An Abridgeme[n]t of all the Canonical books of the olde Testament written in Sternholds meter by VV. Samuel |
I. |
II. |
III. |
IV. |
I. |
II. |
I. |
II. |
An Abridgeme[n]t of all the Canonical books of the olde Testament | ||
The i. Chapiter.
Almighty God did make the heauensand set therin these lightes
The Sun, the Moon, & all the starres
appeering in our sightes.
The earth, the Sea, and all therin,
all these his woord did make:
With man made last and yet set first,
his wil on them to take.
The ij. Chapiter.
Begin did then the Lord to rest,From making of suche things
And pointed Adam to a place.
a garden ful of springs.
One tree denied, and man dooth name
the beastes after his wil:
In sleep to him his make was made,
whiche did his minde fulfil.
The iij. Chapiter.
Caused was man by Sathans sleightGods wil to break outright:
The hee, the shee, and the Serpent
are curst and driuen out quite.
with his wife and to hel:
The womans seed ye whiche was Christe
shall come and make all wel.
The iiii. chapiter.
Down fel Abel, Cain him slue,in offering to the Lord:
The iust was slain of the vniust,
as scripture dooth record.
Then is he curst and dooth dispair,
after his wicked deed:
The genealogie of Adams sonnes,
and their sonnes dooth proceed.
The v. chapiter.
Euery yeer that Adam liued,is there moste plainly tolde:
Whose age was then euen nine hundred
and ful thirtie yeer olde.
And so from him vnto iust Noe,
the chapter dooth expresse:
The names & yeeres how long they liued
with muche of their successe.
The vi. chapiter.
Ful wicked were the people tho,a flud was threat of God:
euen as the Lord had bod.
And then did Noe prepare the ship,
after the Lords deuise:
And redy prest as he was wild
against the flud should rise.
The vii. chapiter.
God spake these woords to Noe his māand we therto must hark:
Go thou and all thy familie,
with speed into the ark.
Euen so did Noe as God him bad,
and took of eche kinde twain:
His wife, his sonnes, and all their wiues,
and then began the rain.
The viii. chapiter.
Hundreth dayes and od fiftie,the flud began to end:
A Rauen and eke a Dooue also,
Noe, foorth for newes did send.
Then went Noe forthe and did offer,
to God burnt sacrifice:
Whiche liked wel the God on hie,
when the smel did arise.
The ix. chapiter.
and murther is denide:
A rainbowe sent, and promise made
with water not destroyd.
Then Noe fel drunk and lay vnhilde,
and Ham his sonne was glad:
The other hilde him and were blest,
But Ham ī is cursing had.
The x. chapiter.
Knowe ye may of Noe his sonnes,As Sem, Ham and Iapheth:
Clius, Hams sonne begot Nemrod,
a hunter on the heath.
Of these three sonnes & their sōnes sōnes
the earth was storde again:
In tungs & kindes with realms & lands,
But moste of them were vain.
The xi. chapiter.
Lewdly forth went this rout to build,Babel that great hie toure
The Lord came down & chaūgd their tungs
in lesse space then an houre.
The kinde of Sem again is tolde,
vnto iust Abraham:
Whiche went with Lot his fathers sonne
and dwelled at Haran.
The xij. chapiter.
Muche fauour God shewd to Abram.dwelling in Canaan:
Whiche God him plight, then come a dearth,
to Egipt went he than.
Then willed he Sarai his wife,
to call him brother tho:
The king her took and was plaged,
whose name hight Pharao.
The xiij. chapiter.
Neighbourlike yode Lot and hee,And toward the south they went:
Then parted they their land and good
that God had to them lent.
The promise then to Abram is,
repeated once again:
That hee and his seed after him,
the blest land should obtain.
The xiiij. chapiter.
Of foren kings Lot taken was,whiche ward and wan that land
But then Abram did them destroy,
and took him from their hand.
Melchisedech with bread and wine,
him met with mickle boste:
of Sodome all he lost.
The xv. chapiter.
Performe would God the land he had,to Abram promised:
A sonne to haue he dooth beleeue,
and so is iustified.
How that his seed in bondage should,
in Egipt there remain:
And be restorde vnto their land,
and so sent home again.
The xvi. chapiter.
Quite barren Sara thought shee wasand gaue Abram her maid:
Whiche did conceiue and beeing proud
her mistres did vpbraid.
Her mistres chod, and shee to go,
for faring with her fel:
An Angel her returnd again,
and plight her Ismael.
The xvii. chapiter.
Remooue did God then Abrams name,and calld him Abraham:
And Sarai is named Sara,
of whom tho Isaac came.
of Circumcision:
Isaac is plight, and Abraham
for Ismael dooth mone.
The xviii. chapiter.
So vnto him three men apeerd,like trauaylers of miles:
Sara did hear that shee should bear,
and womanlike shee smiles.
The ouerthrowe of Sodome then,
to Abraham they tolde:
He prayeth to them beeing one God,
his vengeance to with holde.
The xix. chapiter.
Two Angels lodg'd, and Sodome menwould then haue them defilde:
Blinded they were and after stroyd,
saue Lot and his vnfilde.
His wife to salte was turned tho,
for breaking Gods precept:
His daughters he begat with childe
when drunklike he had slept.
The xx. chapiter.
VVhen Abraham did flit he dwelt,In the land of Gerar:
and called her sister.
Abimeleck sent for her then,
his plesure for to haue:
God him denide and then the king,
Muche riches to her gaue.
The xxi. chapiter.
Almightie God to Sara sent,Isaac her onely sonne:
And Agar with her childe put out,
no longer there to wonne.
An Angel did her comfort tho,
being in wildernes
About a wel, Abimeleck
and Abraham made peace.
The xxij. chapiter.
Being then wild, to kil his sonne,and hee therto was prest:
God tolde him that for his great faith
in him all should be blest.
Nachor brother to Abraham,
had eyght sonnes by Milcha:
One of her sonnes was Bethuel,
Father to Rebecca.
The xxiij. chapiter.
her soule that was so milde:
At her ful yeeres shee fel on sleep.
and died vndefilde.
Then Abram bought a plat of ground,
of Ephron the Hethite:
He layd his wife into the caue,
when it was his by right.
The xxiiij. chapiter.
Decree did Abram to his man,and sware him by an othe:
To seek a wife for Isaac meet
and so he did for trothe.
He went and came with Rebecca,
whiche Isaac took to wife:
So liued they together bothe,
and led an honest life.
The xxv. chapiter.
Eftsoones did Abram take a wife,whiche bare him children more:
He died and gaue Isaac his sonne
his good and all his store.
Then Isaacs wife euen at one birthe,
Iacob and Esau bare:
And Esau solde him land and right,
And yet small was his fare.
Thus haue you heard of Genesis,
The pith and halfe the some:
Twentie and fiue in chapters past,
Sith that the first begun.
The pith and halfe the some:
Twentie and fiue in chapters past,
Sith that the first begun.
The xxvi. chapiter.
A death then came in Isaacks time,and so hee did remooue:
That land was plight to him and his
of God that did him loue.
The king chod Isaac for his wife,
because hee did but fain:
And shepheards stroue about the welles,
but all was wel again.
The xxvii. chapiter.
Begilde did Iacob Esau then,Rebecca wrought the feat:
While Esau hunted in the feeld,
his brother got the cheat.
When Esau came from hunting home,
it vexed him right sore:
His father cheerd him, yet did hee
his brother hate therfore.
The xxviii. chapiter.
Commaunded Iacob sought a wifeand so to Laban went:
whiche vnto euil was bent:
As hee in sleep a Ladder saw,
with Angels goodly dight:
Of Christe is tolde a vow he made,
vnto the God of might.
The xxix. chapiter.
Decree with Laban, Iacob did,and serued him seuen yeer:
Rahel to haue it was his fee,
but Lea did appeer.
And so begil'd, yet did he serue
asmuche for Rachel more:
He hauing bothe foure babes he had,
whiche Lea to him bore.
The xx. chapiter.
Eche of them bothe they gaue their maidto their husband to wiue:
So had he children that they bare,
they beeing stil aliue.
And Iacob askt what his reward,
should be at Labans hand:
The spotted lambes and kids of goats,
that fel in Labans land.
The xxxi. chapiter.
and so he did obay:
He took his wiues and all his good,
and slily slipt away.
Then Rachel stale the Images,
against her fathers wil:
And Laban chod, but peace was made,
with Iacob on an hil.
The xxxij. chapiter.
Gods hoste he saw as he forth went,his brothers wrath he feard:
And therfore sent him giftes before,
euen hundreds on an heard.
He with an Angel stroue so long,
til day did end the night:
The Angel chaunged Iacobs name,
and Israel him hight.
The xxxiij. chapiter.
Hastely Esau set him out,his brother for to meet:
And Iacob sent his herds afore,
and came after on feet.
But when they met they greed wel,
God so did woork with them:
In parting plotes they dwelt in two,
as Iacob in Sichem.
The xxxiiii. chapiter.
Iacob no daughter had but onethat Dina hight by name:
Shee went to see and to be seen,
and so shee came to shame.
For Sichem did the damsel see,
and forced her by might:
He was destroyed by Iacobs sonnes,
and all the citie quite.
The xxxv. chapiter.
Knowe wel did Iacob all their spite,to Bethel then he yed:
His name is tolde, and Canaan
is to him promised.
In childe bed Rachel did depart,
and Beniamin shee bore:
Ruben vnhilde his fathers wife,
and lost a fleese therfore.
The xxxvi. chapiter.
Likewise is tolde of Esaus wiues,and gentles daughters all:
Hee and Iacob were very riche,
in goods terrestriall.
Esau had Dukes that were his sonnes,
Euen twelue in number iust:
in whom God had no lust.
The xxxvii. chapiter.
More for to hear of Iacobs life,in Canaan he dwelt:
Iosephs breethern liked him not,
and cruelly they delt.
Into Egipt then was he solde,
his brethern wrought the deed:
They tolde his sire his sonne was slain,
whiche made his hart to bleed.
The xxxviii chapiter.
Now then is shown how Iuda tooka wife of Canaan:
He had three sonnes two were destroyd,
the third was nam'd Onan.
And Thamar was the womans name,
whiche bothe of them did wed:
And Iuda by her had two twinnes,
when she was brought a bed.
The xxxix. chapiter.
O what an hap then Ioseph had,the Lord did so prouide:
His masters wife did him prouoke,
but he her sute denide,
her tale as then took place:
Wherby Ioseph to prison went,
but giltles in that cace.
The xl. chapiter.
Put in prison were Pharoes men,and bothe of them laid fast:
His baker cheef, and butler bothe,
whiles his anger did last.
Ioseph with them in prison was,
and as they slept ful sound:
They dreamed dreames whiche vnto thē
this Ioseph did expound.
The xli. chapiter.
Question askt of Pharoes dream,of Oxen fat and lean:
Whiche Ioseph did expound ful plain
and tolde what they did mean.
He was set vp, and ruler made
in Egipt ouer all:
Two sonnes he had and so the dearth,
on Egipt then did fall.
The xlii. chapiter.
Ride out for corne did Iosephs kin,and came to him vnknowne:
into that cuntrie blowne.
Simion laid in prison is
whiles they did home return:
And Beniamin they took with them,
whiche made their father mourn.
The xliii. chapiter.
So back they went to Egipt tho,with giftes and presentes great:
And Simeon is deliuered out,
and Iosephs cheeks are wet.
And Ioseph could not then but weep,
when Beniamin he saw:
They sat and feasted in two parts
according to their law.
The xliiii. chapiter.
Then Ioseph wrought a pretie cast,Beniamin for to haue:
And theft he laid vnto his charge,
suche woords to them he gaue.
But Iuda suretie he became
for Beniamin his sake:
His father Iacob hee did knowe,
it heuely to take.
The xlv. chapiter.
at last he tolde them all:
That he their brother Ioseph was,
That ruled great and small.
Then willed hee his brethern straight,
their father for to fetche:
In Egipt land to bide and dwel,
as far as it did stretche.
The xlvi. chapiter.
Appointed foorth then Israel went,in Egipt for to bide:
And God him bad nothing to fear,
for all should wel betide.
Iacob his sonnes and all their sonnes,
is then in order tolde:
And Ioseph went them all to meet,
ful ioyful to beholde.
The xlvij. chapiter.
Brought was Israel before the king,in his presence to stand:
And Pharao wild that he should dwel,
where fattest was the land.
Then Iacob sware Ioseph his sonne,
euen vnderneath his thie:
His bones to lay in Canaan,
at time when he should die.
The xlviij. chapiter.
Causd was Israel sick to bee,by course of natures kinde:
to knowe his fathers minde.
Iacob did wil that Iosephs sonnes,
Ephraim and Manasses:
Should be as children to him born,
whiche Ioseph wel did please.
The xlix. chapiter.
Down fel his sonnes vpon their kneeseuen twelue of them there was:
He blest them all and tolde of things
that after came to passe.
Then chargd he them that they should lay
his bones in Manebrey feeld:
Then pluckt he vp his legs to him,
and vp the ghoste did yeeld.
The l. chapiter.
Eche thīg was doon, his corps they tookas he on liue did minge:
And laid it down by Abrahams side,
fulfilling so eche thing.
Forgiue did Ioseph all the fault,
that his brethern had wrought:
And so he dide and wild his bones,
to his fathers to be brought.
Heer haue ye now the end and some,
of Moyses his first book:
The second shall in order come,
Suche pain the writer took.
of Moyses his first book:
Suche pain the writer took.
An Abridgeme[n]t of all the Canonical books of the olde Testament | ||