrey Quarles  Physics 
Lawrence Reginald Quarles  Physics 
Magda Celsa Piccone Rinetti  Italian 
John Maxwell Robeson, Jr., B.S., M.S.  Biology 
Charles Cephas Rodeffer, B.A., M.A.  Philosophy 
Ewing Gordon Simpson, E.E.  Economics 
Alfred Lewis Stevens  Commerce and Business Administration 
Edward Carl Stevenson, B.S.E.  Mathematics 
Edward Leland Stewart, B.A.  Chemistry 
John Thomas Stewart  Biology 
William Franklin Stinespring, B.A.  Biblical Literature 
Alexander Bell Stump  Biology 
Carey Meredith Swann, B.S.  Chemistry 
Robert Joseph Taylor, B.A.  Chemistry 
Waldemar Dwight Todd  English Literature and Philosophy 
Thomas Leonard Wade, Jr.  Mathematics 
Conrad Kohrs Warren  Biology 
Thomas Aubrey White, B.S. in Chem.  Chemistry 
John Sherwood Widdicombe  English Literature 
Floyd Henry Wirsing, B.S.  Chemistry 
Alvin Graydon Wood  Philosophy 
John Cooke Wyllie  English Literature 


Page 161


All courses are designated by letters, which have the following signification:

A: a course for undergraduates, with a credit value toward a baccalaureate
degree, to which students who enter with advanced standing are entitled
under the conditions set forth on page 205.

B: a course for undergraduates, with credit value toward a baccalaureate

C: a course for undergraduates and graduates.

D: a course for graduates.

Unless otherwise stated, each course involves three lecture hours a week,
and courses in the natural sciences six hours of laboratory work in addition.


1. Art

History of Art B1: A general course in the history of Ancient Art and
of Medieval Art before the Gothic Period with especial emphasis on architecture,
painting and sculpture. Three lectures each week with assigned readings
and reports. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Assistant Professor Hammarstrand.

History of Art B2: A general course in the history of Medieval Art
during the Gothic period and of Art during and since the Renaissance. Three
lectures each week with assigned readings and reports. (B.A. or B.S. credit,
3 session-hours.)

Assistant Professor Hammarstrand.

History of Art B3: A general course in the history of Art during the
Renaissance Period. Required for B.S. degree in Architecture in 1930 with
History of Art B4. Given for three hours a week the second and third terms
as part of the B2 course in 1929-30. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 2 session-hours.)

Assistant Professor Hammarstrand.

History of Art B4: A course in the history of City Planning, Ancient,
Medieval, and Modern. One lecture each week. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 1 session-hour.)

Assistant Professor Hammarstrand.

Freehand Drawing A1: Drawing in pencil and charcoal in the studio.
Fee $5. Freehand Drawing A2 must be taken with A1. (B.A. or B.S. credit,
1 session-hour.)

Assistant Professor Makielski.

Freehand Drawing A2: The Theory of Pure Design with a drawing in
various mediums assigned as preparation for each lecture. Freehand Drawing
A1 must be taken with A2. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 1 session-hour.)

Mr. Anderson.


Page 162

Freehand Drawing B1: Freehand Drawing A1 and A2, or equivalent, prerequisite.—A
continuation of Freehand Drawing A1, with practice in drawing in
color from still life and from nature. Fee $5. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 2 session-hours.)

Assistant Professor Makielski.

Freehand Drawing B2: Freehand Drawing B1, or equivalent, prerequisite.
—A continuation of Freehand Drawing B1. Fee $5. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 2

Assistant Professor Makielski.

Art C1: Freehand Drawing A1 and B1, or equivalent, prerequisite.—Outdoor
sketching in color in the first and third terms, studio class in pencil and
charcoal in the second term. (M.S. credit, 2 session-hours.)

Professor Campbell and Assistant Professor Makielski.

Art C2: Freehand Drawing A1 and B1, or equivalent, prerequisite.—The
drawing and rendering of architectural compositions in color. (B.S. or M.S.
credit, 1, 2 or 3 session-hours, according to amount of work accomplished.)

Professor Campbell.

II. Architecture

Architectural Drawing A1: The drawing and rendering of architectural
forms with elements of architecture. One Analytique of the Beaux-Arts Institute
can be accomplished at the end of third term by an able student. Nine drafting-room
hours each week. Fee $15. (Credit, 3 session-hours.)

Mr. Anderson.

Architectural Drawing A2: Descriptive Geometry, Shades and Shadows
and Perspective. One lecture and two hours of preparation in the drafting
room. (Credit, 1 session-hour.)

Mr. Anderson.

Architecture B1: Architectural Drawing A1, or equivalent, prerequisite.
—Problems in design, with practice in drawing and rendering. The analytiques
and esquisse-esquisse of the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design. Individual criticisms.
Fee $15. (Credit, 4 session-hours for B.S. in Architecture only.)

Professor Campbell.

Architecture B2: Architecture B1, or equivalent, prerequisite.—Problems
in Design. The Class B projects and esquisse-esquisse of the Beaux-Arts Institute
of Design. Fee $15. (Credit, 4 session-hours for B.S. in Architecture

Professor Campbell.

Architecture B3: Architecture B2, or equivalent, prerequisite.—Problems
in advanced design. The Class A projects, including one archeology project, and
the esquisse-esquisse of the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design. Fee $15. (Credit,
6 session-hours for B.S. in Architecture only.)

Professor Campbell.

Architecture C1: Architecture B3, or equivalent, prerequisite.—The historical
study with measurements and the drawing of a work of Architecture in Virginia


Page 163
of the Colonial or Federal period. (1, 2 or 3 session-hours, M.S. credit
according to the difficulty of the subject chosen.)

Professor Campbell and Mr. Anderson.

Architecture C2: Architecture B3, or equivalent, prerequisite.—The Class
A, and prize competitions of the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design for the first and
second terms, and the thesis design for the third term. (M.S. credit, 8 session-hours.)

Professor Campbell.

Architectural Construction B1: The technique of building construction,
including the study of materials and methods. Practice in the preparation of
workings and details. Wood, masonry, and steel structures. Two lectures and
six hours of drawing each week. (Credit, 3 session-hours for B.S. in

Assistant Professor Makielski.

Architectural Construction B2: Architectural Construction B1 prerequisite.—A
continuation of Architectural Construction B1, including the preparation
of working drawings and specifications for more complex structures than
those studied in the previous course. Two lectures and six hours of drawing
each week. (Credit, 3 session-hours for B.S. in Architecture.) (Architectural
Construction B2 is offered alternately with Construction B3. In 1928-29 B3 will
be offered.)

Assistant Professor Makielski.

Architectural Construction B3: Architectural Construction B1 prerequisite.
—A continuation of Architectural Construction B2, including a study of the
mechanical equipment of buildings, heating, lighting, sanitation, and electrical
work. Two lectures and six hours of drawing each week. (Credit, 3 session-hours
for B.S. in Architecture.) (Not offered in 1929-30.)

Assistant Professor Makielski.

III. Music

Music A1: For Beginners: Rudiments of notation, musical symbols,
intervals, chord and scale formations. The study of rhythmical valuation, dynamics,
ear training, sight reading and writing from dictation. Tues., Thurs.,
Sat., 12:30—with an additional two hours of Glee Club, Choral, Orchestral or
other approved musical study. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Fickenscher.

Music B1: Musical History and Appreciation: The development of
music from antiquity to the present time with typical examples of each phase.
Illustrations and analysis of works of the epoch makers, treating of their style,
influence and historic import. The development of musical instruments and of
the orchestra. Illustrated lectures. Collateral reading. No previous musical
knowledge required. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Associate Professor Pratt.

Music B2: Harmony: Students taking this course are required to have
had ear training and a preliminary knowledge of musical notation, intervals


Page 164
and scale formation, or to take concurrently A1. Also to have or to acquire
sufficient piano technique to play simple chord successions. Harmonic relationships
and their tendencies, construction of chords, voice progressions, dissonances,
suspensions, sequences, cadences, the pedal point and modulation. (B.A.
or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Associate Professor Pratt.

Music B3: Counterpoint: Students taking this course are required to
have had ear training and a preliminary knowledge of musical notation, intervals,
and scale formation or to take concurrently Music A1. Counterpoint
from the First to the Fifth Species in two, three, and four parts; combined
counterpoint. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Fickenscher.

Music B4: Orchestra: Credit to students who have the requisite technical
ability on the following instruments, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon,
French Horn, Violin, Cello, Double Bass, Kettle Drums, and other instruments
satisfactory to the conductor. Comprises six hours' orchestral rehearsal or four
hours' orchestral rehearsal and one lecture hour. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Fickenscher.

Students or others not desiring the course for credit are invited to join the

Music B5: Composition: Music B2 and B3 prerequisite.—Advanced Harmony
and Counterpoint. Construction and drill in various rhythmic and melodic
forms. Their use in sections, phrases and periods. Construction of song and
dance forms; the study of these and larger forms, including the sonata form,
through the works of the masters. Application of contrapuntal devices in the
homophonic forms. Students will be given the opportunity to have works performed
by the Choral, Glee Club, Orchestra or Band. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3

Associate Professor Pratt.

Music B6: Orchestration: Music B5 prerequisite.—(B.A. or B.S. credit,
3 session-hours.)

Associate Professor Pratt.

Music C1: Advanced Composition: Music B5 and B6 prerequisite.—Advanced
Harmony and Counterpoint, Canon, Fugue, and the larger homophonic

Professor Fickenscher.

Music C5: Musical Criticism: Appreciation and Analysis: Study of
the lives and works of the pioneers only. The recurring "Modernistic" movements
from early times to the ultra modern music of today with the continually
developing harmonic consciousness of the race. The great religious composers.
The development and analysis of the sonata, symphony, and other forms. Tendencies
of modern music.

Professor Fickenscher and Associate Professor Pratt.


Page 165

Choral Singing: Fundamental principles of sight reading. Study of
part songs and other choral works of various masters from the Netherlands
School to the present day. Three concerts during the Academic year. One to
two hours a week.

Professor Fickenscher.

Glee Club: Study of cappella and accompanied choruses both classic
and of a lighter character. Students with reading knowledge of music will be
given a preference. Also those playing an instrument which can be of service
in the Glee Club orchestra. As large a group as is financially possible will be
taken on longer trips. For shorter trips and home concerts all students passing
the final tryouts will participate. Two to three hours a week.

Professor Fickenscher.

Band: Membership determined by competition. Instruments are loaned
without charge. Members have admission to home and out-of-town games. The
organization represents not only a most necessary factor of the student life but
offers also valuable training and opportunity for gaining a knowledge of the
various wind instruments. Concerts are given during the session. Two hours
a week.

Mr. Stinespring.

Technical Training: Technical training under special instructors in Singing,
Pianoforte, Organ, Violin, Cello, Clarinet and other wind instruments.
University students may arrange for tuition in these branches at a reduction
in rates by application to Professor Fickenscher or Professor Pratt.

Concerts: a. A series of five concerts by artists of international reputation
at moderate prices gives opportunity for extended musical knowledge and

b. A series of twelve ensemble recitals by the faculty of the Music School
affords opportunity for intimate acquaintance with the best in musical literature
and through familiarity to become intelligent in appreciation of the masters.

c. Concerts by the Albemarle Choral Club, Glee Club, Orchestra, and
University Band.

Equipment: The work offered re-establishes the instruction outlined in
the first curriculum of the University, 1818, the earliest proposal for instruction
in art, architecture, and music in any American University. An unrivalled
background is provided for it by the buildings and environment of Charlottesville;
the University group, with its old buildings specially designed to furnish
examples of the various orders "as specimens for the architectural lectures,"
its new buildings designed by Stanford White; the works of sculpture by Houdon,
Ezekiel, Bitter, Borglum, Keck, Shrady, and Aitken; the paintings and
prints presented by Messrs. Thomas F. Ryan, John Barton Payne, John Armstrong
Chaloner and others; the concerts and exhibitions of paintings brought
to the University with part of the income of the McIntire fund. For the current
work in Art and Architecture there is generous provision of casts, books,
photographs and lantern slides.

For music, the school has two concert grand pianos, an Ampico reproducing
grand piano and an orthophonic victrola. A full set of band instruments purchased


Page 166
and maintained under the supervision of the Alumni Association, double
basses, kettle drums, and various other unusual instruments for the use of students
in the orchestra, a comprehensive library of chamber music, orchestral
scores and parts, operas and piano classics, as well as books of reference on musical
subjects and collateral reading. There are also available for the Music
School a three-manual Skinner organ in Cabell Hall and a three-manual Moeller
organ, the gift of Paul Goodloe McIntire in connection with the McIntire
Amphitheatre, and a two-manual practice organ in the University Chapel. The
following gifts have been made to the musical library: by Mr. Iredell Jenkins,
a valuable collection of operas, oratorios, light operas, piano music, first editions;
by Professor Gardner Lloyd Carter, piano music and books on musical subjects;
by Mr. Charles Orchard, a set of biographical works.

IV. Dramatic Art

Dramatic Art B1: Playwriting: The reading and analysis of plays
throughout the year. First term: The dramatization of the short story. Second
term: One act plays. Third term: The completion of a full length play.
Emphasis will be placed on the present day life and historical traditions of
Virginia. Students from other sections will be expected to use the materials
and background with which they are familiar. Plays considered worthy of production
will be staged by the Virginia Players.

Prerequisites: Only those students may enroll in this course who have had
a personal interview with Mr. Pratt and have secured his approval of either a
one act play or a scenario with several pages of dialogue to be submitted during
the spring term prior to June 10th or between September 10th and 20th. No first
year students admitted. Special students admitted under the usual regulations
in the catalogue. All students must have taken or must take concurrently
English B2 or B4 or B5. Class will meet Monday and Thursday evenings, 7:30
to 9. Laboratory Fee $10. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Associate Professor Pratt.

Dramatic Art B2: Play Production: The history of the theater. The
theory and practice of play directing. The methods employed in the staging of
plays of different periods and types. Training in the technique of acting. The
essential arts involved in the producing of plays (casting, costuming, lighting,
music, etc.) Lectures and practical work in the production of revivals and the
original plays written by members of the B1 class. This course in the theory
and practice of the theatre is designed for the training of students participating
in the work of the Virginia Players and for those who plan to become directors
of dramatics in schools and communities.

Prerequisites are the same as those of B1, except that no play need be submitted.
Class will meet Monday and Thursday afternoons, 4 to 5:30, and at
such other times as may be necessary during the rehearsal period of a production.
Laboratory Fee $10. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Associate Professor Pratt.


Page 167


H. R. Pratt, Director and Manager

A. J. Barlow, Secretary and Treasurer

The Virginia Players is the producing company for the courses in Playwriting
and Dramatic Art in the McIntire School of Fine Arts. It is incorporated
under the laws of the State of Virginia as a non-stock corporation: the
trustees: President E. A. Alderman, professors J. C. Metcalf, J. S. Wilson,
W. H. Faulkner, W. S. Rodman, A. J. Barlow, H R. Pratt and one member
from the student body. Its purpose is to develop a State Theatre which will
seek to interpret Virginia to its people through the writing and production of
original plays, and to stage revivals of classic and modern plays. Only those
enrolled as students in the University are eligible to election as Active Members.
Others who participate in the work may be elected Associate Members.


Astronomy B1: General Astronomy: The fundamental principles and
methods of astronomy. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Mitchell and Assistant Professor Van de Camp.

Astronomy B2: Modern Astronomy: Astronomy B1 or Mathematics B1
—Newer methods in astronomy. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Mitchell.

Astronomy C1: Spherical and Practical Astronomy: Astronomy B1 and
Mathematics B1 prerequisite.
—Spherical astronomy and theory of astronomical
instruments, with practical exercises in making and reducing astronomical observations.
Hours to be arranged.

Professor Mitchell.

Astronomy C2: Celestial Mechanics: Astronomy B1 and Mathematics B2
—Rectilinear motion, central forces, potential; problems of two,
three and n bodies, perturbations, determination of a preliminary orbit. Hours
to be arranged.

Assistant Professor Vyssotsky.

Astronomy D1: Advanced Practical Astronomy: Astronomy C1 prerequisite.—Determination
of the positions of fixed stars, use of transit instrument,
equatorials and measuring machines. Hours by appointment.

Professor Mitchell.

Astronomy D2: Theoria Motus: Astronomy C2 and Mathematics B2 prerequisite.—Determination
of the position of an undisturbed body from known
elements, determination of the elements of an undisturbed orbit, theory of special
perturbations. Hours by appointment.

Professor Mitchell.

Astronomy D3: Advanced Celestial Mechanics: Astronomy D2 prerequisite.—Problems
of three bodies, and theory of general perturbations. Hours by

Professor Mitchell.


Page 168

Astronomy D4: Photographic Astronomy: Astronomy C1 prerequisite.
Theory and reduction of astronomical photographs, including spectrograms.
Hours by appointment.

Professor Mitchell.

The Leander McCormick Observatory is situated upon Mount Jefferson,
which furnishes an unobstructed horizon. The principal building is a rotunda
forty-five feet in diameter, which contains the great Clark refractor of twenty-six
inches aperture. The instrument and building are the gift of the late
Leander J. McCormick, Esq., of Chicago. The telescope is fitted with micrometer,
photometer, and plate-holder for stellar photography. The computing
rooms adjoining contain clocks, chronograph, machines for measuring astronomical
photographs and spectrograms, and an excellent working library. In a
smaller building are a three-inch transit and a six-inch equatorial. A temporary
students' observatory, erected in the rear of Dawson's Row, is intended primarily
for the use of students in Astronomy B1.

The members of the Visiting Committee of the Leander McCormick Observatory







For information in regard to the Vanderbilt Fellowships in astronomy, see
page 151.


Biblical History B1: The history of the Hebrew people throughout the
Old Testament, the Apocrypha, and the New Testament. (B.A. or B.S. credit,
3 session-hours.)

Professor Forrest.

Biblical Literature B2: The literature of the Old and New Testaments,
with attention to the literary features and the contents of the various books.
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Forrest.

Biblical Literature C1: Any two courses from the English Group prerequisite.—Comparative
literature. Ecclesiastes, Job, the Mosaic Law, and
Ezekiel's Ideal State in comparison with related masterpieces in English Literature
and translations into English.

Professor Forrest.

Biblical Literature D1: The religious ideas of the Bible, or the theology
of the Old and New Testaments. Hours by appointment.

Professor Forrest.


Page 169


A fee is charged for each laboratory course at the rate of $10 for three
terms, $7 for two terms, and $4 for one term. Any course may be withdrawn
unless elected by at least four students.

I. Biology and Agriculture.

Biology B1: General Biology: An elementary study of living organisms
and the relations between animals and plants. Plants will be studied from the
standpoint of metabolism and growth, and animals from that of structure and
response. Types will be chosen which illustrate the fundamental biological laws
and throw light on the place of man among living things. Three hours of
lecture and six hours of laboratory per week. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 6 session-hours.)

Professor Lewis, Professor Kepner, Associate Professor Reynolds,
Assistant Professor Betts, Assistant Professor MacFall
and Assistants.

Biology C1: Evolution and Heredity: Biology B1 prerequisite.—Evolution,
the theory and its history; the principles of heredity and their application
to human problems. Lecture only. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Lewis.

Biology C2: Genetics: Biology B1 prerequisite.—A study of the fundamental
principles of heredity, with special emphasis on their various applications
and on the origins and relations of characters. First and second terms only.
Three hours of lecture and six hours of laboratory per week. (B.A. or B.S.
credit, 4 session-hours.)

Professor White.

Biology C3: Economic Plants: Biology B1 prerequisite.—A study of
the family groups of plants from the standpoint of their value to man. Lectures
and demonstrations, three hours per week. First and second terms only.
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 2 session-hours.)

Professor White.

Biology D1: Advanced Work in Genetics: Each student will be expected
to carry out original investigations bearing on problems in this field. Hours by

Professor White.

II. Botany.

Botany C1: Plant Morphology: Biology B1 prerequisite.—The evolution
of plants based on a morphological study of a series of types, which will represent
the more important families of algae, fungi, liverworts, mosses, ferns, and
seed plants. First and second terms only. Three hours of lecture and six
hours of laboratory per week. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 4 session-hours.)

Professor Lewis.


Page 170

Botany C2: Taxonomy of the Flowering Plants: Biology B1 prerequisite.
Fresh and herbarium specimens will be used for study. Three hours of lecture
and six hours of laboratory per week. Third term only. (B.A. or B.S. credit,
2 session-hours.)

Assistant Professor Betts.

Botany D1: Advanced work along some of the lines indicated above.
The work will be varied to suit the needs of students applying for the course.
Hours by appointment.

Professor Lewis.

III. Zoölogy.

Zoölogy C1: Experimental Zoölogy: Biology B1 prerequisite.—A comparative
study of the morphology and behavior of typical invertebrates. Three
hours of lecture and six hours of laboratory per week. The work of the first
two terms of this course is based upon the lower invertebrates and represents a
complete course of 4 session-hours credit. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 6 session-hours.)

Professor Kepner.

Zoölogy C2: Parasitology: Biology B1 prerequisite.—A study of the parasitic
protozoa, worms, and insects, with special emphasis on those which attack
man. In each case some of the free-living forms will be studied as a basis for
comparison. The scope of this work will include morphological studies, life-histories
and the methods utilized by the parasites in getting from one host to
another. Discussion of current literature by the students may be substituted for
a lecture at any time. Three hours of lecture and six hours of laboratory per
week. First and second terms only. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 4 session-hours.)

Associate Professor Reynolds.

Zoölogy C3: Research Technique: Zoölogy C2 prerequisite.—Each student
will be given a problem. Articles on special topics will be assigned and written
reports required. The aim of this course is to give students practical training
in the preparation of scientific papers for publication. A minimum of nine hours
per week is required. Third term only. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 2 session-hours.)

Associate Professor Reynolds.

Zoölogy C4: Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy: Biology B1 prerequisite.—This
course is introduced by a general study of representative species of
chordates. A comparative study is made of the various organic systems found
in the different classes of vertebrates with special reference to their origin,
structure and function. Ample opportunity is afforded for vertebrate dissection.
Three hours of lecture and six hours of laboratory per week. First and second
terms only. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 4 session-hours.)

Assistant Professor MacFall.

Zoölogy C5: Comparative Vertebrate Embryology: Biology B1 prerequisite.—A
study of the development of vertebrate embryos, especially the frog
and the chick. Some practice in embryological technique will be afforded.
Three hours of lecture and six hours of laboratory per week. Third term only.
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 2 session-hours.)

Assistant Professor MacFall.


Page 171

Zoölogy D1: Advanced work along lines suggested by the student's interest
and needs. Independent research will be demanded of each member of the
class. Hours by appointment.

Professor Kepner.

Zoölogy D2: Research on the morphology, physiology, or genetics of
protozoa. Hours by appointment.

Associate Professor Reynolds.

Seminar: Weekly meetings are held for the study of current literature,
and the discussion of research in progress. Attendance is required of all students
in graduate courses.

The Biological Laboratory, completed in 1920, is provided freely with electricity,
gas, and water. The equipment consists of compound microscopes of the
best types, microtomes, paraffin ovens, incubators, sterilizers, and other apparatus
required for general and advanced work. Special apparatus will be provided as
needed. The departmental library contains a working collection of biological
texts and books of reference, as well as files of the more important journals, and
a series of biological reprints.

Affiliated with the Miller School of Biology is the Blandy Experimental
Farm, established by bequest of the late Graham F. Blandy. The Director, Professor
Orland E. White, is in residence at the University during the first two
terms. During the third term and Summer Quarter he directs research of advanced
students at the farm, which is in Clarke County, Virginia. For such students
the farm serves as a field laboratory for experimental work.

Fellowships: There are available five research fellowships in Genetics
in connection with the Blandy Experimental Farm. Two carry an honorarium
of $1000 each, and three carry an honorarium of $500 each. All five include free
tuition. These fellowships present an opportunity for graduate study and research
accompanied by a limited amount of instructional work involving not over
one hundred hours. They cover a period of eleven months annually, and are
designed to encourage investigational work leading towards advanced degrees.
They are open to men and women with a bachelor's degree from a college or
university of recognized standing, who have had special training in biological
and agricultural subjects. The first two terms are spent at the University, the
remainder of the time at the Blandy Experimental Farm.

A limited number of General Education Board Research Fellowships are
available, the emolument varying from $500 to $1000 according to the training
and qualification of the holders.

Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy: Students who
select biology as their Major Subject, in addition to meeting the regular University
requirements, must have a general knowledge of related sciences, such as
chemistry, geology and physics; and a comprehensive knowledge of the various
aspects of biology, as attested by the completion of prescribed courses and such
examinations as may be imposed. Special attention is called to University requirements
relating to French and German. The completion of residence requirements
and class work does not guarantee a degree to any student. The
preeminent qualifications are thoroughness, resourcefulness, initiative and ability
to do creative work.


Page 172


Students taking Laboratory courses in Chemistry are required to pay for
each course a fee of $20.00 and make a special deposit of $5.00 to cover breakage
of apparatus.

Chemistry B1: General Chemistry: The fundamental principles of chemistry.
The first term is devoted to an introduction to the atomic theory and the
chemical view of matter and a study of acids, bases, and salts. The second
term comprises a consideration of the electrolytic dissociation theory, oxidation
and reduction reactions, equilibrium, and typical nonmetallic elements. The
third term is devoted to an introduction to the chemistry of carbon, the descriptive
chemistry of the more important metals and a brief introduction to
qualitative analysis. Three hours of lecture and six hours of laboratory per
week. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 6 session-hours.)

Professor Carter, Assistant Professor Markham and Assistants.

Chemistry B2: Analytical Chemistry: Chemistry B1 prerequisite. — (a)
Qualitative Analysis. Fall and winter terms, three hours of lecture and six
hours of laboratory per week, devoted to the study of systematic qualitative
analysis. (b) Quantitative Analysis. Spring term, two hours of lecture and
nine hours of laboratory per week, devoted to elementary quantitative analysis.
In the lecture work special emphasis is given to the theoretical foundations of
analytical chemistry. Some of the topics treated are: Solutions, theory of
ionization, law of mass action, solubility-product principle, hydrolysis, amphoteric
substances, complex ions, types of reactions, oxidation and reduction, colloids,
etc. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 6 session-hours.)

Professor Yoe and Assistants.

Note.—This course is specially recommended to pre-medical students who
wish to obtain more chemistry than the minimum requirement of the Medical

Chemistry B3: Organic Chemistry: Chemistry B1 prerequisite.—An introduction
to the study of the compounds of carbon, including the application of
modern chemical theory to such compounds and their reactions. Three hours
of lecture and six hours of laboratory per week. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 6 session-hours.)

Professor Bird and Assistants.

Chemistry B4: Quantitative Analysis: Chemistry B2 prerequisite.—This
course is arranged according to the physico-chemical principles which are involved
instead of the traditional treatment according to the technique employed,
namely gravimetric and volumetric. The important principles around which
practically all quantitative methods may be grouped are: Neutralization, solubility
product, oxidation and reduction, colorimetry, and evolution and measurement
of gases. The laboratory exercises have been selected with the idea of
illustrating these principles as well as introducing the student to something new
in laboratory technique each time. One hour lecture and six hours laboratory
per week. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Yoe and Assistant.


Page 173

Chemistry B5: Undergraduate Research: Properly qualified undergraduate
students are given opportunity to undertake an original investigation
of some problem in chemistry under the direction of a member of the teaching
staff. The student will be expected to devote to his problem a minimum of
nine hours per week throughout the year. To be eligible for this course a
student must have completed at least two of the three courses, B3, B4 and C1,
and must either have taken or be taking the third.

Chemistry C1: Physical Chemistry: Chemistry B2, Physics B1, and some
knowledge of calculus prerequisite.
—An introductory study of atomic structure
theory, kinetic theory and the principle of the conservation of energy form the
foundations of the study of gases, liquids, solids, solutions and rates of reaction.
A brief study of the direction of chemical change is then followed by the
consideration of homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria. Three hours of
lecture and six hours of laboratory per week.

Assistant Professor Spencer and Assistant.

Chemistry C2: Advanced Organic Chemistry: Chemistry B3 and B4 prerequisite.—A
systematic course of review and extension of the facts and theories
of Organic Chemistry from an advanced viewpoint. Introductory discussions of
special fields will be given during the latter part of the course. Particular
emphasis will be laid on mechanism of reactions, structure, and configuration
of organic molecules. Topics will be assigned individually referring to original
literature. The laboratory work consists of typical organic syntheses, analysis,
and an introduction to methods of organic research. The course may be taken
without laboratory work. Three hours of lecture and six hours of laboratory
per week.

Associate Professor Lutz.

Chemistry C3: Technical Analysis: Chemistry B4 prerequisite. — This
course will consist of a study of the application of the principles of quantitative
analysis to technical materials. The work will be selected from such subjects
as Rock, Ore, Steel, Gas, Coal, and Water Analysis. One hour of lecture and
six hours of laboratory per week.

Professor Yoe.

Chemistry C4: Applied Chemistry: Chemistry B3 and C1 prerequisite.
The lectures and recitations in this course will be devoted to the study of fundamental
principles underlying the more important phases of industrial chemistry,
including both theoretical and economic problems. A considerable amount of
reading in descriptive industrial chemistry will be assigned, and written reports
upon special subjects will be required. Three class hours per week.

Associate Professor Hitchcock.

Chemistry C5: Thermodynamics and Chemistry: A systematic study
of the application of thermodynamics in the solution of chemical problems. Three
class hours per week.

Assistant Professor Spencer.

Chemistry C6: Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry: Winter term
only. The chemistry of the rarer elements, complex inorganic compounds, and
similar topics will be treated. Three hours of lecture per week.

Professor Carter.


Page 174

Chemistry C7: Colloid Chemistry: An introduction to the properties of
matter in the colloidal state. Two hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory
per week.

Professor Yoe.

Chemistry C8: History of Chemistry: An outline of the development
of chemical science from the earliest times to the present. One hour of lecture
per week. Chemistry B3 and C1 are recommended as prerequisites to this course.

Professor Carter.

Chemistry D1: Atomic Structure: An introduction to the modern theory
of atomic and molecular structure and its application in the study of the chemical
and physical properties of matter. Radioactivity, crystal structure and an
outline of the theory of atomic and molecular spectra are included. Three class
hours per week.

Professor Benton.

Chemistry D2: Special Topics in Organic Chemistry: Chemistry C1, C2,
and a reading knowledge of German prerequisite.
—A course designed for graduate
students specializing in Organic Chemistry. Individual study of original
literature and occasional reports are required. Three hours per week.

Associate Professor Lutz.

Chemistry D3: The Kinetics of Chemical Reaction: A course designed
for graduate students interested in the field of reaction kinetics and catalysis.
Three class hours per week.

Professor Benton.

Research Courses: Graduate students may undertake original investigation,
under the direction of a member of the Staff, in any of the branches of
chemistry for which adequate facilities are available, as indicated below. In
every case the student must satisfy the instructor that his preparation qualifies
him to pursue research with profit. Hours will be arranged in conference with
the instructor. In order that ample time may be available, no student will be
permitted to elect more than one laboratory course in addition to research.

Chemistry D20: Physical Chemistry, including Reaction Kinetics, Catalysis
and Adsorption.

Professor Benton and Assistant Professor Markham.

Chemistry D21: Physical Chemistry, including Thermodynamics and

Assistant Professor Spencer.

Chemistry D22: Organic Chemistry:

Professor Bird.

Chemistry D23: Organic Chemistry, including problems concerning synthesis,
structure, reaction mechanism and oxidation-reduction potentials.

Associate Professor Lutz and Dr. Small.

Chemistry D24: Analytical Chemistry, including Colorimetry and Nephelometry.

Professor Yoe.


Page 175

Chemistry D25: Colloid Chemistry

Professor Yoe.

The Chemical Journal Club will meet once a week (hour to be arranged)
for the critical review and discussion of various topics of interest in current
chemical literature and of such chemical researches as are in progress in the
University. All members of the teaching staff and advanced students in chemistry
are expected to participate in these meetings and to take part in the discussions.

The Chemical Laboratory, recently completed, is of brick, fire-proof construction,
and the three floors afford 30,000 square feet of space. The seven
larger laboratories will accommodate 625 students, and in addition to these
there are smaller laboratories for the use of the instructors and advanced students.
There are also rooms for assay furnaces, gas and water analysis, photography,
etc. The equipment is satisfactory for purposes of both instruction
and research. The laboratory maintains a working library containing about
5,000 volumes directly relating to chemistry as well as complete files of the important
periodicals. A gift to the School of Chemistry from Mrs. Hamilton
Barksdale in memory of her husband, and from Delaware alumni and friends
of the University, provides an annual income sufficient for the adequate maintenance
of the library.

Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy: In addition to
fulfilling the regular University requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy,
candidates for this degree who select chemistry as their Major Subject
must give evidence of thorough training in inorganic, organic, analytical, and
physical chemistry, by passing written qualifying examinations in these subjects;
these examinations to be passed not later than the close of the session preceding
that in which it is expected that the degree will be conferred.

Fellowships: There are available each session a number of Teaching
Fellowships in Chemistry, each with an honorarium of $500, which may be increased
to $600 on reappointment. These fellowships present the opportunity
for graduate study and research in Chemistry, accompanied by a limited amount
of instructional work. Holders of the fellowships will be expected to devote
not more than fifteen hours a week to instruction, leaving ample time for research
and work toward a graduate degree. On reappointment the required
amount of instructional work may be reduced. The fellowships are open to
men who have received a bachelor's degree from a college or university of
recognized standing, and who have received thorough undergraduate training
in chemistry and physics. Preference will be given to applicants who have
studied calculus, German, and French.

In addition to the Teaching Fellowships, a number of advanced Fellowships,
requiring no instructional work, are also available to students who have already
had graduate training in chemistry in this University or elsewhere.

Applications for Fellowships should be made before March 1, on forms
obtainable from the Secretary of the Chemistry Faculty.


Page 176


Economics B1: The Principles of Economics: (See James Wilson
School of Economics, page 178.)

Economics B2: The Growth of American Industry and Commerce:
(See James Wilson School of Economics, page 178.)

Economics B3: Money and Banking: (See James Wilson School of
Economics, page 179.)

Economics B4: Elementary Accounting: Theory and practice in the
handling of real and nominal accounts, together with the use of various types
of books of original entry; the opening and closing of books, adjustments, statements
of profit and loss, and balance sheets. The work of the course will be
exemplified through three types of business organization, namely: the single
proprietorship, the partnership, and the corporation, and will consist of lectures
and problems. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Two sections.

Professor Barlow, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Stevens, and Mr. Franklin.

Economics B5: Statistics: Economics B1 and Mathematics A prerequisite.
—General characteristics of the statistical method, including the collection
of material, sources, tabular and graphic presentation, frequency distribution,
and frequency curves, averages and their appropriate uses, the dispersion of statistical
series about their mean, correlation, the theory of probabilities, the normal
curve of error, index numbers and their practical uses. Laboratory exercises
and problems. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Associate Professor Hulvey, and Mr. Corson.

Economics B6: Auditing and Cost Accounting: Economics B4 prerequisite.—First
term: Auditing practice and procedure. Second and third terms:
The construction and operation of cost systems. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Barlow, Mr. Campbell and Mr. Graham.

Economics B7: Marketing: Economics B1 prerequisite.—During the first
term the principles of marketing will be considered and upon this foundation
will rest the work of the second term in the principles of merchandising and
also that of the third term in the economics of advertising. (B.A. or B.S. credit,
3 session-hours.)

Professor Kincaid.

Economics B8: Transportation: Economics B1 prerequisite.—A study of
the growth of modern systems of transportation with special reference to the
development of railroads in the United States. Consideration is given to railroad
combinations, capitalization, operating and non-operating income, operating
costs, fixed charges, traffic, rate-making and government legislation. In the third
term attention is given to comparisons and contrasts between railroad and other
forms of transportation. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) (Not given in

Professor Berglund.

Economics B9: Business Administration: Economics B1 prerequisite.
First and second terms: A study of the principles and practice of business


Page 177
organization and administration. Special attention is given to the subjects of
plant location, office management including administration of personnel, marketing
problems and finance. Third term: Investigation of the organization and
development of the business unit. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)
(Not given in 1928-1929.)

Economics B10: Insurance: Economics B1 prerequisite.—The underlying
principles and practices of various forms of insurance will be considered during
the first term. Second term: Life insurance. Third term: Marine, fire, fidelity
insurance. The course will consist of special topics for field investigation, reports,
assigned readings, etc. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Associate Professor Hulvey.

Commercial Law B1: Not open to first year students. A detailed study
of the fundamental and important, rather than the technical, principles of those
subjects of which some knowledge is necessary in ordinary commercial transactions,
including contracts, negotiable instruments, agency partnerships, bailments
and carriers, sales of personal property, insurance. Instruction is given
in the practical drafting of business documents, such as simple contracts, powers
of attorney, articles of copartnership, mortgages, deeds of trust and bills of sale.
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Associate Professor Hulvey and Mr. Daniels.

Economic Geography B1: General Survey: A study of the geography,
natural resources, commerce and industry of the United States and Europe.
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Associate Professor Starnes, Mr. Muncy and Mr. Hoback.

Economics C1: Public Finance: (See James Wilson School of Economics,
page 179.)

Economics C2: Advanced Money and Banking: See James Wilson
School of Economics, page 179.

Economics C3: Advanced Accounting: Economics B4 prerequisite.—First
and second terms: A detailed study of corporation accounting from the organization
of a corporation through its dissolution. Such topics as the acquisition,
the appreciation and depreciation, and the ultimate disposition of balance sheet
items will be considered. Third term: Consolidated statements for holding

Professor Barlow and Mr. Campbell.

Economics C4: Corporation Finance: Economics B1 and B4 prerequisite.
—The first part of the course will treat the financial policies of corporations,
the kinds of securities they may issue, the promotion of corporations, the administration
of income and related subjects, while the latter part of the course will
consider the various types of corporate, government and municipal bonds with
respect to their investment status.

Professor Kincaid and Mr. Teass.

Economics C5: Foreign Trade: Economics B1 and one other course in
the School of Economics or School of Commerce prerequisite.
—An analysis of
the economic principles underlying foreign trade, resources and materials, trade


Page 178
conditions and practices abroad, commercial treaties and tariffs, sales methods,
credit factors, shipping facilities, financial settlements, foreign exchange.

Associate Professor Starnes and Mr. Carter.

Economics C6: Scientific Management and Labor Problems: Economics
B1 and one other course in the School of Economics or School of Commerce
—A study of the relations between employer and employee, agencies
for the promotion of industrial peace including profit-sharing plans, bonus systems,
co-operative enterprises, etc., a study of representative plans for the management
of labor, copartnership and labor organizations.

Associate Professor Starnes and Mr. Carter.

Economics C7: Business Combinations: Economics B1 and one other
course in the School of Economics or School of Commerce prerequisite.
study of the growth of large business organizations in this country and in
Europe in recent times. Special emphasis is given to the causes of this growth,
the forms, legal status and relations to business efficiency of these combinations,
and the social problems arising out of their formation. The organization of
pools, cartels, holding companies, mergers, etc., is investigated particularly with
reference to price policies.

Professor Berglund and Mr. Eastwood.

Economics C9: Modern Tariffs and Commercial Treaties: Economics
B1 prerequisite.
—This course treats of the origin and development of modern
tariff policies in the leading commercial countries of the world, special attention
being given to the United States, the general character and types of present-day
tariff laws, arguments for and against protection, and tariff policy and treaties
as affected by the World War. (Not given in 1928-1929.)

Professor Berglund.

Economics C10: Transportation: Economics B1 and one other course in
the School of Economics or School of Commerce prerequisite.
—A study of
modern transportation systems, especially rail and water lines. Special attention
is given to character of traffic, rate-making systems, recent governmental
regulations and policies and problems of railroad and shipping finance. This
course calls for advanced investigation of rate-making and traffic problems
and of governmental policies.

Professor Berglund and Mr. Eastwood.



Economics B1: The Principles of Economics: Not open to first year
students. First and second terms: Survey of the principles of Economics.
Third term: The bearing of these principles upon present American conditions.
Instruction will be given by lectures, assigned readings, discussions and written
tests. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Snavely, Mr. Biscoe and Instructors.

Economics B2: The Growth of American Industry and Commerce:
Economics B1 prerequisite or may be taken concurrently.—A study of the influence
of economic conditions upon American social and political development.


Page 179
This study is preceded by a short review of European, particularly English, industrial
development before and during the colonial period. Special emphasis
is given to the influence of various phases of American industrial environment
upon the culture and civilization inherited from Europe. (B.A. or B.S. credit,
3 session-hours.)

Professor Berglund and Mr. Motley.

Economics B3: Money and Banking: Economics B1 prerequisite.—During
the first term the principles of money and during the second the principles of
banking will be examined. The third term will be given over to either mercantile
or bank credit. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Kincaid and Mr. Dietrich.

Economics B11: General Rural Social Economics: (See Rural Social Economics
School of Rural Social Economics.)

Economics B12: Economic and Social Surveys of Virginia Counties: (See
Rural Social Economics B2, School of Rural Economics.)

Economics C1: Public Finance: Economics B1 and one other B course
in the School of Economics or School of Commerce prerequisite.
—First and
second terms: The general principles of public finance, with a detailed investigation
of state and local taxation. Third term: The financial institutions and
methods of the federal government.

Professor Snavely.

Economics C2: Advanced Money and Banking: Economics B1 and one
other B course in the School of Economics or School of Commerce prerequisite.

—An intensive study of foreign currency and banking systems, and the Federal
Reserve System, and cyclical fluctuations in business.

Professor Kincaid.

Economics C11: Economics of Agriculture: (See Rural Social Economics
School of Rural Social Economics.)

Economics D1: History of Economic Theory: Hours to be arranged

Professor Snavely.

Economics D2: Recent Economic Theory, with special attention to
problems in the distribution of wealth.

Professor Snavely.

Economics D3: A Course of Research in Economic Theory: Hours to
be arranged.


In 1920 the Curry Memorial School of Education was organized as a Department
of the University, coördinate with the other professional Departments.
The courses in Education, however, also count as electives-at-large and major-electives
toward the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in
the College. The following is a list of the courses offered. A detailed statement
of each course will be found under the announcement of the Curry Memorial
Department of Education.


Page 180

Education B1: History and Philosophy of Education: (B.A. or B.S.
credit, 3 session-hours.)

Assistant Professor Weldon.

Education B2: Educational Psychology: Psychology B1 prerequisite.—(B.A.
or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Ferguson.

Education B3: Elementary School Supervision: Junior Year. (B.S. in
Education credit, 3 session-hours.)

Assistant Professors Acker and McLester.

Education B4: Elementary School Supervision: Senior year. (B.S. in
Education credit, 3 session-hours.)

Assistant Professors Acker and McLester.

Education B5: Educational Administration and Supervision: (B.A. or
B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Manahan and Assistant Professor Bennett.

Education B7: Modern Secondary Education: (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3

Professor Smithey and Mr. Phippins.

Education B8: School Administration and Supervision: (B.A., or B.S.
credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Smithey and Mr. Phippins.

Education B11: (a) Special Methods in High School Subjects: Hours to
be arranged. (Credit, 1 session-hour for each course.)

(1) The Teaching of English in Secondary Schools:

Mr. Alvey.

(2) The Teaching of Mathematics in Secondary Schools:

Mr. Wingfield.

(3) The teaching of Latin in Secondary Schools:

Miss Jones.

(4) The Teaching of Science in Secondary Schools:

Mr. Fitzhugh.

(5) The Teaching of Social Studies in Secondary Schools:

Mr. Swindler.

Education B11: (b) Directed Teaching: Open only to seniors. Education
B11 (a) prerequisite.
—Hours to be arranged. (Credit, 3 session-hours toward
the B.S. in Education.)

Associate Professor Windes and Critic Teachers.

Education B12: School Hygiene and Sanitation: Hours to be arranged
(Credit, 2 session-hours.)

Associate Professor Speidel.

Education C1: Advanced Educational Psychology: Psychology B1 and one
B course in Education prerequisite.
—To be given in alternate years with Education

Professor Ferguson.


Page 181

Education C2: Problems in School Administration: Education B5 and
Education B7 or B8 prerequisite.
—To be given in alternate years with Education

Professor Manahan.

Education C3: Problems in Elementary School Supervision: Education
B5 and Education B7 or B8 prerequisite.
—To be given in alternate years with
Education C2.

Professor Manahan.

Education C4: Problems in High School Administration: Education B7
and Education B8 or B5 prerequisite.

Professor Smithey and Assistant Professor Jarman.

Education C5: Problems in High School Supervision: Education B8 and
one other B course in Education prerequisite.
—To be given in alternate years
with Education C4. (Omitted in 1929-30.)

Professor Smithey.

Education C6: Mental Measurements: Psychology B1 and one B course
in Education prerequisite.
—To be given in alternate years with Education C1.

Professor Ferguson.

Education D1: Seminar in Educational Psychology: Hours by appointment.

Professor Ferguson.

Education D2: Seminar in School Administration: Hours by appointment.

Professor Manahan.

Education D3: Seminar in Secondary Education: Hours by appointment.

Professor Smithey.


Linden Kent Memorial School of English Literature

Edgar Allan Poe School of English

English A1: Composition and English Literature: 1. Composition, with
weekly themes and parallel reading. 2 and 3. Survey of English literature, with
parallel reading and frequent themes. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours for
those who have not received credit for English A2 or A3.) Sixteen sections.

Associate Professors H. P. Johnson and Gordon, Assistant Professor
Shepperson, Mr. Ewing, Mr. Smith, Mr. Lawrence, Mr. Vaughan
Mr. Mason.

English A2: Composition and American Literature: 1. Composition
with weekly themes and parallel reading. 2 and 3. Survey of American literature,
with parallel reading and frequent themes. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours
for those who have not received credit for English A1 or A3.) Two

Mr. MacLeod.


Page 182

English A3: Composition and Literature: For engineering students.—1
and 2. Composition, with particular attention to exposition and description;
weekly themes. 3. Survey of nineteenth-century prose literature, with parallel
reading and frequent themes. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours for those
who have not received credit for English A1 or A2.) Two sections.

Associate Professor Johnson and Mr. Vaughan.

English B1: American Poetry and Prose: English A1 or A2 or A3 prerequisite.—1.
American poetry, with a study of verse forms. 2. American essays
and orations. 3. American prose narratives, with emphasis on the short story.
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Associate Professor Gordon.

English B2: Drama, Biography, Short Story: English A1 or A2 or A3
—1. Shakespeare. Three tragedies studied in class and other plays
assigned as parallel reading. Written reports. 2. Biography in the eighteenth
and nineteenth centuries. Parallel reading and written reports. 3. Stevenson,
Kipling, and the English short story. The writing of brief sketches or stories.
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Metcalf and Assistants.

English B3: Poetry and Prose of the Nineteenth Century and Later:
English A1 or A2 or A3 prerequisite.—1. Nineteenth-century poetry. 2. Prose
from Lamb to Stevenson. 3. Contemporary poets and novelists. Parallel reading
and frequent papers. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Wilson and Assistants.

English B4: The English Comic Tradition: English A1 or A2 or A3
—1. Chaucer and medieval humor: The Canterbury Tales and other
literature from the middle ages. 2. Elizabethan literature. 3. Certain Restoration
and eighteenth-century comedies and novels. Lectures, collateral reading,
and the study of the texts. In the literature of the medieval period some
works will be read in the original and some in translation. (B.A. or B.S. credit,
3 session-hours.)

Professor Hench.

English B5: Drama, Essay, and Eighteenth Century Poetry: English A1
or A2 or A3 prerequisite.
—1. Shakespeare. Several of the historical plays
studied in class and others assigned as parallel reading. Written reports. 2. The
early eighteenth-century essayists. 3. The precursors of the Romantic movement,
Pope and his contemporaries. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Associate Professor Johnson.

English B6: Composition: English A1 or A2 or A3 prerequisite.—1.
Current usage in composition: a study of thought expression and the correct
use of English, with reading in current prose and frequent written exercises.
2. Exposition and narration: a continuation of the course in general composition,
with emphasis on the writing of class reports and narratives. 3. Special
kinds of writing: application of the principles studied thus far to more specialized
writing; descriptive narratives, reviews, and the special article. (B.A. or
B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Three sections.

Associate Professor Gordon, Assistant Professor Shepperson and Mr.


Page 183

English C1: The Novel: Any two B courses in the Schools of English
Language and Literature prerequisite.
—1. The English novel of the nineteenth
century. 2. The American novel. 3. The contemporary British novel.

Professor Wilson and Professor Metcalf.

English C2: The Drama, Elizabethan and Modern: Any two B courses
in the Schools of English Language and Literature prerequisite.
—1. The Elizabethan
drama (exclusive of Shakespeare). 2. Restoration and eighteenth century
drama. 3. The modern British drama.

Professor Wilson and Associate Professor Gordon.

English C3: Literature and Thought in England, 1789-1832 (Romantic
Any two B courses in the Schools of English Language and Literature
—Some acquaintance with the course of English history is
presumed, but is not prerequisite. English literature of the earlier nineteenth
century studied in relation to the history, literary biography, and thought of the
period. The course will link the fields of history and literature. (Omitted
in 1929-30.

Associate Professor Davis.

English C4: Literature and Thought in England, 1832-1900 (Victorian
Any two B courses in the Schools of English Language and Literature
—Some acquaintance with the course of English history is presumed,
but is not prerequisite. English literature of the middle and later nineteenth
century studied in relation to the history, literary biography, and thought
of the period. The course will link the fields of history and literature.

Associate Professor Davis.

English C5: Chaucer: Any two B courses in the Schools of English
Language and Literature prerequisite.
—A study of Chaucer's writings and background
and something of the work of his followers. (Omitted in 1929-30.)

Professor Hench.

English C6: Literary Composition: English B6 and one other B course
prerequisite. This course is open only to those of proved aptitude in Composition
who have obtained the consent of the professor in charge.
—1. Essay writing
and book-reviewing. 2. The writing of sketches and short stories. 3. Dramatic
composition. Parallel reading in current periodical literature. By consent also,
this course may be taken two years in succession. Conferences.

Professor Hench.

English C7: Old English: Any two B courses in the Schools of English
Language and Literature prerequisite.
—1. Old English prose. 2. Old English
poetry: Beowulf. 3. Beowulf.

Professor Hench.

English C8: Middle English: Any two B courses in the Schools of English
Language and Literature prerequisite.
—Readings, in the original, in romances,
tales, religious works, satires, and other types of literature in England
in the Middle Ages, exclusive of Chaucer.

Professor Hench.


Page 184

English C9: Eighteenth Century Prose Literature: Any two B courses
in the Schools of English Language and Literature prerequisite.
—The Novel and
the Essay, with considerable parallel reading and frequent reports. Beginning
with Richardson the development of the Novel is traced through the century.
The discussion of the Essay will center in Johnson and his Circle.

Assistant Professor Shepperson.

Romance C13: One hour a week throughout the year. French Literature
in the Middle Ages,
with special reference to the Chanson de Roland. A collegiate
knowledge of modern French is essential.

Professor Abbot.

This course, offered in the School of Romanic Languages, is required of
candidates for the Ph.D. in English who are specially interested in early English

English D1: Edgar Allen Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Hours by appointment.

Professor Wilson.

English D2: 1. English Literature of the later fifteenth and early sixteenth
century, with special attention to the Arthurian romances and the Drama.
2. Prose literature of the Elizabethan Age. Hours by appointment.

Professor Metcalf.

English D3: Shakespeare and his Times: Hours by appointment.
(Omitted in 1929-30.)

Professor Wilson.

English D4: 1. Spenser and his Age: Studies in non-dramatic Elizabethan
poetry. Some knowledge of Italian is desirable. 2. Milton and his Age.
Hours by appointment. (Omitted in 1929-30.)

Professor Metcalf.

Linguistics D1: A sound knowledge of two languages other than English
(e. g. a B1 and a B2 course as given in ancient or modern languages in this
) essential for profitable work.—1 and 2. A general introduction to
the history and comparative grammar of the Indo-European languages. 3. Gothic,
with special reference to its relation to English.

Professor —.

This course, offered in the School of Germanic Languages, is required, in
whole or in part, of candidates for the Ph.D. degree in English who are specially
interested in Philology.


Forestry B1: General Forestry: Fundamental principles of forestry.
Characteristics of important Eastern and Southern timber trees. Silvicultural
systems of forest management. Measurement and valuation of forest stands.
Forest taxation and other financial considerations. Importance of forests in
the life of the state and nation from the standpoint of timber supply and
stream flow. Present status of national, state, and private forestry. Instruction


Page 185
by lectures and field trips, Mon., Tues. and Wed., 2:30-3:30. (B.A. and B.S.
credit, 3 session-hours of electives-at-large.)

Associate Professor Akerman.

Forestry B2: Silviculture: Forestry B1 prerequisite.—Study of native and
exotic trees of importance in American silviculture. Natural and artificial reproduction
of stands; systems of cutting to secure reproduction; seeding and
planting. Care of stands while growing; thinning as a means of correcting
accidents of seeding and of stimulating growth. Relation between silvicultural
practice and protection from fire, insects, and wind. Instruction by lectures and
field trips. Schedule of hours to be arranged. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours
of electives-at-large.)

Associate Professor Akerman.

Forestry B3: Forest History, Economics, and Policy: Forestry B1 prerequisite.—A
study in their historical setting of the forest industries and public
policies affecting them. Capital invested in, labor employed by, and output of
wood-using industries. The public's interest in the direct and indirect benefits
of forests. Policies of the federal government and states as expressed in forest
laws and their administration. National and state forests. Public protection
of forest property from fire. The general property tax and timber crops; severance
taxes; other methods of taxation tried or proposed. Instruction by lecture.
Schedule of hours to be arranged. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours of electives-at-large.)

Associate Professor Akerman.


Geology B1: General Geology: Principles of dynamical, structural and
historical geology designed to give a general survey of the forces operating
upon the earth, the phenomena of earthquakes, vulcanism, mountain making, the
form and structure of the earth, and its past history. Three hours of lectures
and six hours of laboratory. Laboratory fee, $3. Two lecture sections: Mon.,
Wed., Fri., 8:30-9:30; Tues., Thurs., Sat., 10:30-11:30. Five laboratory sections:
Mon., Wed., Fri., 8:30-10:30; 10:30-12:30; 2:30-4:30; Tues., Thurs., Sat., 8:3010:30;
10:30—12:30. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 6 session-hours.)

Professor Roberts and Assistants.

Geology B2: Applied Geology: This course is primarily for those who
wish to obtain a general knowledge of the place that geology occupies in our
present day civilization, the relation of geological phenomena and conditions to
human activities. The course gives first a resumé of the geological history of
the earth and the present day physiography. It includes a study of geological
environmental factors and their effect on the industrial development of the
different regions of the United States; a study of water supply; a study of
the principal minerals, methods of mining, cost, distribution, and the part they
play in the industrial development of the world; followed, at the end of the
last term, with special lectures on geology and engineering, geology and industry,
etc. No laboratory. May be taken by first-year students. Mon., Wed., Fri.,
9:30-10:30. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Nelson.


Page 186

Geology B3: Engineering Geology: Fundamental principles of dynamical
and structural geology with special work along those lines in which the
engineer needs geology. Laboratory work in rocks and minerals, also a number
of field trips and the use of the plane table. Laboratory fee, $5. (B.A. or B.S.
credit, 6 session-hours.) Mon., Wed., Fri., 8:30-9:30.

Professors Nelson and Roberts and Assistants.

Geology B4: Mineralogy: Open to all college students. Crystallography,
physical and chemical mineralogy, and descriptive mineralogy. Laboratory
fee, $5. Tues., Thurs., Sat., 8:30-9:30. Laboratory hours to be arranged.
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 6 session-hours.)

Assistant Professor Pegau.

Geology B5: Elementary Mineralogy: Lectures and recitations with
laboratory work on the simple rock-forming and leading ore-forming minerals.
Lectures—Mon. and Wed., 9:30-10:30; one two-hour laboratory period to be
arranged. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Assistant Professor Pegau.

Geology C1: Economic Geology: Geology B1 prerequisite.—General principles
dealing with the classification, origin, distribution, mining, and uses of
metallic and non-metallic ores. Special emphasis is given field trips to the various
mines of the State. Lectures, Mon., Wed., Fri., 10:30-11:30. Laboratory
hours to be arranged. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 6 session-hours.)

Professor Nelson.

Geology C2: Petrology: Geology B4 prerequisite.—(a) Physical Crystallography.
Determination of minerals and rocks in thin sections under the
microscope. Optical and microscopical mineralogy with especial reference to the
behavior of minerals as constituents of rock masses. (b) Petrography. The
microscopic structures, mineralogical composition, genetic relations and distribution
of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Lectures and laboratory
to the amount of nine hours per week throughout the year, to be arranged.

Assistant Professor Pegau.

Geology C3: Invertebrate Paleontology: Geology B1 prerequisite.—A
systematic course in invertebrate paleontology covering the ontogeny, phylogeny,
morphology, and distribution of forms found in the geologic record with a certain
amount of identification in the laboratory. Hours to be arranged. (B.A. or
B.S. credit, 6 session-hours.)

Professor Roberts.

Geology C4: Stratigraphy: Geology B1 prerequisite.—General principles
of stratigraphy dealing with its history and development in America and more
important principles of sedimentation. Lecture and laboratory hours to be arranged.
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 6 session-hours.)

Professor Nelson.

Geology D1: Structural Geology: Geology B1 and C4 prerequisite.—A
study of the structure of the rocks with especial emphasis on those of sedimentary
origin, the causes of various structures, and the structural relations of the


Page 187
southern Appalachians. Hours by appointment. Given in alternate years with
Geology C4.

Professors Nelson and Roberts.

Geology D2: Advanced Mineralogy and Petrography: Geology B4 and C2
—Adapted to the needs of the individual student. Properly qualified
students may pursue work directed along the line of crystallography or chemical
mineralogy or petrographic research. Hours by appointment.

Assistant Professor Pegau.

Geology D3: Advanced Economic Geology: Geology B4 and C1 prerequisite.—Special
topics for students in economic geology selected according to
the needs of the individual student. Hours by appointment.

Professor Nelson.

Geology D4: Advanced General Geology: A more thorough treatment
of the principles of geology as a science and its history. The character of the
work depends upon the needs and preparation of the student and the prerequisites
should be Geology B1, B4, and C3. Hours to be arranged.

Professor Nelson.

Journal Club: The staff, assistants, graduate and advanced students
meet on stated evenings during the session for the discussion of current investigations
in stratigraphy, economic geology, mineralogy, petrology, and paleontology.
During the year several visiting geologists discuss current problems at
the Club, and such meetings are open to the public.

The Lewis Brooks Museum contains collections illustrating the main
subdivisions of natural history. Each of the collections is arranged so as to
exemplify the principles of the science, and at the same time offers a large
variety of subjects for advanced study. In geology the specimens show the different
kinds of rocks, classified according to mineral character and the formations
in which they occur. The collections of fossils, plaster casts, maps, etc.,
are exceptionally fine, and illustrate historical geology. In mineralogy, the principles
of the science are made plain by well-chosen suits of specimens, models
of crystals, etc. The general collection of minerals contains all the important
species, and many of the rarer ones, in good specimens. In addition to the
above, a beginning has been made of a collection to illustrate the geology and
mineralogy of the State of Virginia, and this is being increased as rapidly
as possible.


German A1: For beginners and for students offering less than three units
of German for entrance.
—Elementary grammar, reading, conversation, dictation,
and composition. Five hours a week. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours for
those who have offered less than three units of German for entrance.)

Assistant Professor Mohr.

German B1: German A1 or its equivalent or three entrance-units of German
—German reading, conversation, and composition. The reading
is made the basis for the conversation and composition, and is selected from


Page 188
novels characteristic of German life and thought in the late nineteenth and the
early twentieth century. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Faulkner.

German B2: German B1 prerequisite.—First term. History of German
Literature, with collateral readings illustrative of the development of literature
in the New High German Period, and conversation and composition based on
the readings. Ability to understand spoken German is required. Second and
third terms: Goethe's Faust. Weekly themes in German on topic suggested
by the drama. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Faulkner.

German C1: German A1 and B1, or the equivalent, and one additional year
of college German prerequisite.
—Given in German. Der deutsche Roman von
Goethe bis zur Gegenwart. Selected novels of Goethe, Keller, Fontaine, Sudermann,
Frennsen, Schnitzler, Thomas Mann, and Wassermann will be studied,
discussed in class, and reported on in class papers.

Professor —.

Linguistics D1: For graduate students only. First and second terms: A
general introduction to the history and comparative grammar of the Indo-European
languages. A good working knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary of
two languages other than English is necessary for deriving full benefit from the
course. Third term: Gothic, with especial reference to its relation to English.

Professor —.


Greek A1: For beginners. Elementary grammar, composition and selected
readings. Five hours a week. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours for those
who have offered less than two units of Greek for entrance.)

Mr. Peebles.

Greek A2: Greek A1, or Greek A and B of the entrance requirements, prerequisite.—Lysias
selections; Plato, Apology; Euripides, Alcestis. (B.A. or B.S.
credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Webb.

Greek B1: Greek A2 prerequisite.—Greek Epic and Drama: Homer,
Euripides, Aristophanes, selections. (B.A. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Webb.

Greek B2: Greek A2 prerequisite.—Greek prose: Herodotus, Thucydides,
Demosthenes, selections. (B.A. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Webb.

Greek C1: Greek B1 and B2 prerequisite.—Aristophanes.

Professor Webb.

Further advanced work will be arranged to meet the needs of students.


Page 189


History B1: Ancient and Medieval History: (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3
session-hours. Should be taken first by all students intending to choose History
as their major subject, and, in fact, by all who wish to have a real understanding
of modern History.)

Professor Dabney.

History B2: Modern European History: (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.
May be taken by first-year students.)

Associate Professor Barr.

History B3: General American History: (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.
Not open to first-year students.)

Associate Professor T. C. Johnson.

History B4: General English History: (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.
Not open to first-year students.)

Associate Professor T. C. Johnson.

History C1: Moral, Religious, Intellectual and Social Development of
Two B courses prerequisite.

Professor Dabney.

History C2: The Revolutionary Epoch and the Evolution of Jeffersonian
Two B courses, including B3, prerequisite.—American History,
1763-1815. (Offered in 1931-32.)

Professor Malone.

History C3: Sectionalism and Sectional Conflict: Two B courses, including
B3, prerequisite.
—American History, 1815-1877.

Professor Malone.

History C4: Contemporary American History: Two B courses, including
B3, prerequisite.
—1877 to the Present. (Offered in 1930-31.)

Professor Malone.

History C5: The French Revolution: Two B courses, including B2, prerequisite.

Associate Professor Barr.

History C6: Napoleon: Two B courses, including B2, prerequisite.—(Offered
in 1930-31.

Associate Professor Barr.

History C7: The Italian Risorgimento: Two B courses, including B2,
—(Offered in 1931-32.)

Associate Professor Barr.

History C8: The Expansion of England: Two B courses, including B4,
—(Offered in 1930-31.)

Associate Professor T. C. Johnson.

History C9: Medieval England: Two B courses, including B4, prerequisite.

Associate Professor T. C. Johnson.


Page 190

History D1: Seminar in Jeffersonian Democracy: Hours by appointment.

Professor Malone.

History D2: Seminar in the History of the South: (Offered in 1930-31.)

Professor Malone.

History D3: Seminar in American Social and Intellectual History: (Offered
in 1931-32.

Professor Malone.


Latin A1: Latin A, B, C, and D, of the entrance requirements, prerequisite.
—I. In Language: General grammar, with oral and written exercises. II. In
Literature: Sallust, Jugurthine War and Conspiracy of Catiline; Virgil, Æneid
and Ovid Metamorphoses III-XV; Cicero, Old Age and Friendship.
III. In Life: The public and private life of the Romans. (B.A. or B.S. credit,
3 session-hours.) Two sections.

Mr. Thompson and Mr. Ruffin.

Latin B1: Latin A1 prerequisite.—I. In Language: General grammar, with
oral and written exercises. II. In Literature: Livy I and Tacitus, Agricola;
Catullus, Odes 1-63, and Horace, Odes III-IV; Cicero, Brutus, and Quintilian,
Training of the Orator. III. In Life: The religion of the Romans. (B.A. credit,
3 session-hours.)

Associate Professor Lehman and Mr. Thompson.

Latin B2: Latin A1 prerequisite.—I. In Language: General Grammar, with
oral and written exercises. II. In Literature: Livy XXI and Tacitus, Germania;
Horace, Odes I-II and Epodes, and Catullus, Odes 64-116; Cicero, De Officiis,
and Seneca, Moral Essays. III. In Life: The art of the Romans. (B.A. credit, 3

Associate Professor Lehman and Mr. Thompson.

Latin C1: Latin B1 and B2 prerequisite.—I. In Language: History of the
Latin language, with oral and written exercises. In Literature: Tacitus, Annals,
and Cicero, Letters; Plautus, Capitivi, and Seneca, Tragedies, and Horace,
Satires and Epistles; Cicero, De Oratore, and Orator, and Tacitus, Dialogue on
the Orators.
III. In Life: The literary life of Romans.

Associate Professor Lehman.

Latin C2: Latin B1 and B2 prerequisite.—I. In Language: History of the
Latin language, with oral and written exercises. II. In Literature: Tacitus, Histories,
and Pliny, Letters; Terence, Andria, Virgil, Bucolics and Georgics, and
Juvenal, Satires; Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, and Cicero, De Natura Deorum.
III. In Life: The philosophic life of the Romans. (Not given in 1929-30.)

Associate Professor Lehman.

Latin D: Latin C1 and C2 prerequisite.—A two-year course for those who
desire to specialize in classical philology, especially those who choose Latin as
their major for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. If the candidate's major


Page 191
be Latin, a respectable familiarity with Greek is required. If the candidate's
major be Romanic, the technical Greek requirement is waived as far as practically
possible, and he is guided into the history of the Roman popular vernacular
and into an acquaintance with the authors illustrating the vulgar Latin in

It is the aim of this course to prepare the candidate to investigate independently
the sources of our knowledge of the language, monuments (literary and
objective), and life of the Romans. The following is therefore an outline of the
course: I. In Language: Elements of comparative grammar; introduction to
Latin historical grammar; systematic (general) grammar; reading of epigraphic
and literary monuments illustrating the history of the Latin language. II. In the
Literary and Objective Monuments of the Romans: Reading of authors in groups
systematically planned to illustrate the literary life of the Romans; history and
interpretation of texts, elements of palæography, epigraphy, numismatics, and
archæology. III. In Roman Life: Constructive study of Roman culture-history,
culminating in the Doctor's Dissertation; the history of classical philology.
Hours by appointment.

Associate Professor Lehman.


Mathematics A1: Mathematics A1, A2 and B of the entrance requirements
—Students with high school credit for solid geometry not admitted.
First term: Trigonometry. Second term: Solid geometry. Third term: College
algebra. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Luck, Associate Professor Henderson, Mr. Wells, and Mr.

Mathematics A2: Sec. 1: (Special section designed for students who intend
to pursue Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics or Chemistry beyond first-year
courses, and who are prepared to take a more extensive course than the regular
A2 course.) Mathematics A1, A2, B, C, and D of the entrance requirements
and Professor Luck's permission prerequisite.
—First term: Selected topics from
trigonometry and algebra. Second and third terms: Analytical geometry with
related topics of algebra. Mon., Wed., Fri., 12:30-1:30. (B.A. or B.S. credit,
3 session-hours.)

Professor Luck.

All students with prerequisite preparation who expect to pursue Mathematics,
Astronomy, Physics or Chemistry beyond first-year courses are urged
to apply for admission to this course.

Mathematics A2: Mathematics A1, A2, B, and C of the entrance requirements
—First term: Trigonometry. Second and third terms: Analytical
geometry with related topics of college algebra. (B.A. or B.S. credit,
3 session-hours.)

Professor Luck, Mr. Wells, and Mr. Weaver.

Mathematics A4: Mathematics A1, A2, and B of the entrance requirements
—First term: Trigonometry, graphical algebra and logarithms. Second


Page 192
and third terms: College algebra with applications to the mathematics of
finance. (B.S. in Commerce credit, 3 session-hours.)

Associate Professor Hulvey.

Mathematics B1: Mathematics A1 prerequisite.—Analytical geometry of
two dimensions. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Page.

Mathematics B2: Mathematics A2 or B1 prerequisite.—A preliminary
study of the differential and integral calculus. With application to Geometry
and Kinematics. Mon., Wed., Fri., 11:30-12:30. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Echols.

Mathematics C1: Mathematics B1 and B2 or Mathematics A2 and B2 prerequisite.—Analytical
geometry of three dimensions; advanced differential and
integral calculus; differential equations.

Professor Echols.

Mathematics C2: Higher Algebra: Mathematics B2 prerequisite.—Operations
with vectors, matrices, determinants and invariants, and their applications
to analytical geometry, projective geometry, non-Euclidean geometry and mechanics.
Hours by appointment.

Associate Professor Linfield.

Mathematics C3: Higher Geometry: Mathematics C2 prerequisite.—Algebraic
plane curves; circle and sphere geometry; line geometry. Hours by appointment.

Associate Professor Linfield.

Mathematics C4: Projective Geometry: An introductory course. Hours
by appointment.

Professor Luck.

Mathematics D1: Differential Geometry: Mathematics C1 and a reading
knowledge of German prerequisite.
—This course opens with a brief study of
ordinary differential equations from the Lie group standpoint and continues with
a study of the metric differential properties of plane and space curves and of
surfaces, including important curve families on surfaces such as lines of curvature,
asymptotic curves, geodesics, etc. Hours by appointment.

Professor Luck.

Only one of the courses C4 and D1 will be given in any one year.

Mathematics D2: Differential Equations: Mathematics C1 prerequisite.
Ordinary and partial differential equations. Hours by appointment.

Professor Page.

Mathematics D3: Analysis (Functions of real Variables): Mathematics
C1 and C2 prerequisite.
—The course will begin with a study of the definitions
of the seven algebraic operations and of the limit of a sequence. Continuous,
differentiable or integrable functions of real variables will then be defined
through the use of the limits of sequences and their important properties deduced
from these definitions. The third term will be devoted to a study of


Page 193
some particular transcendental functions of real variables. Great emphasis will
be laid throughout the course on detailed rigorous proof. Hours by appointment.

Associate Professor Linfield.

Mathematics D4: Theory of Functions: Mathematics C1 and D3 prerequisite.—Theory
of functions of a complex variable. Vector Analysis. Hours by

Professor Echols.


Fall Term: Elementary Mechanics—Strength of materials.

Professor Thornton.

Spring Term: Applied Mechanics—Hydraulics, turbines, and pumps: (B.A.
or B.S. credit, 1 session-hour per course. 3 hours a week.)

Professor Thornton.


I. Philosophy

Courses for Undergraduates

First-year students, entering the college from high or preparatory schools,
are not admitted to the courses in Philosophy or Psychology.

Philosophy B1: Logic: First term: Deductive Logic. Second term. Inductive
Logic. Special attention is directed to the analysis of logical arguments
and to the detection of fallacies in reasoning. Third term: A critical exposition
of theories of knowledge. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Lefevre, Assistant Professor Dent and Mr. Leckie.

Philosophy B2: Ethics: The course deals with the general development
and the different types of theories of morality, and is intended to aid the student
in reaching a constructive result. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Lefevre.

Philosophy B3: History of Morals: A descriptive and genetic study of
moral ideas and practices in the history of society and in different civilizations,
with a view to showing the reality of moral progress and with special reference
to the problems of modern civilization. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Balz.

Philosophy B4: Philosophy of Government: The study of the leading
philosophical conceptions of government in Western civilization. (B.A. or B.S.
credit, 3 session-hours.)

Assistant Professor Dent.

Philosophy B6: Social Philosophy: A study of human nature as expressed
in social life and organization. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Assistant Professor Dent.


Page 194

For Undergraduates and Graduates

Philosophy C1: History of Philosophy: Prerequisite, any two B courses
listed in this school.
—The lectures trace the development of philosophical thought
from the early Greeks to the middle of the nineteenth century. The endeavor
is made to present the various philosophical systems in their relation to the
civilization of the age in which they belong, and to estimate their social and
political significance.

Professor Balz.

For Graduate Students

(Philosophy C1, the History of Philosophy, is prerequisite for all other C
courses in Philosophy.

Philosophy C2: Empiricism and Rationalism: A study of Locke, Berkeley,
Hume, Descartes, Malebranche, Spinoza, and Leibnitz.

Professor Balz and Assistant Professor Dent.

Philosophy C3: Recent Philosophical Tendencies: Idealism, with especial
reference to Bradley and Royce; Vitalism, Naturalism, and Realism, with especial
reference to Bergson, Santayana, Whitehead, and Alexander.

Professor Balz and Assistant Professor Dent.

Philosophy C4: Recent Ethical Theories:

Assistant Professor Dent.

(One or more of the following courses will be offered each session, according
to the needs of graduate students and in the discretion of the professors
concerned. This work will be under the joint direction of the professors of
philosophy. Admission to the classes on approval. Hours by appointment.)

Philosophy D1: Plato and Aristotle:

Philosophy D2: Kant and the post-Kantian Development: With especial
reference to Fichte, Schelling and Hegel.

Philosophy D3: Metaphysical Analysis:

Philosophy D4: Seminar in Contemporary Philosophical Discussion:

Note: Every student who desires to become a candidate for the degree
of Doctor of Philosophy in the Corcoran School of Philosophy must pass a
satisfactory examination on the History of Philosophy. This is a prescribed
condition of qualification for candidacy. The examination may be oral, written,
or both, in the discretion of the professors concerned.

II. Psychology

Psychology B1: General Psychology: A survey of the principles of
psychology, either as part of a liberal education or as preparation for professional
study. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Ferguson, Associate Professor Geldard and Mr. Wood.

Psychology B2: Educational Psychology: Psychology B1 prerequisite.
Mental ability and its development. Quantitative aspects of the subject will be


Page 195
stressed, and the classroom work will be supplemented by practice in mental
measurement and experiments in learning. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Ferguson.

Psychology B3: Abnormal Psychology: Psychology B1 prerequisite.—A
study of mental and nervous disorders, including a consideration of psychoanalytic
as well as more conventional interpretations, and of the social aspects
of abnormal behavior. The classroom work will be supplemented by clinical
demonstrations. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Associate Professor Geldard.

Psychology C1: Principles of Psychology: Psychology B1 and any other
B course listed in this school prerequisite.
—An examination of the more important
systematic positions in psychology, with special reference to the structural,
functional, behavioristic and Gestalt points of view.

Associate Professor Geldard.

Psychology C2: Mental Measurement: Psychology B1 and any other B
course listed in this school prerequisite.
—A study of the more important mental
tests and intelligence scales, of the statistical methods involved in their use, and
of the results obtained.

Professor Ferguson.

Psychology C3: Comparative Psychology: Psychology B1 and any other
B course listed in this school prerequisite.
—A study of animal behavior in its
relation to fundamental problems of human psychology. Instinct, emotion, habit,
sensation and the more complex processes will be considered.

Associate Professor Geldard.

Psychology D1: Admission on approval of the professor in charge.—Minor
research problems.

Professor Ferguson and Associate Professor Geldard.



All students registered in the College are required to take two years of
Physical Education, which must be completed by the end of the student's second
year. This regulation applies to those who are preparing for the study of
Medicine, Law, Engineering, or other professions, as well as those applying for
Academic Degrees. Exception to this regulation can be made by the Director
of Physical Education with the consent of the Dean of the College.

For First-Year Men

Medical Examination and Physical Examination: Each first-year student
must present himself to the Examiners at the Memorial Gymnasium immediately
after completing his registration, for examination and classification.

Physical Exercise: Three hours per week for one year. Organized
class work in gymnastics, mass games, boxing, wrestling, basket ball, swimming
and track.


Page 196

Physical Education Hygiene: Three hours per week for one term. The
lectures treat of the gross anatomy of the body, physical functions and mechanism,
hygiene fundamentals of body, exercise, athletic training and technique of
competitive activities.

Tests: Physical efficiency test will be given at the beginning and the
end of the course. Swimming tests will be given to all first-year men at the
end of the spring term. A satisfactory grade is required in these tests to complete
the work.

Attendance Reports: (Note—Read the following regulations carefully.)

Absence with Dean's leave or University Physician's certificate must be reported
to the Gymnasium Office promptly.

All first-year men applying for athletic teams must report at the Gymnasium
Office to secure permit and be transferred on the attendance report.

All squad men must sign the daily attendance sheet before going to the field.
Sheets will be placed at a convenient place in the locker room.

Men released from the squad must report to the Gymnasium Office immediately.

General Information

Physical defects are not accepted as sufficient reason for failing to register
for physical training since group or individual exercises will be prescribed in
such cases.

Regulation uniform consisting of a white sleeveless jersey, khaki pants and
rubber soled shoes will be required for all class work.

Lockers may be secured at the Gymnasium Office any day, excepting Saturday,
from 3 to 5 o'clock.

Under University Ruling the Gymnasium and the Swimming Pool will be
closed on Sunday. On other days Gymnasium will close at 10:00 P.M.

For Second-Year Men

Physical Exercise: Three hours per week for the school year. Activities
to be elected and reported at the Gymnasium Office before the close of
each term.

Intramural Activities

The period from five to six (5 to 6) o'clock each day will be devoted to
intramural activities. These activities are open to all students of the University
who wish to participate. Supervision and equipment will be furnished by the
Physical Education School.


A laboratory fee of $15 is charged for Physics 1, B1, B2, C3, 200-201-202-250-251-252.

Physics 1: For Pre-Medical Students: The prerequisites for this course
are the same as those for Physics B1.
—A four-session-hour college course meeting
the minimum requirements for entrance into the study of medicine. One
lecture section, one laboratory section. Fall and winter terms only.

Professor Hoxton, Associate Professor Brown and Assistants.


Page 197

Physics B1: General Physics: A knowledge of the elements of plane trigonometry
through the right triangle is prerequisite.
—(The course is open to first-year
students who have received this preparation in the high school.) The elements
of mechanics, sound, heat, electricity and magnetism, and light. The classroom
instruction is given by textbooks, recitations, problems, and experimental
demonstrations. In the laboratory each student performs experiments upon
which written reports are required. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 6 session-hours.) One
lecture section, two laboratory sections.

Professor Hoxton, Associate Professor Brown and Assistants.

Physics B2: Wave Motion, Sound and Light: Physics B1 prerequisite.
Three lectures and six hours laboratory per week. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 6 session-hours.)

Professor Sparrow and Associate Professor Brown.

Physics 200-201-202-250-251-252: General Physics for Engineering students

Associate Professor Brown and Assistants.

Physics C1: Mechanics: A knowledge of the calculus is prerequisite.

Professor Sparrow.

Physics C2: Heat and Electricity: A knowledge of the calculus is prerequisite.

Professor Hoxton.

Physics C3: Advanced Laboratory: A knowledge of the calculus is prerequisite.—The
specialized portions of the course are mainly in the fields of heat
and electricity.

Professor Hoxton.

Physics C4: Physical Measurements: A knowledge of the calculus is
—(Given only during the second and third terms.) The theory of
errors and precision of measurements. Graphical and mechanical methods of

Associate Professor Brown.

Physics D1: Elements of Mathematical Physics: This course deals
with subjects such as potential theory, heat conduction, wave motion, hydrodynamics
and elasticity, whose treatment depends upon the solution of partial
differential equations. An introduction to vector methods is included. Required
of all candidates for the doctorate.

Professor Sparrow.

Physics D2: Advanced Dynamics:

Professor Sparrow.

Physics D3: Kinetic Theory:

Professor Hoxton or Professor Sparrow.

Physics D4: Theories of Atomic Structure:

Professor Sparrow.

Physics D5: Spectroscopy: Lecture and Laboratory.

Associate Professor Brown.


Page 198

Physics D6: Electrodynamics:

Professor Sparrow.

Physics D7: Crystal Structure:

Professor Sparrow.

Physics D8: Relativity:

Professor Sparrow.

Physics D9: Physical Optics:

Associate Professor Beams.

Physics D10: Modern Physics:

Associate Professor Beams.

Journal Meeting: The faculty and advanced students meet weekly for
the presentation and discussion of recent work in the physical sciences.

The Rouss Physical Laboratory: Facilities for research, which for a
number of years have included an instrument shop and a departmental library
in addition to a variety of apparatus, are now being rapidly augmented. They
lie chiefly in the broad field of spectroscopy and to some extent in heat. Persons
desiring detailed information about opportunities for graduate work may write
to the Director of the Rouss Physical Laboratory.


Government B1: American Government and Parliamentary Government:
(Not open to first-year students). The major part of this course is devoted to
a descriptive and critical study of the Government of the United States, National
and State. A survey of the Principles of Parliamentary Government is given
during the third term.

Professor Spicer and Associate Professor Maddox.

Government B2: International Relations: Government B1 prerequisite.
A study of the political, legal, and economic factors in modern international
society. The second-half year is devoted to the study of international law, the
League of Nations, and the Permanent Court of International Justice.

Associate Professor Maddox.

Government B3: The Principles and Problems of Government: Government
B1 prerequisite.
—The principles of Politics and their application to problems
arising in the operation of Government.

Professor Spicer.

Government B1 and one other B course in political science prerequisite to
any C course.

Government C1: United States Constitutional Law: A study of the
American constitutional system through the case method.

Professor Spicer.

Government C2: The Principles of Public Law: A comparative study of
the modern theories of the State with special attention to the juristic concept
of the State.

Associate Professor Maddox.


Page 199


Public Speaking B1: English A1, A2, or A3 prerequisite.—Writing and
delivery of speeches on topics of the day; extemporaneous and impromptu speaking.
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Three sections, each limited to a
minimum of eight and maximum of twenty.

Associate Professor Paul.


I. French

French A1: For students offering less than three units of French for
entrance. Five hours a week throughout the year. Four sections of forty
students each. On Mondays and Fridays, the four sections are combined and
meet together as one group. This course comprises dictation, pronunciation,
conversation, composition, and a thorough study of the French verb. French
is spoken in the classroom during the latter part of the session. (B.A. or B.S.
credit, 3 session-hours for those who have offered less than 3 units of French
for entrance.)

Professor Graham, Professor Abbot and Associate Professor Lehman.

French B1: French A1 or three entrance-units of French prerequisite.—On
Mondays, sections one, two, and three meet separately. On Wednesdays, the
three sections meet together in one group. On Friday, the three sections are
divided into two groups. In this course the roman d'aventure is studied—Verne,
Dumas, About, etc. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Graham, Professor Abbot and Associate Professor Lehman.

French B2: French B1 prerequisite.—In this course the study of French
literature as such is begun. The more important phases of literary expression
are investigated. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Graham, Professor Abbot and Associate Professor Lehman.

II. Spanish

Spanish A1: For students offering less than three units of Spanish for
entrance. Five hours a week throughout the year. Four sections of forty
students each. On Mondays and Fridays, the four sections are combined and
meet together as one group. This course comprises dictation, pronunciation,
conversation, composition and a thorough study of the verb. Spanish is spoken
in the classroom during the latter part of the session. (B.A. or B.S. credit,
3 session-hours for those who have offered less than 3 units of Spanish for

Assistant Professor Woody and Mr. Galban.

Spanish B1: Spanish A1 or three entrance-units of Spanish prerequisite.
Two sections meeting separately. Each section three hours per week. The work
of this course consists of a detailed study of Spanish grammar, dictation, reading
of advanced texts, correspondence and composition. During the latter part
of the session this course will be conducted mainly in Spanish. (B.A. or B.S.
credit, 3 session-hours.)

Mr. Galban and Mr. Martinez.


Page 200

Spanish B2: Spanish B1 prerequisite. — Advanced grammar and syntax,
theme writing and study of literary forms. As far as practicable, the work of
this course is conducted in Spanish. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Bardin.

III. Italian

Italian A1: For students offering less than three units of Italian for entrance.
Five hours a week throughout the year. Three sections of forty students
each. On Monday and Friday, the three sections are combined and meet
as one group. This course comprises dictation, pronunciation, conversation,
composition and a thorough study of the verb. Italian is spoken in the classroom
during the latter part of the session. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours
for those who have offered less than 3 units of Italian for entrance.)

Assistant Professor Rinetti.

Italian B1: Italian A1 or three entrance units of Italian prerequisite.
Three hours a week throughout the year. This course comprises a detailed
study of grammar, dictation, reading of advanced texts, and composition. During
the latter part of the session the course will be conducted mainly in Italian.
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Assistant Professor Rinetti.

Italian B2: Italian B1 prerequisite.—Advanced grammar and syntax, theme
writing and study of literary forms. As far as practicable, the work of this
course is conducted in Italian. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Assistant Professor Rinetti.

IV. Graduate Romance

(French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese)

Open to all graduates who have a fair knowledge of spoken French or spoken
Spanish, and to undergraduates of promise whose attainments in French or
Spanish conform approximately to the B2 course of this University.

Romance C1: One hour a week throughout the year. The Attitude of
Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

Professor Wilson.

Romance C2: One hour a week throughout the year. Lope de Vega.

Professor Bardin.

Romance C3: One hour a week throughout the year. Maupassant and the
Short Story.

Professor Graham.

Romance C4: One hour a week throughout the year. Molière and the
Classic Comedy.

Professor Abbot.

Romance C5: One hour a week throughout the year. Tirso de Molina,
with special reference to the legend of Don Juan.

Professor Bardin.

Romance C6: One hour a week throughout the year. The Feelings of
Alphonse Daudet.

Professor Wilson.


Page 201

Romance C7: One hour a week throughout the year. Musset and the

Associate Professor Lehman.

Romance C8: One hour a week throughout the year. Contemporary Latin-American

Mr. Galban.

Romance C9: One hour a week throughout the year. Balzac's Work.

Professor Wilson.

Romance C10: One hour a week throughout the year. The Novels of José
María de Pereda.

Professor Bardin.

Romance C11: One hour a week throughout the year. The Attitude of
Victor Hugo.

Professor Wilson.

Romance C12: One hour a week throughout the year. The Novels of
Benito Pérez Galdós.

Professor Bardin.

Romance C13: One hour a week throughout the year. French Literature
in the Middle Ages,
with special reference to the Chanson de Roland.

Professor Abbot.

Romance C14: One hour a week throughout the year. Spanish Literature
in the Middle Ages,
with special reference to the Cid.

Assistant Professor Woody.

Romance C15: One hour a week throughout the year. The Short Story in

Mr. Galban.

Romance C16: One hour a week throughout the year. The Novels of
Ricardo León.

Professor Bardin.

Romance C17: One hour a week throughout the year. The Bearings of

Professor Wilson.

Romance C18: One hour a week throughout the year. The Eighteenth and
Nineteenth Centuries in Spain.

Mr. Galban.

Romance C19: One hour a week throughout the year. Calderón de la
with special reference to this author's philosophic dramas.

Professor Bardin.

Romance C20: One hour a week throughout the year. Contemporary
Italian Literature.

Assistant Professor Rinetti.


Page 202

Romance C21: One hour a week throughout the year. Dante.

Assistant Professor Rinetti.

Romance D1: Two hours a week throughout the year. Atelier—The shaping
of original investigation. Required of all candidates in Romance for the
Master's Degree and the Doctorate.

Professor Wilson and Professor Bardin.

Romance D2: One hour a week throughout the year. Romania—Contributions
to Romance. Required of all candidates in Romance for the Master's Degree
and the Doctorate.

Professor Wilson, Professor Bardin, Professor Graham, Professor Abbot,
Associate Professor Lehman, Assistant Professor Rinetti, Assistant Professor
Woody, Mr. Galban
and Mr. Martinez.

Romance D3: One hour a week throughout the year. Required of all candidates
for the Doctorate in Romance. Cervantes.

Professor Bardin.

Romance D4: One hour a week throughout the year. Required of all candidates
for the Doctorate in Romance. Rabelais.

Professor Abbot.

Romance D5: One hour a week throughout the year. Required of all candidates
for the Doctorate in Romance. Camoens.

Professor Bardin.

Romance D6: One hour a week throughout the year. The Attitude of
Anatole France.

Professor Wilson.


Rural Social Economics B1: General Rural Social Economics: A study
of the economic and social principles underlying a sound national development in
agriculture. While the approach is national in scope, especial emphasis is placed
upon the problems of rural life in the South. The first half of the year is devoted
to an introductory course in rural economics, and the second half to a
similar approach in the elements of rural sociology. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Gee.

Rural Social Economics B2: Economic and Social Surveys of Virginia
A laboratory course in rural social economics dealing with the
problems of Virginia counties. These county studies, when completed, will be
published as bulletins of the University. Hours by appointment on Tues., Thurs.
and Sat. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Mr. Corson.

Rural Social Economics C1: Economics of Agriculture: Rural Social
Economics B1 or Economics B1 and one other B course in either the School of
Rural Social Economics or the Schools of Economics and Commerce prerequisite.


Page 203
—The first term of the course deals with the marketing of agricultural products,
the major interest centering in coöperative marketing; the second concerns the
topic of rural credits; and the third is given over to the economics of farm
organization and management. One period each week throughout the year is
devoted to reports of the students upon the agricultural situation as set forth
in current volumes and periodicals. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Gee.

Rural Social Economics C2: Rural Social Problems: Rural Social Economics
B1, Sociology B1 or B2 and one other B course in either the School of
Rural Social Economics or Sociology prerequisite.
—An advanced course in rural
sociology. Lectures and topical reports dealing with the more outstanding rural
social problems such as rural migration and other population problems, leadership,
farm tenancy, standards of living, influence of physical environment, institutional
life, organization, etc. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Gee.

Rural Social Economics D1: Research in Rural Problems: At the outset
the course deals with research methods as they apply in the social sciences.
After much intensive preliminary training, an original problem is selected for
an investigation and these methods are applied in actual practice. (Hours and
credit by special arrangement.)

Professor Gee.


Sociology B1: Community and Society: (Not open to first-year students.)
An introductory course in the principles of sociology. First term: A
study of some of the fundamental ideas of sociology, and of the social life of
simple communities. Second term: The study of fundamental ideas continued,
with special attention to the social life of modern urban communities and to
urbanization as a general type of change taking place in contemporary society.
Third term: The psychological interpretation of social phenomena. (B.A. or
B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor House.

Sociology B3: Problems of Public Welfare and Social Adjustment:
(Not open to first-year students.) Poverty and dependency: crime, delinquency,
and penology; feeble-mindedness, insanity, vice, personal demoralization, and their
treatment; administration of welfare agencies and institutions; problems of
population, race, and urbanization. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Associate Professor Hoffer.

Sociology B4: Social Origins: (Not open to first-year students.) An
introductory course in anthropology, with special emphasis on cultural origins
and the comparative study of culture traits and institutions. (B.A. or B.S. credit,
3 session-hours.)

Associate Professor Hoffer.

Sociology B5: General Rural Social Economics: (See Rural Social Economics
given in the School of Rural Social Economics.)


Page 204

Sociology C1: Sociological Theories: Open only to fourth-year and graduate
students: Two B courses in Sociology prerequisite.
—The application of the
general principles of scientific method in the study of social organization and
social processes, social change, and the social aspects of human nature and personality.
This course should normally be taken in the first year by graduate
students who have not had an undergradute course in theoretic sociology.

Professor House.

Sociology C2: Collective Behavior: Open only to fourth-year and graduate
students: Two B courses in Sociology prerequisite.
—Crowds and mobs,
gangs, sects, secret societies, social movements, political parties and public opinion,
the sociology of religion, the sociological interpretation of group symbols
and group ideals. Alternates with Sociology C3. (Given in 1929-30.)

Professor House.

Sociology C3: Human Ecology: Open only to fourth-year and graduate
students: Two B courses in Sociology prerequisite.
—The scientific study of
human society from a physical, geographic, and economic point of view; the
study of spatial patterns and movements of human population and social phenomena.
Considerable time will be devoted to laboratory exercises in this course,
and opportunities will be offered for field studies. (Not given in 1929-30.)

Professor House.

Sociology C4: Social Case Studies: Two B courses in Sociology prerequisite.—The
study of the relation of the individual to the family, to the community,
and to social institutions, carried out chiefly through intensive analyses
of case histories—individual, community, and institutional—supplemented by field
studies. Alternates with Sociology C5. (Not given in 1929-30.)

Associate Professor Hoffer.

Sociology C5: Community Organization: Two B courses in Sociology prerequisite.—A
general survey of typical experiments in community organization.
The processes of community growth and organization; the history and problems
of character-building, recreational, and educational agencies, such as scouts,
Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., and playgrounds. Regional and community planning
and programs. (Given in 1929-30.)

Associate Professor Hoffer.

Sociology C6: Rural Social Problems: (See Rural Social Economics C2;
given in the School of Rural Social Economics.)

Sociology D1: Special Researches in Sociology and Social Adjustment:
Hours to be arranged. Amount of credit subject to determination in proportion
to work accomplished.

Professor House and Associate Professor Hoffer.

Psychology C1: Principles of Psychology, given in the Corcoran School of
Philosophy, is recommended for advanced students in Sociology.


Died December 18, 1928.


Absent on leave 1928-29.


Absent on leave 1928-29.


Died, November 11, 1928.