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The seuin Seages

Translatit out of prois in Scottis meter be Iohne Rolland in Dalkeith, with ane Moralitie efter euerie Doctouris Tale, and siclike efter the Emprice Tale, togidder with ane louing and laude to euerie Doctour efter his awin Tale, & ane Exclamation and outcrying vpon the Empreouris wife efter hir fals contrusit Tale ... Edited, with introduction, notes, and glossary, by Geo. F. Black

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Ze may persaue now heir expres
Of wemen the greit brukilnes,
And of thair kynde the kittilnes, and scho ane Quene
Hir awin preuitie did confes, to Galiene.
At schort to him hir mynde hes schawin
Ane King scho hauing of hir awin
Ane vther tuik bot laitlie knawin, and of the new
Bot monysic drauchts thay haue drawin, that few mē knew.
For ane time scho mon be excusit
Perauenture scho will not vse it,
As now scho sall not be excusit, I say for me,
Euin as ȝe find the furde sa ruse it, quhat euer ȝe be.
And let sic quyet paukis ouir pas
And sum thing say of Ypocras
That sa full of Inuy he was, but caus or quhy
Galiene he slew that was sa trew, throw pure Inuy.


Ypocras clene I discommend
Euer in hart for to pretend
Sa far to Galiene offend, as him to sla
Bot he repentit at his end, that he did sa.
The principall caus heirof find I
That Ypocras had sa greit Inuy
At Galiene, this was the quhy, that Galiene was
Mair firme and stabill, in craft mair abill, nor Ypocras.
Ypocras suld haue had plesour
That Galiene gat ony honour
For he was Galienes Doctour, thairfoir say I
He suld haue borne to him fauour, and not Inuy.
Bot God of his greit Equitie
Wald not thoill sic vnpuneist be
Quhen Ypocras was in point to die, all his cunning
Culd not than help him worth ane fle, at his ending.
He said had Galiene bene leuand,
He culd haue helpit him fra hand,
Bot he wist weill it was the wand, that God had send
Him sic distres and greit seiknes, that nane culd mend,
The hid Inuy and greit haitrent,
That he had to this Innocent
Culd not eschew the punischment, of heuin sa hie
Gude Schirs lay by all hid Inuy, keip cheritie.
Inuy and cheritie ar contrair
Thay can not in ane place repair
Quhair cheritie is, ay God is thair, withouttin faill
Inuy was, and is euer mair, with breif and baill.


It is the fountaine and the flude
Of schedding of all Innocent blude,
And is contrair to all gude, and is the rute
Inuy thairfoir sall neuer gloir, of Ioy the frute.
Agustine discriues Inuy to be
A man to haue sturt Inwartlie
Of his Nichtbouris Felicitie, withouttin caus
The quhilk is contrair cheritie, and Goddis Lawis.
Doctouris wrytes thair is ane hill
Callit Athnay, that ay byrnis still
In flame of fyre and neuer will, be quenchit out,
And ȝit thay say it dois na Ill, to ground about.
Quhilk hill cunning men dois compair
To ane man that leuis euermair
In sturt, Inuy, anger and cair, continuallie
In fyrie fumes, himself consumes, ay Inwartlie.
Inuyfull men comparit may be
To ane Lipros man trewlie,
He wald all men war seik as he, euin sa the Deuill
Wald nane war gude, nor ȝit weill lude, caus he is euill.
Thairfoir my Lords and reidaris all
Tuitching this point I cry and call
Se to Inuy ȝe be not thrall, for ocht may be,
For the greit Lord Celestiall, is cheritie.