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Pleasant dialogues and dramma's
selected out of Lucian, Erasmus, Textor, Ovid, &c. ... By Tho. Heywood
Heywood, Thomas
Sundry Fancies writ upon severall occasions.
Funerall Elegies and Epitaphs.
Epithalamions or Nuptiall Songs.
Epig. ex Theod. Beza.
Of Erasmus, pictured but from the girdle upwards.
Of Lucrece.
Vpon the Venetian History written by Petrus Bembus.
Of Helionora the French Queene.
Of Iohannes Secundus an excellent Poet of the Hage in Holland.
Against Philenus who carpt at Erasmus.
To Lodovick Masurus of his verses made of the fall of Babylon.
Vpon three the most excellent Divines of France then living.
A comparison betwixt Poets and Monkes.
The excellent Poet George Buchanan, upon a Diamond cut like an Hart, and sent from Mary Queene of Scots, to the most excellent Lady Queene Elizabeth.
Of Chrisalus.
In Romam.
An Epitaph upon Iacobus Sylvius.
Ex Angelo Politiano. Epigram In Pamphilum.
Against Mabilius a bitter rayling Poet.
Ex Accij sinceri sannazarij Neopolitani viri patricij. Epigram. Of the admirable City Venice.
Ex M. Anthonij Flamminij. Epigram. Of Cardinall Pooles Picture.
Of a faire gilt Bowle sent unto him from Benedict Accoltus Cardinall.
Ex Mario Molsa. Of the City Rome being late wasted by the Germanes.
Ex Antonio Titaldeo. An Epitaph upon Ioannes Mirandula.
Ex Benedicti Theocreni. Epigram. Upon a Comet which Lewes of Savoy saw a little before his death.
Ex Ioanne secundo Hagiensi. Of one Charinus who had married a deformed wife.
Ex Henrici Stephani Epigram. Of Phillis who was delivered within five moneths after her marriage.
Upon Pompe's death.
Ex Ioanne Colta. Of the City Verona.
Ex Petro Hembo. An Epitaph upon one Thebaldæus an excellent Musitian.
Ex Balt asser Castilione. An Epitaph upon a Virgin whose name was Gratia.
Ex Antonio Casanova. Of Lucrece.
In praise of Archery.
Upon a Booke late published by one Bird a Coachman, calld Byrds businesse.
Against a base and infamous Balladder, who disperst a scandalous riming Libell, in which hee malitiously traduced the noble exercises weekely practised in the Artillery Garden.
I conclude this Worke, suiting with the present, concerning the worth of Physick, and Physitians, deriving my president from a worthy Gentleman called M. Perisaulus Faustinus.
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Pleasant dialogues and dramma's
1. The Argument.
modest Virgins, of unequall time,
Th'one past, the other growing to her prime,
) interchange some chat
Of Love, of Mariage, and I know not what.
Pleasant dialogues and dramma's