The Minor Poems of John Lydgate edited from all available mss. with an attempt to establish The Lydgate Canon: By Henry Noble MacCracken |
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The Minor Poems of John Lydgate | ||
Ab inmicis nostris defende nos christe.
Most souereigne lord, O blessed Crist Iesu!From oure enemyes delyuer vs, and oure foon;
Vnder whos grace and vnder whos vertu
Now lord, that art two, and three, and oon,
Kepe and preserve vnder thy myghty honde,
The kynge, the quene, the peple, and thy londe.
Affliccionem nostram benignus vide.
And blessed lorde, of thy benyngnyteeConsidre and see oure affliccioun,
And lat thyn eye of mercye on vs see,
Vs to releve in tribulacioun,
And shadwe vs, lord, with thy proteccioun,
And ay preserue, vnder thy myghty honde,
The kynge, the quene, the peple and thy londe.
Dolorem cordis nostri respice clemens.
And, good lord, beholde and eke aduertOf thy mercy and thy grete grace,
Thinwardes sorwes of oure troubled hert,
And look vpon vs with a benigne face,
And lat thyn wynges of pitee vs enbrace,
And [ay] preserve vnder thy myghty honde,
The kynge, the quene, the peple, and thy londe.
Peccata populi tui pius indulgo.
Mekely foryeve the synnes olde and neweOf thy peple, and ther grete offence,
And, good lord, vpon ther giltes rewe,
And ther demerites by dome nat recompence,
But reconcyle them with thyn indulgence;
And ay preserve vnder thy myghty honde
The kynge, the quene, the peple, and thy londe.
Oraciones nostras pius exaudi.
And good lord, here oure orisouns,Whan we to the for helpe clepe or calle,
Here oure compleyntes and lamentaciouns,
And doo socour to oure offences alle,
Be oure defence that noo myschefe ne falle,
And ay preserve vnder thy myghty honde,
The kynge, the quene, the peple, and thy londe.
Fili dei viui miserere nobis.
Thow sone of God, ay lastynge and eterne,Haue mercy on vs, and forgete vs nought,
And of thy grace guye vs and gouerne,
And reconcyle that thow so dere hast bought,
With love and drede enbrace our inwarde thought,
And ay preserve, vnder thy myghty honde,
The kynge, the quene, the peple, and thy londe.
Hic et imperpetuum nos custodire digneris.
In this lyfe here, and perpetuelly,To kepe vs, lord, that thou nat disdeyne,
For alle oure truste stant in thy mercie,
Hopynge by grace we shal therto atteyne,
Thy passyoun shal kepe vs oute of peyne,
And ay preserve vnder thy myghty honde,
The kynge, the quene, the peple, and thy londe.
Exaudi nos criste exaudi nos criste.
Here vs, lorde, whan we to the preye,And here vs, lorde, in myschefe and in nede,
And Crist Iesu, by mercy vs conveye,
Whiche on the Croys liste for our sake blede,
Benigne Iesu, preserve eke with thin hande,
The kynge, the quene, the peple, and thy londe.
A lorde! A-monge haue A RemembraunceOn sixt Henry, thyn oone chose knyght,
Borne tenheryte the Regioun of Fraunce,
By trew discent and by title of ryght,
Now good lorde conserve him thurgh thy myght,
And [ay] preserue vnder thy myghty honde,
Him and his moder, thy peple and thy londe.
Lat him in vertu ay encresse and shyne,Worthy thorgh vertu to be put in memorye,
And forgete nat hys moder Kateryne,
Where thou sittest in thy heuenly glorye,
Yive to the knyght, conquest and victorye,
And [ay] preserve vnder thy myghty honde,
Him and his moder, thy peple and thy londe.
Be thow hys consaylle and hys souereigne rede,So as he wexeth with vertu him tavaunce,
And blessed lord be thow bothe helpe and spede,
To alle that labouren for hys enheritaunce,
Bothe in this realme and in the grounde of Fraunce,
And [ay] preserve vnder thy myghty honde,
Him and hys moder, thy peple and thy londe.
In short tyme that thow may atteyneWithoute lettyng or any perturbaunce,
To be corowned with worthy corovnes tweyne,
First in this londe, and afterwarde in Fraunce,
And give hym grace to lyve to thy plesaunce,
And ay preserve vnder thy myghty honde,
Hym and hys moder, thy peple and thy londe.
The Minor Poems of John Lydgate | ||