University of Virginia Library

The Preface.


To euery ioynt,
The finger point,
In order as they stand:
The letter then,
To all those men,
That take this book in hand.
Then shall they knowe,
And plainly showe,
The Chapter out of dout:
Of any thing,
In this writing,
The letter once found out.
From A. to U.
The thing is true,
The Alphabet dooth last:
Euen twentie iust,
From last to first,
So count you must to cast.
If you once finde,
The letter in minde,
And knowe what number it is:
You may be sure,
Of that Scripture
To hit and not to misse.
But perfet must,
You bee to trust,
The letter and his somme:

And then you may,
Withouten nay,
The story tel to come.
Also the book,
See that you look,
How it is calld by name:
And then the text,
And number next,
Be sure it is the same.