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Female Poems On Several Occasions

Written by Ephelia. The Second Edition, with large Additions

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To Coridon, on shutting his Door against some Ladies.


To Coridon, on shutting his Door against some Ladies.

Conceited Coxcomb! tho' I was so kind
To wish to see you, think not I design'd
To force my self to your unwilling Arms,
Your Conversation has no such Charms:
Think less, those lovely Virgins were with me,
VVou'd thrust themselves into your Company;
They've Crowds of Gallants, for their Favours sue,
And to be Caress'd, need not come to you:
'Gainst handsom VVomen rudely shut your Dore!
Had it been Serjeants, you cou'd do no more:
Faith, we expected with a horrid yelp,
Out of the VVindow you'd have cry'd, help! help!


What Outrage have you offer'd to our Sex?
That you should dread we came but to perplex:
Or since I saw you last, what have I done,
Might cause so strange an Alteration?
Till now, your wishing Eyes have at my Sight,
Spoke you all Rapture, Extasie, Delight:
But at the Change, I have a Critick guess,
So much of Friendship to me you profess,
More than your lazy Tongue can e're express;
And your performance hath been so much less:
That Debtor-like, you dare not meet my Eyes,
Which was the reason of your late Surprize.
I'le tell you, Sir, your kindness to requite
A loving Secret, meerly out of spight:
A Secret four and twenty Moons I've kept,
I've sigh'd in private, and in private wept;
And all for You: but yet so much my Pride
Surmounts my Passion, that now were I try'd,
And th'Heart so long I've wisht for, prostrate lay
Before my Feet, I'de spurn the Toy away:


And tho, perhaps, I wish as much as you,
I'le starve my Self, so I may starve You too:
And for a Curse, wish you may never find
An open Door, nor Woman when she's kind.