University of Virginia Library



The following resolution was adopted:

  • WHEREAS, the University of Virginia received from the Estate of Laura M. Aydelotte her residence located at 1017 Magnolia Avenue, Norfolk, Virginia; and
  • WHEREAS, the estate was given to the School of Engineering for scholarships in chemical engineering;
  • NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer be and he is hereby authorized to sell the property at 1017 Magnolia Avenue at fair market value less sales commission according to procedures set forth by the Commonwealth of Virginia for the disposition of endowment property.
  • The Rector then asked the President to discuss the Ten Year Academic Plan. The President reviewed the talks on the Plan at the Alumni Caucus on Memorial Day weekend and said that comments made by alumni then are being incorporated into the draft of the Plan. The next presentations of the Plan will be made to the faculty and to the students soon after classes resume in the fall. It is planned now that discussion of the Plan will be cut off on November 1 in order that a final version may be prepared and printed.
  • Considering the next item on the Agenda, the Rector asked the President to review the C.I.O. Agreements which all student organizations are required to sign. Mr. Casteen pointed out that the new Agreements contain strong language on alcohol and drug abuse and on sexual assault. As a result, he said, the student leadership is much more aware of these problems and is making serious efforts to control them.
  • Dr. Connally, at the Rector's request, addressed the Board on several health care issues. He reviewed health care costs and the reasons for them and then discussed ways in which the Medical School plans to work to resolve some of the more important issues in health care, the possible


    creation of a Department of Epidemiology and the Health Policy Center being among them. The Medical School, he said, should consider how to get more students interested in primary care medicine and in working in rural areas.
  • The President discussed at some length "Colleges and Universities for the 21st Century," a report done by the presidents of the state colleges in Virginia under the aegis of the State Council of Higher Education and released on July 10. Along with this report, the President drew the Board's attention to the Virginia Faculty Survey, conducted by the State Council and issued on June 28.
  • Mr. Jessee asked if there were any conflicts between the University's Ten Year Academic Plan and the 21st Century report. Mr. Casteen said there were none but that the University would work closely with the State Council to make sure that there are none.
  • Several members of the Board discussed the possibility of the Board giving an official endorsement of the 21st Century report, but it was decided instead that the Rector would write a letter to the State Council.
  • Mr. Horsley suggested that Mr. Gordon Davies, the Director of the State Council, be invited to meet with the Board. Mr. Casteen agreed that it would be a good idea but proposed that the invitation be centered around a social event to which the whole State Council would be invited.
  • The Board recessed at 3:50 p.m. and reconvened at 4:20 p.m.