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by William Allingham
Allingham, William (1824-1889)
[Life, after all, is here, and so are we]
[“No absolute right or wrong: what test?”]
[Have Heaven and Earth given a glad hour to thee?]
[Nature's no niggard; if the truth were known]
[When living rightly here below]
[The highest-natured men—the Best—]
[Silent the Earth whirls on her way]
[Quick smiles, sharp tears]
[There's plenty of credit in life at first]
[Good luck and bad luck come to all]
[Good luck's no use unless you can]
[Good Luck, the merry rambler, shuns]
[Love first, Work second]
[Flung out of Dreamland into cold harsh Day]
[For bodily or mental food]
[The healthy man loves life; you love it not]
[Let not man, ignorant and weak]
[To what good end shall ear be lent]
[In every trouble, say—]
[How is it that Man's mere phantasy]
[How easily go things astray!]
[In the midst of labour and folly and strife]
[“All away?”]
Positive truth.
[Be not impatient, O Soul]
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[Soldiers have fame, and harlots infamy]
have fame, and harlots infamy;
Birds of a feather, for all that, they be,
And gladly flock together, as you see.