University of Virginia Library


The lark sings loud, 'tis early morn,
These woodland scenes among,
The deep-toned pack and echoing horn
Their jovial notes prolong.
And see poor puss, with shorten'd breath,
Splashed sides, and weary feet,
In terror views approaching death,
And crouches at my feet!
Her strength is gone, her spirits fail,
Nor further can she fly;
The hounds snuff up the tainted gale,
And nearer sounds the cry.
Poor helpless wretch! methinks I view
Thee sink beneath their power!
Methinks I see the ruffian crew
Thy tender limbs devour!


Yet O! in vain thy foes shall come:
So cheer thee, trembling elf!
These guardian arms shall bear thee home—
I'll eat thee up myself!