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Du Bartas

His Divine Weekes And Workes with A Compleate Collectio[n] of all the other most delight-full Workes: Translated and written by yt famous Philomusus: Iosvah Sylvester

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4. The Colvmnes.


The Argvment.

Seth's Pillars found: Heber instructs his Son
In th'vse thereof, and who them first begun;
Opens the One, and findes, on severall Frames,
Foure lively Statues of foure lovely Dames
(The Mathematiks) furnisht each apart
With Equipages of their severall Art:
Wonders of Numbers and Geometry:
New Observations in Astronomy:
Musiks rare force: Canaan (the Cursed) cause
Of Hebers stop; and Bartas witty pause.

Being about to treat of the Mathematiks, our Poet heer imploreth especiall assistance in handling so high and difficult a Subiect.

If ever (Lord) the purest of my Soule

In sacred Rage were rapt above the Pole:
If ever, by thy Spirit my spirit inspir'd,
Offred thee Layes that learned France admir'd:
Father of Light, Fountain of learned Art,
Now, now (or never) purge my purest part:
Now quintessence my Soule, and now advance
My care-free Powrs in som celestiall Transe:
That (purg'd from passion) thy Divine address
May guide me through Heav'ns glistring Palaces;
Where (happily) my dear Vrania's grace,
And her fair Sisters I may all imbrace:
And (he melodious Sirens of the Sphears,
Charming my senses in those sweets of theirs)
So ravished, I may at rest contemple
The Starry Arches of thy stately Temple:


Vnto this end, that as (at first) from thee
Our Grand-sires learn'd Heav'ns Course and Quality;
Thou now mai'st prompt me som more lofty Song,
As to this lofty Subiect doth belong.
After That Mens strife-hatching, haut Ambition

The occasion & ground of this Discourse.

Had (as by lot) made this lowe Worlds partition;
Phalec and Heber, as they wandred, fand
A huge high Pillar, which vpright did stand
(Much like a Rock amid the Ocean set,
Seeming great Neptunes surly pride to threat;
Whereon a Pharos bears a Lanthorn bright,
To save from Shipwrack those that sail by night)
And afterward, another nigh as great;
But not so strong, so stately, nor so neat:
For, on the flowry field it lay all flat,
Built but of Brick, of rusty Tiles, and Slat:
Whereas the First was builded fair and strong
Of Iasper smooth, and Marble lasting long.
What Miracles! what monstrous heaps! what Hills

Phalecs Question.

Heav'd-vp my hand! what Types of antike Skills
In form-less Forms (quoth Phalec)! Father showe
(For, th'Ages past I knowe full well you knowe):
Pray teach me, who did both these Works erect:
About what time: and then to what effect.
Old Seth (saith Heber) Adams Scholler yerst

Hebers answer.

(Who was the Scholler of his Maker first)
Having attain'd to knowe the course and sites,
Th'aspect and greatnes of Heav'ns glistring Lights;
He taught his Children, whose industrious wit
Through diligence grew excellent in it.
For, while their flocks on flowry shoars they kept
Of th'Eastern Floods, while others soundly slept
(Hushing their cares in a Night-shortning nap,
Vpon Oblivions dull and sense-less Lap)
They, living lusty, thrice the age of Rav'ns,
Observ'd the Twinkling Wonders of the Heav'ns:
And on their Grand-sires firm and goodly ground
A sumptuous building they in time do found.
But (by Tradition Cabalistik) taught,
That God would twice reduce this world to nought,
By Flood and Flame; they reared cunningly
This stately pair of Pillars which you see;
Long-time safe-keeping, for their after-Kin,
A hundred learned Mysteries therein.
This having said, old Heber drawing nigher,

The opening of the Pillars.

Opens a Wicket in the Marble Spire,
Where (Phalec following) soon perceive they might
A pure Lamp burning with immortall light.



As a mean person, who (though oft-disgraç't

By churlish Porters) is convaied at last
To the Kings Closet; rapt in deep amaze,
At th'end-less Riches vp and down doth gaze:
So Phalec fares. O father (cries he out)
What shapes are these heer placed round about,
So like each other wrought with equall skill,
That foure rain-drops cannot more like distil?
What Tools are these? what divine secrets ly
Hidden within this learned Mystery?

The liberall Sciences.

These foure (quoth Heber) foure bright Virgins are,

Heav'ns Babes, and Sisters, the most fair and rare,
That e'r begot th'eternall Spirit (expir'd
From double Spirit) or humane soule admir'd.


This first, that still her lips and fingers moves,

And vp and down so sundry-waies removes
Her nimble Crouns; th'industrious Art it is
Which knowes to cast all Heav'ns bright Images,
All Winters hail, and all the gawdy flowrs
Wherewith gay Flora pranks this Globe of ours.
She's stately deckt in a most rich Attire:
All kinde of Coins in glistering heaps ly by-her:
Vpon her sacred head Heav'n seems to drop
A richer showr then fell in Danaes Lap:
A gold-ground Robe; and for a Glass (to look)
Down by her girdle hangs a Table-book,
Wherein the chief of her rare Rules are writ,
To be safe-guarded from times greedy bit.

Her Numbers.

Mark heer what Figure stands for One, the right


Root of all Number; and of Infinite:

Loves happiness, the praise of Harmony,
Nurcery of All, and end of Polymny:
No Number, but more then a Number yet;
Potentially in all, and all in it.


Now, note Two's Character, One's heir apparent,

As his first-born; first Number, and the Parent


Of Female Pairs. Heer now obserue the Three,

Th'eldest of Ods, Gods number properly;
Wherein both Number, and no-number enter:
Heav'ns dearest Number, whose enclosed Center
Doth equally from both extreams extend:
The first that hath beginning, midst and end.


The (Cubes-Base) Foure; a full and perfect summ,

Whose added parts iust vnto Ten doo com;
Number of Gods great Name, Seasons, Complexions,
Windes, Elements, and Cardinall Perfections.


Th'Hermaphrodite Fiue, never multiply'd

By't self, or Odd, but there is still descry'd


His proper face: for, three times Fiue arriue
Vnto Fifteen; Fiue Fiues to Twenty-fiue.
The perfect Six, whose iust proportions gather,


To make his Whole, his members altogether:
For Three's his halfe, his Sixt One, Two his Third;
And One Two Three make Six, in One conferd.
The Criticall and double-sexed Seav'n,


The Number of th'vnfixed Fires of Heav'n;
And of th'eternall sacred Sabbaoth;
Which Three and Foure containeth ioyntly both.
Th'Eight, double-square. The sacred note of Nine,

8. 9.

Which comprehends the Muses Triple-Trine.
The Ten, which doth all Numbers force combine:
The Ten, which makes, as One the Point, the Line:


The Figure, th'Hundred, Thousand (solid corps)
Which, oft re-doubled, on th'Atlantik shoars

100. 1000.

Can summ the sand, and all the drops distilling
From weeping Auster, or the Ocean filling.
See: many Summs, heer written streight and even


Each over other, are in one contriven:
See heer small Numbers drawn from greater count:
Heer Multipli'd they infinitely mount:

Subtraction. Multiplication.

And lastly, see how (on the other side)
One Summ in many doth it self Diuide.


That sallow-faç't, sad, stooping Nymph, whose ey
Still on the ground is fixed stedfastly,
Seeming to draw with point of siluer Wand


Som curious Circles in the slyding sand;
Who weares a Mantle, brancht with flowrie Buds,
Embost with Gold, trayled with silver Floods,
Bordered with greenest Trees, and Fringed fine
With richest azure of Seas storm-full brine:
Whose dusky Buskins (old and tattered out)
Showe, she hath trauail'd far and neer about
By North and South, it is Geometrie,
The Crafts-mans guide, Mother of Symmetrie,
The life of Instruments of rare effect,
Law of that Law which did the World erect.
Heer's nothing heere, but Rules, Squires, Compasses,

Her Instrumēts and Figures.

Waights, Measures, Plummets, Figures, Balances.
Lo, where the Workman with a steddy hand
Ingeniously a leuell Line hath drawn,
War-like Triangles, building-fit Quadrangles,
And hundred kindes of Forms of Manie-Angles
Straight, Broad, and Sharp: Now see on th'other side
Other, whose Tracts neuer directly slide,
As with the Snayl, the crooked Serpenter,
And that which most the learned do prefer,


The compleat Circle; from whose every-place
The Centre stands an equi-distant space.
See heer the Solids, Cubes, Cylinders, Cones,
Pyramides, Prismas, Dodechædrons:
And there the Sphear, which (Worlds Type) comprehends
In't-self it-self; hauing nor midst nor ends:
Arts excellence, praise of his peers, a wonder
Wherein consists (in diuers sort) a hundred:
Firm Mobile, an vp-down-bending-Vault,
Sloaping in Circuit, yet directly wrought.
See, how so soon as it to veer begins,
Both vp and down, forward and back it wends;
And, rapt by other, not it self alone
Moues, but moues others with its motion
(Witnes the Heav'ns): yea, it doth seem, beside,
When it stands still, to shake on every side,
Because it hath but one small point where-on
His equal halves are equi-peiz'd vpon,
And yet this goodly Globe, where we assemble
(Though hung in th'Ayr) doth neuer selfly tremble:
For, it's the midst of the Con-centrik Orbs
Whom neuer Angle nor out-nook disturbs.
All Solids else (cast in the Ayr) reflect
Vn-self-like-forms: but in a Globe each tract
Seems still the same, because it euery-where
Is vniform, and differs not a hair.
More-over, as the Buildings Ambligon
May more receiue then Mansions Oxigon
(Because th'acute, and the rect-Angles too,
Stride not so wide as obtuse Angles doo):
So doth the Circle in his Circuit span
More roum hen any other Fgure can.
Th'other are eas'ly broke, because of ioynts,
Ends and beginnings, edges, nooks, and points:
But, th'Orb's not subiect vnto such distress,
Because 'tis ioyntless, point-less, corner-less.
Chiefly (my Phalec) hither bend thy minde,
And learn Two Secrets which but fewe shall finde,
Two busie knots, Two labyrinths of doubt,
Where future Schools shall wander long about,
Beating their brains, their best endeuours troubling:
The Circles Squareness, and the Cubes Re-doubling.

The certainty of Geometry.

Print euer faster in thy faithfull brain,

Then on brass leaues, these Problemes proued plain,
Not by Sophistick subtle Arguments,
But euen by practice and experience:
Vn-disputable Art, and fruitfull Skill,
Which with new wonders all the VVorld shall fill.


Heer-by, the Waters of the lowest Fountains

Her rare inventions.

Shall play the Millers, as the Windes on Mountains:


And grain, so ground within a rowling Frame,
Shall pay his duty to his niggard Dame.
Heer-by, a Bullet spewd from Brazen brest
In fiery fume against a Town distrest,


With roaring powr shall pash the Rocks in sunder,
And with the noise euen drown the voice of Thunder.
Heer-by the Wings of fauourable Windes
Shall bear from Western to the Eastern Indes,


From Africa to Tule's farthest Flood,
A House (or rather a whole Town) of Wood;
While sitting still, the Pilot shall at ease
With a short Leauer guide it through the Seas.
Heer-by, the Printer, in one day shall rid


More Books, then yerst a thousand Writers did.
Heer-by, a Crane shall steed in building, more

The Crane.

Then hundred Porters busie pains before:
The Iacobs-staff, to measure heights, and Lands,
Shall far excell a thousand nimble hands,

The Staffe.

To part the Earth in Zones and Climats even;
And in twice-twenty-and-foure Figures, Heav'n.
A Wand, Sand, Water, small Wheels turning ay,

Dials and Clocks.

In twice-twelue parts shall part the Night and Day.
Statues of Wood shall speak: and fained Sphears
Showe all the Wonders of true Heav'n in theirs.


Men, rashly mounting through the emptie Skie,
With wanton wings shall cross the Seas wel-nigh:
And (doubt-less) if the Geometrician finde
Another world where (to his working minde)
To place at pleasure and convenience
His wondrous Engines and rare Instruments,
Euen (like a little God) in time he may
To som new place transport this World away.
Because these Two our passage open set
To bright Vrania's sacred Cabinet,
Wherin shee keeps her sumptuous Furniture,
Pearls, Diamonds, Rubies, and Saphires pure:
Because, to climbe starrie Parnassus top
None can, vnless these Two doo help him vp
(For, whoso wants either of these Two eyes,
In vain beholds Heav'ns glistering Canapies):
The Caruer (heer) close by Geometry
And Numbering Art, hath plaç't, Astronomy.


A siluer Crescent wears she for a Crown,
A hairy Comet to her heels hangs down,
Brows stately bent in milde-Maiestik wise,
Beneath the same two Carbuncles for eyes,


An Azure Mantle wauing at her back,
With two bright Clasps buckled about her neck;
From her right shoulder sloaping ouer-thwart-her,
A watchet Scarf, or broad imbrodered Garter,
Flourisht with Beasts of sundry shapes, and each
VVith glistering Stars imbost and poudred rich;
And then, for wings, the golden plumes she wears
Of that proud Bird which starry Rowells bears.

Her 2. Globes.

But what faire Globes (quoth Phalec) seemes she thus,

With spreading arms, to reach and offer vs?

1. The Terrestriall.

My Son (quoth Heber) that round Figure there,

With crossing Circles, is the Mundane Sphear;
Wherein, the Earth (as the most vile and base,
And Lees of All) doth hold the lowest place:
Whom prudent Nature girdeth ouer-thwart
With azure Zone: or rather, euery part
Couers with Water winding round about,
Saue heer and there some Angles peeping out:
For, th'Oceans liquid and sad slyding Waues
Sinking in deepest of Earths hollow Caues,
Seek not (within her vast vnequall height)
The Centre of the wideness, but the weight.
There, should be th'Ayr, the Fire, and wandring Seauen,
The Firmament, and the first-mouing Heav'n
(Besides th'Empyreall Palace of the Saincted)
Each ouer other, if they could be painted.

His 10 Circles.

But th'Artist, faining in the steed of these,

Ten Circles, like Heav'ns Superficies,
To guide vs to them by more easie Path,
In hollow Globe the same described hath.

1. The Equinoctiall.

'Mid th'amplest Six, whose crossing difference

Divides in two the Sphears Circumference,
Stands th'Equinoctiall, equi-distant all
From those two Poles which do support this Ball.
Therefore each Star that vnderneath it slides,
A rest-less, long, and weary Iourney rides,
Goes larger Circuit, and more speedy far
Then any other steady fixed Star
(Which wexeth slowe the more it doth advaunce
Neer either Pole his God-directed Daunce)
And while Apollo driues his Load of Light
Vnder this Line, the Day and dusky Night
Tread equall steps: for, learned Natures hand
Then measures them a-like in every Land.
The next, which there beneath it sloaply slides,

2. The Zodiak.

And his fair Hindges from the World's divides

Twice twelue Degrees; is call'd the Zodiack,
The Planets path, where Phœbus plies to make


Th'Yeers Revolution: through new Houses ranging,
To cause the Seasons yeerly foure-fold changing.
Th'other, which (crossing th'Vniuersall Props,
And those where Titans Whirling Chariot sloaps)

3. The 1. Colure.

Rect-angles forms; and, crooking, cuts in two
Heer Capricorn; there burning Cancer too;
Of the Sun's stops it Colure hath to name,
Because his Teem doth seem to trot more tame
On these cut points: for, heere he doth not ride
Flatling a-long, but vp the Sphears steep side.
Th'other, which cuts this equi-distantly
With Aries, Poles, and Scale, is (like-wisely)

4. The 2. Colure.

The Second Colure: The Meridian, This

5. The Meridian.

Which neuer in one Point of Heav'n persists;
But still pursues our Zenith: as the light
Inconstant Horizon our shifting sight.

6. The Horison.

For the foure small ones: heer the Tropiks turn,
Both that of Cancer and of Capricorn.

7 and 8 The Tropiks.

And neerer th'Hindges of the golden Sphear,
Heer's the South-Circle; the North-Circle there:
Which Circles cross not (as you see) at all
The Center-point of th'vniuersall Ball;

9 and 10 The South and North Circles.

But, parting th'Orb into vn-equall ells,
'Twixt th'Equi-nox and them, rest Parallels.
The other Ball her left hand doth support,
Is Heav'ns bright Globe: for, though that Art com short

The Celestiall Globes.

Of Nature far, heer may ingenious soules
Admire the stages of Star-seeled Poles.
O what delight it is in turning soft
The bright Abbridgement of that Vpper Loft,

The diuers aspects of the celestiall Bodies.

(To seem) to see Heav'ns glorious Host to march
In glistring Troops about th'Aethereal Arch!
Where, one for Arms bears Bowe and Shafts: a Sword
A second hath; a trembling Launce a third:
One fals: another in his Chariot rowles
On th'azure Brass of th'ever-radiant Bowles:
This serues a-foot, that (as a Horseman) rides:
This vp, that down; this back, that forward slides:
Their Order order-less, and Peace-full Braul
With-child's the World; fils Sea, and Earth, and All.
I neuer see their glaunces inter-iect


In Triangle, Sextile, or Square aspect,
Now milde, now moody; but, mee thinks I see
Som frollik Swains amid their dauncing glee;
Where Men and Maids together make them merry,
With Iigs and Rounds, till Pipe and all be weary:
Where, on his Loue one smiles with wanton eye;
Where-at his Rivall frowns for Iealousie.



But why (quoth Phalec) hath th'All-Fair, who frames

Nought heer below, but's full of Beauties flames;
Ingrav'n on th'Orbs of th'azure Crystalline
(Where Beauties self, and Loue should euer shine)
So many hideous Beasts and Monsters fell:
Fellows, more fit for th'vgly Fiends in Hell.


Surely (saith Heber) God's all-prudent pleasure

Makes nothing Art-less, nor without iust measure:
And this the Worlds chiefe praise of Beauty carries
That in each part it infinitly varies.

The reason of the names giuen to the 12-Signes of the Zodiak.

Our learned Elders then, who on this Sphear,

Heav'ns shining Signes imagin'd fitly-fair,
Did vnto each, such Shape and Name devise,
As with their Natures neerly symbolize.

1. Aries.

In form of Ram with golden Fleece, they put

The bi-corn'd Signe, which the Yeers bounds doth 'butt;
Because the World (vnder his temp'rate heat)
In fleece of flowrs is pranked richly neat.

2. Taurus.

Of Bull the next: because the husband-men

With yoaks of slowe-paç't smoking Bullocks then
Tear-vp their Fallows, and with hope-full toyl,
Furbush their Coultars in the Corn-fit soyl.

3. Gemini.

Of Twins the third: because then, of two Sexes

Kinde-cruell Cupid one whole body mixes:
Then all things couple, then Fruits double growe,
Then Flowrs do flourish, and corn Fields do showe.

4. Cancer.

The fourth a Lobstars name and frame they made,

Because then South-ward Sol doth retrograde,
Goes (Crab-like) backward, and so neuer stinteth,
But still his wheels in the same track reprinteth.

5. Leo.

The fift a Lion: for, as Lions breath

Is burning hot; so likewise, vnderneath
This fiery Signe, th'Earth sparkles, and the streams
Seem sod-away with the Suns glowing beams.

6. Virgo.

The sixt a Maid: because with Maid-like honour,

Th'Earth loatheth then the Suns Loue-glances on her
T'inflame her loue: and (reclus'd as it were)
This Virgin Season nought at all doth bear.

7. Libra.

Balance the seuenth: because it equall weighs

Nights louing-silence, and grief-guiding Daies;
And Heat and Cold: and in Must-Month, the Beam
Stands equi-poiz'd in equipeizing them.

8. Scorpio.

Scorpion the next: because his pearcing sting

Doth the first tydings of cold Winter bring.

9. Sagittarius.

The ninth an Archer both in shape and Name,

Who day and night follows his fairest game;
And his keen Arrows euery-where bestowes
Headed with Yce, feathered with Sleet and Snowes.


The next a Kid: because as Kids do clime

10. Capricornus.

And frisk from Rock to Rock; about this Time
The Prince of Planets (with the locks of Amber)
Begins again vp towards vs to clamber.
And then, because Heav'n alwayes seems to weep
Vnder th'ensung Signes; on th'Azure steep
Our Parents plaç't a Skinker: and by him,

11. Aquarius.

Two siluer Fishes in his floods to swim.

12. Pisces. A deeper and more curious reason of the same.

But if (my Son) this superficiall gloze
Suffice thee not: then may we thus suppose,
That as before th'All-working Word alone
Made Nothing be All's womb and Embryon,
Th'eternall Plot, th'Idea fore-conceiv'd,
The wondrous Form of all that Form receiv'd,
Did in the Work-mans spirit diuinely ly;
And yer it was, the World was wondrously:
Th'Eternall Trine-One, spreading even the Tent
Of th'All enlightning glorious Firmament,
Fill'd it with figures; and in various Marks
There pourtray'd Tables of his future Works.
See heer the pattern of a siluer Brook

In heauen are patterns of all things that are in earth.

Which in and out on th'azure stage doth crook,
Heer th'Eagle plays, there flyes the rav'ning Crowe,
Heer swims the Dolphin, there the Whale doth rowe,
Heer bounds the Courser, there the Kid doth skip,
Heer smoaks the Steer, the Dragon there doth creep:
There's nothing precious in Sea, Earth, or Ayr,
But hath in Heav'n som like resemblance fair.
Yea, euen our Crowns, Darts, Lances, Skeyns, and Scales
Are all but Copies of Heav'ns Principals;
And sacred patterns, which to serue all Ages,
Th'Almighty printed on Heav'ns ample stages.
Yea surely, durst I (but why should I doubt

A third witty pleasant, & elegant reason of the names aforesaid.

To wipe from Heav'n so many slanders out,
Of profane Rapin and detested Rapes,
Of Murder, Incest, and all monstrous Scapes,
Wher-with (heerafter) som bold-fabling Greeks
Shall foully stain Heav'ns Rosy-blushing cheeks?)
Heer could I showe, that vnder euery Signe
Th'Eternall grav'd som Mystery divine
Of's holy Citty; where (as in a glass)
To see what shall heer-after com-to pass;
As publik and autentik Rowles, fore-quoting
Confusedly th'Euents most worthy noting,
In his deer Church (his Darling and Delight)
O! thou fair Chariot flaming brauely bright,


Which like a Whirl-winde in thy swift Career
Rapt'st vp the Thesbit; thou do'st alwaies veer


About the North-pole, now no more be-dabbling
Thy nimble spokes in th'Ocean, neither stabling


Thy smoking Coursers vnder th'Earth, to bayt:

The while Elisha earnestly doth wayt
Burning in zeale (ambitious) to inherit
His Masters Office, and his mighty Spirit;
That on the starry Mountain (after him)
He well may manage his celestiall Teem.

Hercules. Lyra. Corona Borealis. Vrsa minor. Pleiades. Cuspis.

Close by him, Dauid in his valiant Fist

Holds a fierce Lions fiery flaming Crest:
Heer shines his golden Harp, and there his Crown:
There th'vgly Bear bears (to his high renown)
Seav'n (shining) Stars. Lo, heer the whistling Lance,
Which frantick Saul at him doth fiercely glance.
Pure Honours Honour, Prayse of Chastity,

Andtomada. Cassiopeia. Cepheus.

O fair Susanna, I should mourn for thee,

And moan thy tears, and with thy friends lament
(With Heav'n-lift-eyes) thy wofull punishment,
Saue that so timely (through Heav'ns prouidence)
Young Daniel saues thy wronged Innocence:


And by a dreadfull radiant splendor, spread

Caput Medusæ.

From Times Child Truth (not from Medusa's head)

Condemns th'old Leachers, and eft-soons vpon
Their cursed heads there hayls a storm of stone.
Also, as long as Heav'ns swift Orb shall veer,
A sacred Trophee shall be shining heer


In the bright Dragon, of that Idoll fell,

Which the same Prophet shall in Babel quel.


Wher-to more fit may Pegasus compair,

Than to those Coursers; flaming in the ayr,
Before the Tyrant of less-Asia's fury
Vsurps the fair Metropolis of Iury?
Wher-to the Coach-man, but Ezechiel?
That so well driues the Coach of Israel.


Wher-to the Swan, but to that Proto-Martyr,

The faithfull Deacon which endureth torture,
(Yea death) for his dead Lord; whom sure to meet,
So neer his end sings so exceeding sweet?

Piscis Borealis.

Wher-to the Fish which shineth heer so bright,

But to that Fish, that cureth Tobies sight?


Wher-to the Dolphin, but to that meek Man,

Who dry-shod guides through Seas Erythrean
Old Iacobs Fry: And Iordans liquid glass
Makes all his Hoast dry (without boat) to pass?
And furthermore, God hath not onely graven
On the brass Tables of swift-turning Heav'n


His sacred Mot; and, in Triangle frame,

His Thrice-One Nature stamped on the same:


But also, vnder that stout Serpent-Slayer,


His Satan-taming Son (Heav'ns glorious heir)
Who with the Engin of his Cross abates
Th'eternall Hindges of th'infernall Gates:
And, vnder that fair Sun-fixt-gazing Foul,


The God of Gods deer Minion of his Soule,
Which from his hand reaves Thunder often-times,
His Spirit; his Loue, which visits earthly Climes
In plumy shape: for, this bright winged Signe,
In head and neck, and starry back (in fine)
No less resembles the milde simple Doue,
Than crook-bild Eagle that commands aboue.
What shall I say of that bright Bandeleer,
Which twice-six Signs so richly garnish heer?
Th'Years Vsher, doth the Paschal Lamb fore-tell:
The Bull, the Calfe, which erring Israel


Sets vp in Horeb. These fair shining Twins,


Those striving Brethren Isaacs tender Sons:
The fourth is Salomon, who (Crab-like) crawls

Gemini. Cancer.

Backward from Vertue: and (fowl Swine-like) fals
In Vices mire: profanest old (at last)
In soule and body growne a-like vn-chaste.
The fift, that Lion which the Hair-strong Prince


Tears as a Kid, without Wars instruments.
The sixt, that Virgin, euer-maiden Mother,


Bearing for vs, her Father, Spouse, and Brother.
The next that Beam, which in King Lemuels hand,
So iustly weighs the Iustice of his Land.


The next, that Creature which in Malta stings
Th'Apostles hand, and yet no blemish brings;
For 't is indifferent, whether we the same,


A spotted Scorpion, or a Viper name.
Th'Archer, is Hagars Son: The Goat (I ghess)
Is Arons Scape-Goat in the Wildernes.

Sagittarius. Capricornus. Aquarius.

The next, the deer Son of dumb Zacharias,
Gods Harbinger, fore-runner of Messias:
Who in clear Iordan washeth clean the sin
Of all that rightly do repent with-in.
These Two bright Fishes, those wher-with the Lord


(Through wondrous blessing of his powrfull Word)
Feeds with fiue Loaves (vpon Asphaltis shoar)
Abundantly fiue thousand Folk and more.
But, turn we now the twinkling Globe, and there
Let's mark as much the Southern Hemi-sphear.
Ah! know'st thou not this glorious Champion heer,

Orion. Eridanus.

Which shines so brightly by the burning Steer?
'Tis Nun's great Son, who through deep Iordan leads
His Army dry shod; and (triumphant) treads


Canis. Canicula. Lepus.

On Canaan Curs, and on th'Ammorean Hare,

Foyl'd with the fear of his victorious war.
See th'ancient Ship, which, over windes and waues
Triumphing safe, the Worlds seed-remnant saues.


Lo, heer the Brasen Serpent shines, whose sight

Cures in the Desart those whom Serpents bite.


Heer th'happy Rav'n, that brings Eitas cates;


Heer the rich Cup, where Ioseph meditates

His graue Predictions: Heer that Heav'nly Knight



Who prest appearing armed all in white,
To Maccabeus, with his flaming spear


So deep (at last) the Pagan Wolfe doth tear,


That on Gods Altar (yerst profan'd so long)

Sweet Incense fumeth, and the sacred Song
Of Leuits soundeth in his House again;

Corona austra.

And that rich Crown th'Asmonean Race doth gain,

To rule the Iewes. Lo, there the happy Fish

Pisers australis.

Which payes Christs Tribute (who our Ransom is):


And heer the Whale, within whose noysom breast,

The Prophet Ionas for three daies doth rest.

A notable correction of the Poet vpon these last Discourses.

But while (my spoaks-man, or I rather his)

Thus Heber comments on Heav'ns Images,
Through path-less paths his wandring steps doth bring,
And boldly quauers on a Maiden string;
Suppose not (Christians) that I take for grounds
Or points of Faith, all that he heer propounds;
Or that old Zeno's Portall I sustain,
Or Stoik Fate (th'Almighties hands to chain):
Or in Heav'ns Volume reading things to-com,
Erroneously a Chaldee-Wise becom,
No, no such thing; but to refresh again
Your tyred Spirits, I sung this novell strain:
That hither to having with patience past
Such dreadfull Oceans, and such Desarts vast,
Such gloomy Forrests, craggy Rocks and steep,
Wide-yawning Gulfs, and hideous Dungeons deep;
You might (at last) meet with a place of pleasure,
Wher-on the Heav'ns lauish their plentious treasure,
Where Zephyre puffs perfumes, and siluer Brooks
Embrace the Meads, smiling with wanton Looks.
Yet (curteous Readers) who is it can say
Whether our Nephews yet another-day
(More zealous then our selues in things Divine)
This curious Art shall Christianly refine;
And giue, to all these glistring Figures then,
Not Heathen names, but names of Holy men?

He proceeds to discouer the secrets of Astronomie.

But seek we now for Heber, whose Discourse

Informs his Phalec in the Planets course:


What Epicicle meaneth, and Con-centrik,
With Apagé, Perigé, and Eccentrik:
And how fell Mars (the Seedster of debate)
Dayes glorious Torch, the wanton (Vulcans Mate)
Saturn, and Ioue, three Sphears in one retain,
Smooth Hermes five, faire Cynthia two-times-twain.
For, the Divine Wits, whence this Art doth flowe,
Finding their Fires to wander to and fro,
Now neer, now far from Natures Nave: above,
Confusion, voyd; and rupture to remoue,
Which would be caused, through their wanderment,
In th'Heav'ns inclos'd within the Firmament,
Haue (more then men) presum'd to make, within
Th'Eternall Wheels where th'erring Tapers been,
Sundry small Wheels, each within other closed,
Such equi-distance each-where inter-posed,
That (though they kiss) they crush not; but the base
Are vnder th'high, the high the lowe imbrace:
Like as the Chest-nut (next the meat) within


Is cover'd (last) with a soft slender skin,
That skin inclos'd in a tough tawny shel,
That shel in-cas't in a thick thistly fell.
Then takes he th'Astrolabe, wher-in the Sphear
Is flat reduced: he discouers there

The vse of the Astrolabe.

The Card of Heights, the Almycantharats,
With th'Azimynths and the Almadarats
(Pardon me Muse, if ruder phrase defile
This fairest Table, and deface my stile
With Barbarism: For in this Argument,
To speak Barbarian, is most eloquent).
On th'other side, vnder a veering Sight,
A Table veers; which, of each wandring Light
Showes the swift course; and certain Rules includes,
Dayes, names of Months, and scale of Altitudes.
Removing th'Albidade, he spends som leasure,
To shew the manner how a Wall to measure,
A Fountains depth, the distance of a place,
A Countries compass, by Heav'ns ample face:
In what bright starry Signe, th'Almighty dread,
Dayes Princely Planet daily billeted:
In which his Nadir is: and how with-all
To finde his Eleuation and his Fall.
How long a time an entire Signe must wear
While it ascendeth on our Hemi-sphear:
Poles eleuation: The Meridian line:
And diuers Hours of Day and night to finde.
These learned wonders witty Phalec marks,
And heedfully to euery Rule he harks:


Wise Alchymist, he multiplies this Gold,
This Talent turns, encreasing many-fold:
And then presents it to his Noble seed,
Who soon their Doctor in his Art exceed.


But, even as Mars, Hermes, and Venus bright,

Go visit now the naked Troglodite,
Then Iaue, then Guynney; and (inclin'd to change)
Oft shifting House, through both the Worlds do range

Astronomy by whom, and how maintained.

(Both Worlds ev'n-halv'd by th'Equinoctiall Line):

So the perfection of this Art divine,
First vnder th'Hebrews bred and born, anon
Coms to the Chaldes by adoption:
Scorning, anon, th'olde Babylonian Spires,
It leaues swift Tigris, and to Nile retires;
And, waxen rich, in Egypt it erects
A famous School: yet, firm-less in affects,
It falls in loue with subtill Grecian wits,
And to their hands a while it self commits;
But, in renowned Ptolomeus Raign,
It doth re-visit the deer Memphian Plain:
Yet, Thence re-fled, it doth th'Arabians try;
From thence to Rome: from Rome to Germany.
O true Endymions, that imbrace above
Vpon mount Latmos your Imperiall Love

The prayse of learned Astronomers, and the profite of their Doctrine.

(Great Queen of Heav'n) about whose Bed, for Guard,

Millions of Archers with gold Shields do ward.
True Atlasses: You Pillars of the Poles
Empyreall Palace; you fair learned soules;
But for your Writings, the Starrs-Doctrine soon
Would sink in Læthe of Oblivion:
'Tis you that Marshall Months, and yeers, and dayes:
'Tis you that quote for such as haunt the Seas
Their prosperous Dayes, and Dayes when Death ingraven
On th'angry Welkin, warns them heep their Haven:
'Tis you that teach the Plough-man when to sowe:
When the brave Captain to the Field shall goe;
When to retire to Garrison again;
When to assault a batter'd Peece; and when
To conuoy Victuals to his valiant Hoast:
'Tis you that shewe what season fitteth most
For euery purpose; when to Purge is good,
When to be Bathed, when to be Let-blood:
And how Physicians, skilfully to mix
Their Drugs, on Heav'n their curious eys must fix.
'Tis you that in the twinkling of an ey
Through all the Heav'nly Prouinces do fly:
'Tis you that (greater then our greatest Kings)
Possess the whole World in your Governings:


And (to conclude) you Demi-gods can make.
Between your hands the Heav'ns to turn and shake.
O divine Spirits: for you my smoothest quill
His sweetest hony on this Book should still;
Still should you be my Theam: but that the Beauty
Of the last Sister drawes my Love and Duty;
For, now I hear my Phalec humbly crave
The fourth Maids name: his Father, mildely-grave,
Replyes him thus; Observe (my dearest Son)
Those cloud-less brows, those cheeks vermilion,
Those pleasing looks, those eyes so smiling-sweet,

The description of Musick.

That grace-full posture, and those pretty feet
Which seem still Dancing: all those Harps and Lutes,
Shawms, Sag-buts, Citrons, Viols, Cornets, Flutes,
Plaç't round about her; prove in every part
This is the noble, sweet, Voice-ord'ring Art,
Breath's Measurer, the Guide of supplest fingers
On (living-dumb, dead-speaking) sinew-singers:
Th'Accord of Discords: sacred Harmony,
And Numb'ry Law, which did accompany
Th'Almighty-most, when first his Ordinance
Appointed Earth to rest, and Heav'n to dance.
For (as they say) for super-Intendent there,

The Heavens Harmony.

The supream Voice placed in every Sphear
A Siren sweet; that from Heav'ns Harmony
Inferiour things might learn best Melody,
And their rare Quier with th'Angels Quier accord
To sing aloud the praises of the Lord,
In 's Royall Chappell, richly beautifi'd
With glist'ring Tapers and all sacred Pride.
Where, as (by Art) one selfly blast breath'd out


From panting bellows, passeth all-about
Winde-Instruments; enters by th'vnder Clavers
Which with the Keys the Organ-Master quavers,
Fils all the Bulk, and severally the same
Mounts every Pipe of the melodious Frame;
At once reviving lofty Cymbals voice,
Flutes sweetest air, and Regals shrillest noise:
Even so th'all-quickning Spirit of God above
The Heav'ns harmonious whirling wheels doth move;
So that re-treading their eternall trace,
Th'one bears the Trebble, th'other bears the Base.
But, brimmer far than in the Heav'ns, heer

A fourefold Consort in the humors, seasons and elements.

All these sweet-charming Counter-Tunes we hear:
For, Melancholy, Winter, Earth belowe,
Bear ay the Base; deep, hollow, sad and slowe:
Pale Phlegm, moist Autumn, Water moistly-cold,
The Plummet-like-smooth-sliding Tenor hold:


Hot-humid Bloud, the Spring, transparent Air;
The Maze-like Mean, that turns and wends so fair:
Curst Choler, Sommer, and hot thirsty Fire,
Th'high warbling Treble, loudest in the Quire.

The power of Musik towards all things.

And that's the cause (my Son) why stubborn'st things

Are stoopt by Musik; as reteining springs
Of Number in them: and they feeble live
But by that Spirit which th'Heav'ns dance doth drive.

Towards Men.

Sweet Musik makes the sternest men-at-Arms

Let-fall at once their Anger and their Arms:
It cheers sad soules, and charms the frantik fits
Of Lunatiks that are bereft their wits:
It kils the flame, and curbs the fond desire
Of him that burns in Beauties blazing Fire
(Whose soule, seduced by his erring eies,
Doth som proud Dame devoutly Idolize):

Towards Beasts, Birds, Flies and Fishes.

It cureth Serpents banefull bit, whose anguish

In deadly torment makes men madly languish:
The Swan is rapt, the Hinde deceiv'd with-all,
And Birds beguil'd with a melodious call:
Th'Harp leads the Dolphin, and the buzzing swarm
Of busie Bees the tinkling Brass doth charm.
O! what is it that Musick cannot doo!

Towards God. himself.

Sith th'all-inspiring Spirit it conquers too:

And makes the same down from th'Empyreall Pole
Descend to Earth into a Prophets soule;
With divine accents tuning rarely right
Vnto the rapting Spirit the rapted Spright.
Sith, when the Lord (most moved) threatneth most,
With wrathfull tempest arming all his Hoast;
When angry stretching his strong sinewy arms,
With bended back he throwes down thundry storms;
Th'harmonious sighs of his heart-turning Sheep
Supple his sinews, lull his wrath a-sleep;
While milde-ey'd Mercy stealeth from his hand
The sulph'ry Plagues prepar'd for sinfull Man.

Conclusion of the 2. Day of the 2. Week.

But, while that Heber (eloquently) would

Old Musiks vse and excellence have told;
Curst Canaan (seeking Iordans fatall course)
Past by the Pillars, and brake his Discourse,
And mine withall; for I must rest me heer:
My weary Iourny makes me faint well-neer:
Needs must I crave new aid from High, and step
A little back, that I may farther leap.
The End of the Second Day of the Second Week.