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Amorea, The Lost Lover

Or The Idea of Love and Misfortune. Being Poems, Sonets, Songs, Odes, Pastoral, Elegies, Lyrick Poems, and Epigrams. Never before printed. Written by Pathericke Jenkin

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To my dear friend Mr. P. J. on his Amorea.
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To my dear friend Mr. P. J. on his Amorea.

Thou dost not writ of Armies, or of Fights,
Of Monsters, Giants, nor of armed Knights,
Nor how great Ladies did in Castles lie,
By strange adventures, gaining libertie,
No dreadfull Battells thou discrib'st for fear,
It should be harsh to any Ladies eare,
Nor dost thou sing of Travells, that may bring
Truth in suspition: thou dost not sing
Of strange prodigious Monsters, whose birth,
Without production sprung from the earth,
No, those poor Rabbles thou dost scorn too touch'
Thy fancie flyeth to a higher pitch.
Thy passion being fired from above,
Thou sing'st that noble, noble passion Love.
A. Mathews.