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An Abridgeme[n]t of all the Canonical books of the olde Testament
written in Sternholds meter by VV. Samuel
Samuel, William (fl. 1551-1569)
The Preface.
Sophtim: Iudicum: Iudges.
The book of Esther.
The book of Iob.
The Psalmes of Dauid.
The Prouerbs of Salomon.
The book of the Preacher.
The Canticles of Salomon.
Esay the Prophet
The Prophecy of Ieremy.
The Lamentation of Ieremy
The Prophecy of Ezechiel
The Prophecy of Daniel.
The Prophecy of Hosea.
The Prophecy of Ioel.
The Prophecy of Amos.
The Prophecy of Obadiah.
The Prophecy of Ionas.
The Prophecy of Michah.
The Prophecy of Nahum.
The Prophecy of Abacuck.
The Prophecy of Sophoniah.
The Prophecy of Haggay.
The Prophecy of Zachariah.
The Prophecy of Malachy.
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An Abridgeme[n]t of all the Canonical books of the olde Testament
In. G. Ex. L. N. and D,
The five bookes of
contayned bee.
An Abridgeme[n]t of all the Canonical books of the olde Testament