University of Virginia Library



Peter of “petra” may be tane,
In latine leid þat is a stane;
for men may a stane neuir bow;
Richt swa þis petir fra ihesu
vald neuir bow for aduersite,
na for na porele þat mycht be,
bot as ane stane wes petir ay.
for-þi cane criste apone hym lay
þe fundament of haly kirk,
quhar-throw sa wysly he cane wirk,
and sad til hyme þis wourd but were,
þat ferly now is grete to here:
“þu art petir, at is, oure stane,
to byg myn wark one haff I tane;”
and sad til hym with swet stewin:
“to þe I gyff þe keys of hewyne;
To bind and louss quhowm-euer þou will
Plane poware is gewin þe þare-till.”
alswa crist thaucht hym his schepe
In his ȝemschele for to kepe.
and þis petir, a-beove þe lafe,
a stannand luf to criste can hafe;
for had he wittin, as þe buk sais,
quhat he was suld criste betraise,
vith his tetht he wald haf refyn sone.


for-þi criste has wisly done,
þat opinly wald nocht discouere
Till his discipulis þat tratoure.
with oþeris alse in þe se Rouande,
quhen þai saw criste one þe dry lande,
he bad nocht, bot hym nakyt swith,
and of þe bate he lape belyfe,
and as one dry land ȝed one se;
sic ardent luf till hym had he.
and criste hym luffit sa tenderly,
þat he hym tuk to be hym by
In his transfiguracion,
and in his resurreccione.
and petir broucht to cristis fay
thre thowsand men on witsonday;
and he resuscit thabitane;
and alss he heilyt anyan;
and sindry oþir, at war leile,
throw his schadow gat helpe and heile.
and als of herrod presowne
þe angel brocht hym but ransone.
And fra þat his master wes dede,
his lyf in penance he cane leide;
Bred and water wes his fude,
na clathis he had, at ware gude,
bot kirtil and clok, but mare.
and in his bosum ay he bare
a sudare, to wepe his Ene;
for ay he grate, quhen h[e] cuth mene
of his master swet spekin[g]e,
his teching, and his fosteringe.
And ilkane nycht as day cane daw,
as he mycht heyre þe cok craw,


þane wald he think quhow lethirly
þat he is master cuth deny.
and clement sais, at peteris wyfe,
for cristis sak, losit þe lyff,
and quhen men lede hyre to þe stede,
quhar schow suld be put to dede,
Petir wes fane, and bad hir trew
fermly euir in criste ihesu.
Qwhene þe appostolis scalyt ware
In þe warld oure all wyd-quhare,
Ihesus, þare master worde to preche
to quham þat myster had, and teche,
til antioch sanct petir firste
Com; for þare feile he wiste,
þat had nocht hard of cristis layre,
bot erare in poynte war to forfare.
quharfor, to þame of þat cite
Cristis lare techit he,
And sew sa goddis sede þane,
at he to criste mony wane.
to theophill quhen þis wes talde,
at had þe cite in-to walde,
he askit petir, quhar-for he
Subuertit men of þat cuntre.
he sad, he subuertit nocht,
bot to cristis fay he þame brouchte.
þane gert he rath sanct petire bynde,
and in harde presone hym thrynde,
and but met hild hym in þat halde,
Till ner for hungyre þe gaste he ȝalde.
þane lyftyt he his Ene to hewin,


and one crist callyt with petowiss stewyne,
and sad: “merciful criste Ihesu,
In þis disese helpe now!”
þane criste to hym sad: “hawe no drede!
I sall helpe þe in þis nede;
for sowne sall cum ane to þe heyre,
þat sall þe helpe in þis mystere.”
with þat sanct paule com to þe place,
Ande hard quhow petir presonyt wess.
þane to þe prince sa spak he þane,
þat quhare petire wes, he wane,
And fande in poynte hym to forfare.
he fel one hym, gretande ful sare,
And sad: “petir, my Ioy, my blyss,
þat þe halfe of myn sawle is,
Recouir þi strinth, and speke with me!”
and quhen petir can hym se,
he knew hym weille and gret faste,
bot he na mycht spek; bot at þe laste
paul in his mowth sic fud has done,
þat sum mycht recouerit he sone.
þan kissit þai [ilk] oþer sammyne,
gretand faste with gastly gammyne.
to theophill sanct paule askyt þane,
quhy þat he þat wrechit mane
held swa in presone, Richt as he
had bene a man of Iniquite;
“for men sais he heilys sek men
And quyknyse dede.” theophill þane
sad, sen sik a man is he,
of presone þan suld he mak hym fre.
paule sais: “nay, bot he dois now,
as ere did is mastere Ihesu,
þat of þe croise wald nocht tane be,
bot deid þare of his will fre.


and sa þis petir here, I say,
hym-selfe will nocht helpe be ony way,
bot, as men sais, has no kin dowt
to thole for criste as vnderlowte.”
þan sais theophill: “gyf it sa be
of þe pure man as þu sais me,
ger myn sowne be his prayere
Ryse, at is deit gane fowre ȝere,
and I sall gyf gud leif hym till
to pase frely at his awne will.”
þan paule to þe presone can halde,
and all þis taile to petire tawlde.
quod petir: “gret is þe askin[g]e,
bot to god it is esy thinge.”
þane browcht þai furth þat wrechit man,
and broucht hym to þe grawe Richt þane.
þan petir to god prayere mad,
and he þat ded wese rase but bade.
t[h]eophill and þe pepill, all
þat þis has sene, gret and smale,
And mony oþer of þat towne
þat herde þis resurreccione,
trowit in god; and but a-bade
a gret kirk þare þai made
In þe myddis, and bwt mare late
ane cheare mad, and þar-in sete
sanct petir, for gret dingnite,
quhare men mycht hym here and se.
and þare he dwelt sewine ȝere,
and wan to cryst fell folkis seyre.
bot ȝet, or he þe honowre tuk
In antioche, as sais þe buke,
þe feloune folk of þat sammyn towne
on his hewid schufe hym a crowne,
of Ihesu criste in dispyte,


quhowme he prechyt with delyte.
bot efterwart he ordanyt swa,
at all clerkis sic crownis suld ta,
In taknyn at þai suld be
seruand to god in þare degre.
sa it þat wes done hym for dispyte
Is honour now and gret meryt.
þan went he to rome bot ony lete,
and þare in bischope sege wes set,
and þar wes fullely fyften ȝere,
prechand till all at wald hym here.
and of þis tale quha here will
forthi[r] quhow befel hym till,
of clement in þe story,
he sall find it opynly
In-to þe tende chapitere,
for-owt sekine fere or nere.
þis he held preuilege thre:
Ane, of þe appostolis prince wes he;
And to þis wes annext ane,
at he þe keys of hewine had tane,
and luffit criste mar Increly
þan þe laf did, Richt fastly;
In vertu alss he had mar grace
þan ony at with crist þan wes:
And þat suld men richt wel ken;
for his vmbre heilyt sek men,
as men may preiff furth bringe
be þe Ewangelis in witnesinge.
Apone a tyme it sa befell:
of discipulis, with hym can dwell,
he send twa, at worthy ware,
twenty Iornais fer and mare,
to prech in a certane stede.


bot in þe way þe tane wes dede;
And þe toþer agane alsone
To petir com, and tald but howne
how his falow be þe way
ves dede, and þare vndalline lay.
þan petir his staff has hym taucht,
and bad hym with all his mawcht
lay it on his falow sowne.
þan, as he sad hym, he has downe;
And he þat fourty dais lay dede,
ves sa resuscit in þat stede.
In ierusalem þat tyme dwelte
a man, [þat] with Inchantment delte,
þat symon magus had to name,
and be his crafte did fele men schame,
and hym callit “suthfastnese,”
and hecht to foulis neuer-þe-lese
þat, quha to hym ferme treutht gafe,
he suld euire luf oure þe lafe;
for, quhat he walde, he mycht do
bot let of ony man þar-to.
In clementis buke writtin is,
þat symon magus quhil said þis:
“as god sal all mene honoure me,
and with lyk honour honourit be,
and be of micht to do myn will.
and quhen myn moder sad me till,
þat Rachael hecht, I suld ga
To schere hire corne with oþer ma,
I did as myn moder saide,
In þe corn myn howk doun lade,
and bad it do þat do sulde I;
þan vp it Rass deliuerly,
and be it-self mare corn schare


þan ony did at wess þare.”
Als writtis sanct Ambross,
of hym-self as he mad sic lose:
“I ame,” he sade, “goddis awne wourde,
and I am his preciouss hurde,
I am fare, and almychty,
and haly israel am I;
and I am goddis saule,” he sade.
sic loiss on hym-self he laide.
and serpens als of brass he made
sterand, as þai lyf had hade,
And ymagis alss of brass and stane,
þat semyt to laucht all elane,
And, as semyt, gert hedis singe.
sa cuth he deile with trufinge.
ȝet ȝarnyt he, as lynus sais,
vith petir to disput nedwaise,
And als at he ware god, to schaw.
þan, þat to ger þe pupill knaw,
he ordanyt certane day and place.
þan þar, quhen petir cumyn wase,
he sad on hicht, þat all mycht heyre:
“pece be till ȝow, myn breþer dere,
þat luffis pess in worde and dede!”
þan symon sad: “we hawe no nede
of þi pece, bot-gyf þat pece be
and concorde, to fynd veryte
In-to na thing may be profyte.
for thesis amang þame pece parfyte
vill have; for-þi na pece it call,
bot batell Erare and striff with all;
for, quhene twa fechtis, pece sal be
quhen we þe tane vincust se.”
þan said petir: “quhy dredis þu


for to her me of pece spek now?
for of syn ay batal risise,
And pece is ay quhare na syne is,
And In disputing suthtfastnes,
And to wirk it is richysnese.”
þan sad symon: “lat vs þis be!
And opynly I sall schaw þe
þe micht of myn dewine poware,
and gere men mak to me prayere.
for I am þe firste wertow,
And in þe ayre als ma I now
fle, quhen I will, and treis mak,
And brede of harde stanis bake,
And in þe fyre be but hurting,
And do weile mare at my lyking.”
þan petir sa agayne hym wrocht,
At all sic spech he mad of nocht,
And all his sorcery vndide.
quehen symon saw he sa dide,
Na þat he mycht mak na resistence
Agan petir, no nan defence,
for dowt his craft vnhid suld be,
he kest his bukis in þe se,
And went to Rome, þat he mycht þare
as god be honorit forder-mare.
þar-of quhen petir witering hade,
he folawit on but mar abade,
Agan þat Terane for to stryfe.
and sowne he can at Rome arife,
Of goddis grace haile and fere,
of claudij þe firde ȝere,
and fyveten ȝere þar dwelling made.
and of þam, he with hym hade
To helpe hym—lyne and clet war þai—
of þame mad he biscopis twa;


þe tane of þame in þe Cite,
and þe toþer withowt to be.
and John Beleth in his buk sais,
þat sanct petir in þa daise
full besyly wes prechand þan,
and mony thowsand to criste wane,
and mony, bath seke and sare,
he helyt, to þat he was þare.
and chastite ay oure althinge
he prisit euir in his preching,
Sa þat fra Agrippe,
þat prefet was of þat Cite,
fowre concubynis he drew a-way,
and gerte þame trew in cristis lay,
and refuse þe entremetinge
forthir till have with agrippyn.
þar-for, þe prefet in gret Ire,
Enflammyt agannis hym as fyre,
socht Ithandly occasione
To bring hym to confusione.
SIn eftir can crist appere
To petir, at wes in sic were,
and sad: “symon and Nero ay
ar full pensyve how þai may
Confownd þe, bot drede na deile,
For I sal helpe þe wondire veill,
And paule, myn seruand, I sal sende
To confourt þe and till amende;
To morne at next but delay
he sal cum, I to þe say.”
þane petir west be þis but were,
As linus sais, his dede wes nere.
Amang all, quhare he can stande,
he had tane clement be þe hande,
and mad hym byschope; for þat he


ves worth to haf sic degre,
In sic Catheder he gerte hym sit,
agains his will, for his gret wit.
Cristis hecht for to fulfill,
þan paul to Rome com petir till,
And prechit cristis law but dowte
To paganis Richt fell and stowte.
Nero þat tyme, for fyn foly,
þis symon luffit sa tendirly,
wenand of lyf and heile þat he
had cure, of hym and þat Citte.
On a day, as sais leo,
quhen symon stud be-for Nero,
to dissawe hym in his wening,
he mad in his face oft changinge;
for he wald sudanly appere
a Richt auld man as he ware,
and eftir sone appere wald he
a fare ȝoung man þan to be.
quhen Nero þis had sene,
he wend goddis son he had bene.
and, as leo Recordis vs,
Symon þane sad to Nero þis:
“vorthiest Emperour! at þu
May knaw be pruf Richt weil now,
me suthfastis goddis son to be,
ger ane of þi men now hed me,
And I sal ryse þe third day,
to ger þe wit I suth say.”
þan Nero bad a man suld ga,
and strik symonis nek intwa.
and he went on but abade,
and wend þat he hym hedit hade,
þis Symon—bot a ram it wes
þat he slew in his lyknese.


sa be þe sorcery blynd wes he.
and Symon ȝed his gettis fre,
and sa þat Rame throw gylry hyde,
þat nane west quhat it betyde.
bot þe blud lay dais thre,
quhare þai wend hedit was he.
To nero þan þe thrid day
he present hym, and can say:
“ger wipe myn blud of ȝon stede,
quhare I for þe gert it be schede!
for, lo, as I vnhevdyt wes,
To ger þe knaw suthfastnese,
þe thrid day, as I sad to þe,
I am Resine, as þou ma se.”
and quhen nero þus ferly
saw, he fel in extesy,
and trowit wele þat he wes þan
verray goddis son and man.
Eftir þus, in quhat place,
quhare-nero fundyn wes,
þis symon, throw his sorcery,
apere til hym wald bodely,
and spek with hym; bot neuir-þe-less
þe fals fend in his liknese
vith þe pupill wald spek þarowte,
say þat al wend, but ony dowte,
goddis son þat he had ben,
his couerit falshed þat had sene.
ȜEt petir and paul neuir-þe-less,
as leo pape beris witnese,
Com be for nero, and vndide
al þe falshed þat symon dyde;
And als sad petir forthirmare:
“richt as in crist twa substance ar,
of god and man, þat is to say,


sa in þis symon dwellis ay
twa substance, þat is to wyt,
of devel and man, to-gyddir knete.”
þan, as leo and marcellus,
In þar bukis, tellis vs,
symon sad to nero þare:
“I will thole petir nomare,
bot I sall ger myn angelis tak
of hym reuengeance son and wrak.”
þan sad petir: “I dred rycht small
þine angelis.” “bot I dred me all,”
sad Nero; “has þou na drede
of hym at schawis his godhede,
In worde and wark sa verraly?”
þan petir answerit hym in hy:
“gyf þat god had in hym bene,
quhat I think to me he men,
or ellis quhat it is I do!
and I sal firste tell it þe to,
sa þu ma wit quhedir he
a lele man or a lear be.”
þane nero sad: “cum furth, and say
þi thoucht and ded but delay!”
þan petir rownyt in his Ere,
and bad ger bring hym bred of bere,
all preualy. and he did sa.
And preualy he can it ta,
and blissit it, and syne it lade
In his slefe, and þusgat sade:
“Nero, gyve Symon god be,
llat hym opynly say to þe,
quhat is thoucht or quhat is don!”
þan Symon answerit hym alson:
“Lat petir tel quhat I think now!”
þan petir sad: “I will þu trew


þat I sal tel bath thocht and dede
to nero—haf þer-of na drede!”
þan at a dedegne symon can cry:
“Cum furth, myn hundis, here in hy,
To wery petir!” Þan but mare
felloun hundis apperit þare,
and ruschyt to hym, Rycht as þai
suld hym have weryt but delay.
bot he schew þame þe blessit brede,
and þai swith fled of þat stede.
þan petir can to Nero say:
“þat I hecht, I haff don, perfay,
for I have schawit quhat he thocht,
In werk or word, or ellis ocht;
for he hecht at he suld gere
his angelis cum on me to were,
And with hell hundis has me socht;
bot angelis for hym wald do nocht.”
symon to petir and paul but were
sad: “gyf I may nocht noy ȝow here,
ve sal son cum quhare þat ȝe
on a day sal bath Iugit be;
bot as now I vill ȝov spare.”
þan Egissippus sais forthir mare,
and leo, at symon, throw pryde
avansand hym, sad in þat tyde,
þat he mycht rase men fra dede.
sa happinnyt þan in þat stede,
þar wes dede lyand a ȝong man;
and nero gaf sic sentence þane,
for to put end of þare strife,
þat he, þat mocht nocht bring to lyfe
þe body, þat lay þar þan dede,
suld de þarfor ine þat stede.
and þis sentence can thankfull hawe


symon and alss al þe lawe.
þan symon firste þe corse stud by,
And, throw his wekit sorcery,
till þame þat stud þar, gert apere
þat þe ded man his hevid can stere.
þan cryit all þat þis can se:
“Reson will petir stanyt be.”
þan petir þar sa sted wase,
þat narowly cuth he purchase
audience till he had sad his will.
þan þe pupill sad he till:
“gyf he liffis, he ma spek, and ga,
and oþir lifly taknis ma;
and gyf he na may, trewis trewly
þat ȝe se is all fantassy.
Lat symon on fer stand fra þe bede,
and ȝe sal se, I lay wede,
þe fendis craft son onhyde.”
þan is don as he can byde,
and þe body lay stan still.
and petir þar wit[h] dewot will
Stud on far, and praier made,
and cryit on hicht, quhen he don hade:
“þu ȝong man, ryse, I commawnd þe
In name of ihesu of nazare,
Our lord cryst, þat on corse wes don!”
þan rase þe dedman son,
and ȝed, as ewill he had nane.
þan wald þe pupile symon stane,
bot petir gert þame lat hyme be,
and sad þat schame Inucht had he,
“at of his craft has no mar mawcht;
and myn master alswa me taucht
for to do gud agan hyl.”
þan symon magus sad hym till:
“Petir and paul, I tel ȝow now,


þat ȝe wene, sal nocht fall ȝow,
at dingne marteris to be.”
þai answert and [said]: “It, þat we
ȝarne, sal fall ws, and na nothirwa[i]s;
for þu leis all þat þu sais.”
þan symon to marcellus In
held fast, or he wald blyne,
and band ane hell hound at his ȝete,
and to Marcell[us] sad þus gate:
“Now sal I se, gyf petir dare
Cum to me now, as he did ere.”
Þan to þe In of Marcelli
sanct petir sowne com in hy,
and sanyt hym with þe Rycht hand,
and syne þe hound losit of bande.
þan wes þe hound na thing wrath,
Na schup to do na man schath,
bot schot on symeon in-to brath,
and to þe ȝerde hym vndirnethe
Ruschit, and hym weryt hade,
na war petir hym forbade;
þe hunde þar rafe his clathis In hy,
and nathing levit on his body.
þan al þe folk, bot barnysce maste,
And þat hunde of þe town hym caste,
as he ane wolf had ben, or war.
for-þi þat ȝere he com nomar,
sic schent and schame at hart had he.
and fra marcellus þis can se,
he had þerof rycht mekil wondir;
and, for his master wes as vndir,
To sanct petir he com in hy.
And quhen a ȝer wes passit by,
symon to Nero com agane,
þat of his cumin wes rycht fane;


for lyk to lyk accordis wele.
And quhen þat symon þat can fele,
þat sa in dante had wes he,
Alson þe pupile assemblit he,
And mad gret playnt of þe schame,
of þe vilne, and of þe blame,
þat lytil befor tholit he
Of thame namyt of galele;
For-þi he sad þat he wes bowne
for þane and ay to leif þe towne,
at he defendit had fra skath
to þat tyme, and fra ruyne bath;
and alss disdenȝe, he sad, had he
In þis ȝerde langar for to be
with wordly men, for þai war ill.
þar-for a day he sat þame till,
vp in hewine quhen he suld fle.
and quhen þe day cumin wes, he
of þe capitale, in þe mast hecht,
he passit vpe, and his weyngis dycht,
and crownyt hym-self with lauream gren,
and flaw, as he a foule had bene.
Þane cane paul to petir say:
“To me it feris for to pray,
and þe to purches quhat þu will.”
þan nero sad þame twa till:
“Ȝone is a gud man, and a leile,
and falset is, at ȝe with dele.”
þan petir bad to paul þat he
suld dress his sicht vpe for to se.
and he with þat kist vpe þe sicht
and saw þe tyrand fle in hycht.


sad paule to petir: “quhy cesis þou
þat þu begouth to do Richt now?
for cryste, þat mad bath sone and mowne,
vs callis now with hym to wone.”
þane petir sad: “I coniour ȝow,
dewilis angelis, at beris now
þat wikit mane sa he on hicht,
throw þe grace, wertu, and mycht
of our lord Ihesu [Crist], at ȝe
ber hym no mar, bot let hym be.”
and sike ane fall þane he gat,
to þe ȝerde he tuk sic a swak,
þat harnise, and sched, & body, all
fruschit in peciss [w]vndir small.
þan quhen nero þis can se,
rycht passand wrath þar-of wes he,
þat he þat man had tint. For-þi,
to þe appostulis sad angrely
he sad: “suspeckit I haf ȝow batht,
for ȝe to me hass done gret schatht;
þar-for, in sampill of ewill dede
to wekit dede I sall ȝow lede;”
and bethaucht þame in handis þan
to paulyne, þat was a mychty man.
and syn þame deliuerit paulyne
In þe handis of Mamertyne,
þe quhilk gaff þame ine ȝemsale
of twa knychttis, þat war fell,
of þe quhilk procese wes ane,
and þe toþir callit wes Martyane,
þe quhilk petir nocht-þe-lese
Conuertit till he in presence wes.
and fra thay þe treutht had tane,
þai wald þe appostulis þine had gane;


and all war þai lath þar-to,
ȝet at þe laste þai cane sa do.
and fra nero persawinge hade,
þat petir knychttis cristine war made,
he gertt sla þame. and petir bowne
hym mad to pass of þe towne.
and quhen he come to þe ȝete
of þe cite, he met þar-at
Ihesu enterand, his master dere.
þane Petir þan at hym can spere:
“quhare gais þu, lord, now?” and hee
sad: “to Rome I ga, agane to be
one þe corse ȝet eft-sone done.”
and petir sad till hym alsone:
“dere lorde, sall þu ȝet be
eftir crucifit one þe tre?”
“ȝa,” sad he. and petir sone
sad, he wald one þe croise be done
with hym, and for-þi wald he
turne agayne with hym to þe cite.
quhen þis wes sad, petir west wele
þat he of dede þe payne suld feile;
for he saw cryst in þat sythware
pas in hewine quhare he wes ar.
Þane petir gretand þis tale
till his brethir tald all hale.
sone nero till Agrippe
gert petir deliuerit be;
And, as leo sais, þane his face
þane þe sone fer brichtair wes.
þe prefet sad: “is þu nocht he,
þat sa gretly delittis þe
In wemen, at þu drawis fra
þare husbandis, þame chast to ma?”
þane petir cane þe prefet wit,


and sad, þat he had na delit
bot in Ihesu cristis croice.
þane þe prefet with he woce
gaf sentence sone, þat he suld be,
as criste wes, crucifit on þe tre,
for þat he wes bot a cumlyne.
and of sanct paule he commandit syn,
þat he suld swith hedit be,
for citesane of þame wes he.
and dynise sais: “quha had ben þar,
of ned his hart suld have ben sar
þat fellone Iugment to heyre,
þat on þe appostulis gewin wer.”
and paganis and Iowis fellely
buffit þame dispituisly,
and spyt in þare facis þat wer cler.
and quhen þat awfull our com ner
of þar end, as quhen þai
þe deit of dede suld one pay,
how tyrandis þan one tyrandis band,
quhar-one all þe warld suld stand;
bot crist[i]ne men þat saw þis thinge,
faste cuth gret with ser sichinge.
and quhen þai suld twyne nedway,
paule to petir þus cane say:
“pece be to þe, grownd-wall,
and hyrde of goddis hersale all!”
And petir till hym þis can say:
“and þu, dere brothir, far wele ay,
prechour of god and mediatour,
lledar of heile and saweoure!”
Þay ware nocht slane in-to a stede.
bot petir furth haf þai lede
sone to þe croice, quhar þat he,
fore cristis sak, suld martir be.


fra he it saw, þus can he mele:
“quhen myn lord Ihesu, for oure heile
þat in þis ȝerd com fra hewine,
vp-one þe croice wes nalit done
vp þe hevid; bot one þat wiss me
feris nocht on it hangit be;
bot, sene he will I cum hym till
fra erde to hewin, it is myn will
one þe croice to be festnyt swa,
myn fet vp-wart, þat I ma ga
to ihesu criste, þat myn lord is,
with hym to wine in-to his b[l]ise.”
þe folk of rome, þat lele war,
to se þat sicht þar gadrit war;
for þai sa Increly ware hete,
þat þai nero and þe prefete
wald hafe slane, and petir mad fre
to ga quhar hym laste to be.
bot he requeste to þame can may,
þat þai be na way suld do say,
Na for to lat his passione,
þat to resawe he wes þan bown.
and, as tellis Egissippus,
and als as linus sais till ws,
þat of fele folk, at sorowfull ware,
stannand before petir with hart sare,
In þat howre god hopnyt þar ewyn,
and his angelis þat þai haf sene,
full thik a-bowt sanct petir stand,
with lely and rose-cronis in hand,
and brocht fra criste to hym a buk,
þe quhilk he full blithfull tuk,
and all þe wordis petir one rad,
þat he prechit in þat stede.
and in þe croice þis word sad he:


“lord, I ȝarnyt to folow þe,
bot crucifit durste I nocht now
be vpe-rycht, as wes þu;
for þu is richt and vpracht,
and of our-selfe haf we na maucht;
Adam till ws, his sonnis, lewyt
bowand to þe ȝerde to hawe þe hed;
and in our birth we ar owt ȝet
þe hed before done to þe fete.
der lord, þu art all, think me,
and but þe na thing ma be.
I ȝeld þe thank with harte and will,
þat I had grace to serve the till.
and þer leile folkis, at rewis me,
swet Ihesu, I pray It þe,
haf commendit. And þis he ȝalde
þe spyrit, of god in-to þe halde.
and his discipill marcellus
and his comper apuleus
tuk done his corss, and honorabli
wand it with clathis and spycery,
and laid it in grawe, as was skill
to do sa worthy relyk till.